Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
# French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
# terms of the CeCILL license version 2 as circulated by CEA, CNRS
# and INRIA at the following URL "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
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# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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@author: Dominique Geffroy
@organization: U{NeuroSpin<>} and U{IFR 49<>}
@license: U{CeCILL version 2<>}

from __future__ import absolute_import
from import Parameter
from import NotImplementedEditor
from import WriteDiskItem
from import LabelSelectionEditor
from brainvisa.processes import defaultContext
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
import soma.minf.api as minf
import soma.subprocess
import six


[docs]class LabelSelection(Parameter): """ Select labels in a nomenclature. """ def __init__(self, model=None, nomencl=None, **kwargs): Parameter.__init__(self) self.value = kwargs.get('value', {}) self.fileDI = kwargs.get('fileDI', WriteDiskItem('Labels selection', 'selection')) self.file = None if model: self.value['model'] = model if nomencl: self.value['nomenclature'] = nomencl def __str__(self): return "{ 'value' : " + repr( self.value ) \ + ", 'fileDI' : WriteDiskItem( " + repr( ) \ + ", " + repr(self.fileDI.formats) + " ) }" def findValue(self, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = LabelSelection(**eval(value)) return value def editor(self, parent, name, context): return LabelSelectionEditor(self, parent, name) def listEditor(self, parent, name, context): return NotImplementedEditor(parent) def getAutoSelection(self): model = self.value.get('model') nom = self.value.get('nomenclature') fsel = self.file psel = self.value.get('selection') cmd = ['AimsLabelSelector', '-b'] if model: cmd += ['-m', model] if nom: cmd += ['-n', nom] if psel: cmd += ['-p', '-'] elif fsel: cmd += ['-p', fsel.fullPath()] if neuroConfig.platform == 'windows': pipe = soma.subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=soma.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=soma.subprocess.PIPE) else: pipe = soma.subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=soma.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=soma.subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stdin = pipe.stdout, pipe.stdin if(psel): stdin.write(psel) stdin.flush() s = stdin.close() stdout.close() return s def writeSelection(self, context=None): if context is None: context = defaultContext() s = self.getAutoSelection().decode('utf-8') if not self.file: self.file = context.temporary('selection') try: f = open(self.file.fullPath(), 'w') except IOError: context.write('<b><font color="#c00000">Warning:</font></b> ' 'writeSelection: file', self.file.fullPath(), "can't be written<br>") self.file = context.temporary('selection') f = open(self.file.fullPath(), 'w') f.write(s) f.close() return s def isValid(self): if not self.file: return False m = minf.readMinf(self.file.fullPath()) m = m[0] if len(m) == 0 or (len(m) == 1 and list(m.keys())[0] == '__syntax__'): return False return True