Source code for brainvisa.history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
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# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import time
import shutil
from glob import glob
import weakref
import types
from gzip import open as gzipOpen
import threading

from soma.minf.api import writeMinf
from soma.uuid import Uuid
from soma.translation import translate as _
from soma.undefined import Undefined
from soma.minf.api import readMinf
from soma import safemkdir

from brainvisa.processing import neuroLog
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from import neuroHierarchy
from brainvisa.processing import neuroException
from import WriteDiskItem
from import DiskItem
from brainvisa.processes import defaultContext
import six
import sys

minfHistory = 'brainvisa-history_2.0'

_sessionIDs = {}
_sessionsLock = threading.RLock()

[docs]def sessionId(database): ''' Manage an id / database in order to give an id for each bvsession. ''' global _sessionIDs global _sessionsLock #_sessionsLock.lock() if database is None: # return Uuid() return neuroConfig.sessionID _sessionsLock.acquire() try: idDb = _sessionIDs.get(database, None) if idDb is None: idDb = Uuid() _sessionIDs[database] = idDb return idDb finally: # _sessionsLock.acquire() _sessionsLock.release()
[docs]class HistoryBook(object): ''' An L{HistoryBook} contains some L{HistoricalEvent}. ''' _allBooks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __new__(cls, directory=None, database=None, dirBvsession=None, compression=False): book = HistoryBook._allBooks.get(directory) if book is None: book = object.__new__(cls) HistoryBook._allBooks[directory] = book return book def __init__(self, directory=None, database=None, dirBvsession=None, compression=False): if hasattr(self, '_HistoryBook__dir'): # self has already been created but __init__ is always # called after __new__ return if dirBvsession is None: dirBvsession = os.path.join(directory, 'bvsession') self.uuid = Uuid() self.__compression = compression if not os.path.isdir(directory): safemkdir.makedirs(directory) self.__dir = directory self.__database = database if not os.path.isdir(dirBvsession): safemkdir.makedirs(dirBvsession) self.__dirBvsession = dirBvsession def storeEvent(self, event, compression=None, storeBvproc=False): if isinstance(event, ProcessExecutionEvent): # Store an event corresponding to current BrainVISA session # if it is not already done. bvsessionEvent = self.findEvent(event.content['bvsession'], None) if bvsessionEvent is None: bvsessionEvent = BrainVISASessionEvent() if self.__database is not None: bvsessionEvent.setCurrentBrainVISASession( sessionId( else: # no database bvsessionEvent.setCurrentBrainVISASession( sessionId(self.__dirBvsession)) # bvsessionEvent.setCurrentBrainVISASession( sessionId( # None ) ) self.storeEvent(bvsessionEvent) if compression is None: compression = self.__compression if event.eventType == "bvsession": eventFileName = os.path.join( self.__dirBvsession, str(event.uuid) + '.' + event.eventType) # eventFileName = os.path.join( self.__dirBvsession, str( # sessionId( ) ) + '.' + event.eventType ) elif event.eventType == "bvproc": timeNameDirectory = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()) eventDirectory = os.path.join(self.__dir, timeNameDirectory) if not os.path.exists(eventDirectory): safemkdir.mkdir(eventDirectory) eventFileName = os.path.join( eventDirectory, str(event.uuid) + '.' + event.eventType), compression, storeBvproc) def findEvent(self, uuid, default=Undefined): try: fileName = self._findEventFileName(uuid) except ValueError: if default is Undefined: raise return default return readMinf(fileName)[0] def _findEventFileName(self, uuid): eventFilePattern = os.path.join(self.__dir, str(uuid) + '.*') l = glob(eventFilePattern) if l: return l[0] raise ValueError(_('History book %(book)s does not contain event %(uuid)s') % {'book': six.text_type(self), 'uuid': str(uuid)}) def removeEvent(self, uuid): os.remove(self._findEventFileName(uuid)) @staticmethod def getHistoryBookDirectories(item): if item is None: return (None, None, None) historyBook = None db = None if hasattr(neuroConfig, 'historyBookDirectory'): # used for distributed executions historyBook = neuroConfig.historyBookDirectory dirBvsession = None if not historyBook: database = item.getHierarchy('_database') if database: db = neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database) if db is not None and db.activate_history: historyBook = os.path.join(database, 'history_book') # ini the bvSession Directory di = WriteDiskItem('Bvsession', 'Directory') dirBvsession = str(di.findValue({'_database': database})) sessionId(database) if isinstance(historyBook, six.string_types): historyBook = [historyBook] return (historyBook, db, dirBvsession) @staticmethod def storeProcessStart(executionContext, process): historyBooksContext = {} for parameterized, attribute, type in process.getAllParameters(): if isinstance(type, WriteDiskItem): item = getattr(parameterized, attribute) historyBooks, db, dirBvsession = HistoryBook.getHistoryBookDirectories( item) if historyBooks: for historyBook in historyBooks: # event = None if not os.path.exists(historyBook): safemkdir.mkdir(historyBook) historyBook = HistoryBook( historyBook, db, dirBvsession, compression=True) dHistoryBook = {} historyBooksContext.setdefault(historyBook, dHistoryBook)[ item.fullPath()] = (item, item.modificationHash()) event = None if historyBooksContext: for book in six.iterkeys(historyBooksContext): event = executionContext.createProcessExecutionEvent() if book.__database is not None: event.setBvsession(sessionId( else: # no database, use the dirBvsession instead of the database name # self.__dirBvsession # event.setBvsession(sessionId( None ) ) event.setBvsession(sessionId(book.__dirBvsession)) dirBook = historyBooksContext.get(book).copy() dirBook["processExcutionEvent"] = event historyBooksContext[book] = dirBook book.storeEvent(event) event._logItem = executionContext._lastStartProcessLogItem return event, historyBooksContext @staticmethod def storeProcessFinished(executionContext, process, event, historyBooksContext): for book, items in six.iteritems(historyBooksContext): historyBooksContext[book].get('processExcutionEvent').setLog( historyBooksContext[book].get('processExcutionEvent')._logItem) changedItems = [] g = six.itervalues(items) for i in g: if not isinstance(i, ProcessExecutionEvent): val = [j for j in i] if val[1] != val[0].modificationHash(): changedItems.append(val[0]) historyBooksContext[book].get('processExcutionEvent').content[ 'modified_data'] = [six.text_type(item) for item in changedItems] book.storeEvent(historyBooksContext[book].get( 'processExcutionEvent'), storeBvproc=True) # update the the lastHistoricalEvent of each diskitems for item in changedItems: # need to test if the path of the item is compatible with the book (coming from the same database) otherwise # we could set a wrong uuid for lasthistoricalEvent head, tail = [os.path.normcase(x) for x in os.path.split(book.__dir)] listToCompare = [head, os.path.normcase(str(item))] compare = os.path.commonprefix(listToCompare) if (tail == "history_book" and compare == head): try: item.setMinf('lastHistoricalEvent', historyBooksContext[ book].get('processExcutionEvent').uuid) except Exception: neuroException.showException()
[docs]class HistoricalEvent(object): """ """ def __init__(self, uuid=None): if uuid is None: uuid = Uuid() self.uuid = uuid def save(self, eventFileName, compression=False, storeBvproc=False): close = True writeMinFile = False bvProcDiskItem = None if not hasattr(eventFileName, 'write'): if compression: eventFile = gzipOpen(eventFileName, mode='w') else: eventFile = open(eventFileName, mode='w') else: eventFile = eventFileName close = False writeMinf(eventFile, (self, ), reducer=minfHistory) if self.eventType == 'bvproc': if storeBvproc: # move the bvproc if the time is new timeNameDirectory = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()) s = os.stat(eventFileName) fileDate = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(s.st_mtime)) if fileDate != timeNameDirectory: eventDirectory = os.path.join( self.__dir, timeNameDirectory) if not os.path.exists(eventDirectory): safemkdir.mkdir(eventDirectory) newFile = os.path.join( eventDirectory, os.path.basename(eventFileName)) shutil.move(eventFileName, newFile) bvProcDiskItem = WriteDiskItem( 'Process execution event', 'Process execution event').findValue(eventFileName) else: bvProcDiskItem = WriteDiskItem( 'Process execution event', 'Process execution event').findValue(eventFileName) elif self.eventType == 'bvsession': bvProcDiskItem = WriteDiskItem( 'BrainVISA session event', 'BrainVISA session event').findValue(eventFileName) if bvProcDiskItem is not None: minf = {} minf['uuid'] = self.uuid bvProcDiskItem.saveMinf(minf) database = bvProcDiskItem.getHierarchy('_database') if database: db = neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database) db.insertDiskItem(bvProcDiskItem, update=True) # else : # defaultContext().warning("No diskitem found for BrainVISA session event # or Process execution event") if close: eventFile.close()
[docs]class ProcessExecutionEvent(HistoricalEvent): """ This object enables to store the state of a :py:class:`Process` instance in a dictionary format. """ eventType = 'bvproc' def __init__(self, uuid=None, content={}): HistoricalEvent.__init__(self, uuid) self.content = {} self.content.update(content) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.uuid, self.content) def setBvsession(self, uuid): self.content['bvsession'] = uuid def setProcess(self, process): process.saveStateInDictionary(self.content) def setWindow(self, processView): self.content['window'] = { 'position': [processView.x(), processView.y()], 'size': [processView.width(), processView.height()], #'state': processView.windowState(), } def setLog(self, log): if log: if isinstance(log, neuroLog.LogFile.Item): log._expand({}) self.content['log'] = [log] else: self.content['log'] = list( neuroLog.expandedReader(log.fileName)) def __str__(self): if self.content.get('id', None): return 'bvproc<' + str(self.uuid) + ',' + self.content['id'] + '>' else: return str(self.content)
class BrainVISASessionEvent(HistoricalEvent): eventType = 'bvsession' # def __init__( self, uuid=None, content={}, database): def __init__(self, uuid=None, content={}): HistoricalEvent.__init__(self, uuid) self.content = content.copy() def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.uuid, self.content) def setCurrentBrainVISASession(self, uuidDb): self.content['version'] = neuroConfig.versionString() self.uuid = uuidDb # if uuidDb is not None: # self.uuid = uuidDb # else: # self.uuid = Uuid() # self.uuid = neuroConfig.sessionID if neuroConfig.brainvisaSessionLogItem: neuroConfig.brainvisaSessionLogItem._expand({}) self.content['log'] = [neuroConfig.brainvisaSessionLogItem] def __str__(self): return 'bvsession<' + str(self.uuid) + '>'