Source code for scheduler

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import six
import os
import inspect
import importlib

[docs]class Scheduler(object): ''' Allow to submit, kill and get the status of jobs. The Scheduler class is an abstract class which specifies the jobs management API. It has several implementations, located in ``soma_workflow.schedulers.*_scheduler``. A scheduler implementation class can be retrived using the global function :func:`get_scheduler_implementation`, or instantiated using :func:`build_scheduler`. New schedulers can be written to support computing resources types that are currently not supported (a cluster with a DRMS which has no DRMAA implementation typicalyly). The various methods of the Scheduler API have to be overloaded in this case. ''' parallel_job_submission_info = None logger = None is_sleeping = None def __init__(self): self.parallel_job_submission_info = None self.is_sleeping = False def sleep(self): self.is_sleeping = True def wake(self): self.is_sleeping = False def clean(self): pass
[docs] def job_submission(self, job): ''' Submit a Soma-Workflow job Parameters ---------- job: EngineJob Job to be submitted Returns ------- job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example, or native DRMS identifier) ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def get_job_status(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) Returns ------- status: string Job status as defined in constants.JOB_STATUS ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def get_job_exit_info(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' The exit info consists of 4 values returned in a tuple: **exit_status**: string one of the constants.JOB_EXIT_STATUS values **exit_value**: int exit code of the command (normally 0 in case of success) **term_sig**: int termination signal, 0 IF ok **resource_usage**: bytes bytes string in the shape ``b'cpupercent=60 mem=13530kb cput=00:00:12'`` etc. Items may include: * cpupercent * cput * mem * vmem * ncpus * walltime Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) Returns ------- exit_info: tuple exit_status, exit_value, term_sig, resource_usage ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] def kill_job(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' Parameters ---------- scheduler_job_id: string Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs] @classmethod def build_scheduler(cls, config): ''' Create a scheduler of the expected type, using configuration to parameterize it. Parameters ---------- config: Configuration configuration object instance ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!")
[docs]def get_scheduler_implementation(scheduler_type): ''' Get the scheduler class implementation corresponding to the expected one. Parameters ---------- scheduler_type: str scheduler type: 'drmaa', 'drmaa2', 'local_basic', 'mpi', or other custom scheduler Returns ------- scheduler_class: Scheduler subclass ''' from . import schedulers if scheduler_type == 'local_basic': scheduler_type = 'local' sched_dir = os.path.dirname(schedulers.__file__) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sched_dir, '' % scheduler_type)): sched_mod = '%s_scheduler' % scheduler_type # try: module = importlib.import_module('.%s' % sched_mod, 'soma_workflow.schedulers') sched_list = [] # if there is a __main_scheduler__, just use it scheduler = getattr(module, '__main_scheduler__', None) if scheduler is not None: return scheduler for element in six.itervalues(module.__dict__): if element in sched_list: continue # avoid duplicates if inspect.isclass(element) and element is not Scheduler \ and issubclass(element, Scheduler): sched_list.append(element) if element.__name__.lower() == ('%sscheduler' % scheduler_type).lower(): # fully matching return element if len(sched_list) == 1: # unambiguous return sched_list[0] if len(sched_list) == 0: print('Warning: module soma_workflow.schedulers.%s contains ' 'no scheduler:' % sched_mod) else: print('Warning: module soma_workflow.schedulers.%s contains ' 'several schedulers:' % sched_mod) print([s.__name__ for s in sched_list]) # except ImportError: raise NameError('scheduler type %s is not found' % scheduler_type)
[docs]def build_scheduler(scheduler_type, config): ''' Create a scheduler of the expected type, using configuration to parameterize it. Parameters ---------- scheduler_type: string type of scheduler to be built config: Configuration configuration object Returns ------- scheduler: Scheduler Scheduler instance ''' scheduler_class = get_scheduler_implementation(scheduler_type) scheduler = scheduler_class.build_scheduler(config) return scheduler
[docs]def get_schedulers_list(): ''' List all available installed schedulers Returns ------- schedulers: list schedulers list. Each item is a tuple (name, enabled) ''' from . import schedulers dirname = os.path.dirname(schedulers.__file__) sched_files = os.listdir(dirname) schedulers = [] for sched_file in sched_files: if sched_file.endswith(''): sched_mod = sched_file[:-3] enabled = True try: module = importlib.import_module('.%s' % sched_mod, 'soma_workflow.schedulers') except NotImplementedError: continue # skip not implemented / unfinished ones except Exception: enabled = False if sched_mod == 'local_scheduler': sched_mod = 'local_basic_scheduler' sched = sched_mod[:-10] schedulers.append((sched, enabled)) return schedulers