BrainVISA News



December 2021, new BrainVISA release: 5.0.4

Bug-fix release: * various fixes in aims, anatomist, axon, capsul… * fixed brainvisa (axon) docs not present in 5.0.3 packages * Fixed use of libjxr in Openslide format support

October 2021, new BrainVISA release: 5.0.3

Bug-fix release: * Fixes in Aims libraries (Mesher, AimsRegisterFFDEstimate, AimsTex2Vol) * Minor improvements in aims docs * Fixes in Anatomist: crash in Fusion3D using more than 2 volumes, folds split, CutMesh referentials issue, … * Detailed doc about palettes and texturing in Anatomist * Fixed processes doc given in axon-runprocess

June 2021, new BrainVISA release: 5.0.2

Fixes for the following issues: * unable to read Nifti files whose name is shorter than 7 characters. * all commands fail to start with nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: nvml error: driver not loaded. * Spurious ‘s in BrainVISA process documentations * aimsalgo.resampleBucket() has a bug * Uncatched exceptions that occurs in BrainVISA lead to a crash of the application * Missing includes dependency in Makefiles * Opening Graph file by clicking the “eye” button crashes BrainVISA * returns all-NaN transformation matrices

January 2021, new BrainVISA release: 5.0.0

  • Brings a new installation method as virtual containers or virtual machines.
  • Morphologist sulci identification is using a new method (based on deep learning CNNs)
  • Many smaller improvements and fixes

See the BrainVISA Changelog for more details.