Source code for brainvisa.processing.axon_fso_to_fom

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from brainvisa.axon import processes
from brainvisa import processes as procbv
# from import neuroData
# from import neuroDiskItems
from import ReadDiskItem
from import WriteDiskItem
# from traits import api as traits
from import neuroHierarchy
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import yaml
import json
from six.moves import range
from collections import OrderedDict
from . import axon_to_capsul
import six

[docs]class AxonFsoToFom(object): ''' Converter for Axon hierarchies (File System Ontologies) to CAPSUL/Soma-Base FOM (File Organization Model). Converts parameters for a given process according to rules taken from actual data: a main input data is used for Axon completion, then all parameters are analyzed and converted to FOM entries. ''' def __init__(self, init_fom_def=OrderedDict(), formats_fom={}): ''' Parameters ---------- init_fom_def: dict or (preferably) collections.OrderedDict FOM to be completed. An existing one may be used, otherwise a new FOM dictionary is created. formats_fom: dict or collections.OrderedDict Formats and formats lists definitions to be used. They are expected to match Axon formats and formats lists definitions. ''' self.current_fom_def = init_fom_def self.formats_fom = formats_fom def _find_rule(self, item): ''' Find Axon FSO rule for a given distitem ''' database_name = item.get('_database') if not database_name: print(item, 'not in any database.') return (None, {}) name_in_db =[len(database_name) + 1:] database = neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database_name) rules = database.fso.typeToPatterns.get(item.type, None) attribs = item.hierarchyAttributes() for rule in rules: m = rule.pattern.match(name_in_db, attribs) if m: return (rule, m) return (None, {}) def _get_fom_formats(self, formats): ''' Get FOM format definiton name in format FOM, adding it in format FOM it it is not found in it. Formats lists are handled. ''' formats_lists = self.formats_fom.get('format_lists', {}) fnames = set([ for f in formats]) # special case of Directory format if len(fnames) >= 2 and 'Directory' in fnames: fnames.remove('Directory') for flist_name, flist in six.iteritems(formats_lists): if set(flist) == fnames: return flist_name all_formats = self.formats_fom.setdefault('formats', {}) # complete global formats list for format in formats: if == 'Directory' and not in fnames: continue if not in all_formats: all_formats[] \ = self._extensions_from_format(format)[0] return list(fnames) def _extensions_from_format(self, format): ''' File extensions for a given Axon Format ''' exts = [] for pattern in format.patterns.patterns: sp = pattern.pattern.split('|') if len(sp) != 2: print('malformed pattern for format:', format, ':', pattern) continue t, p = sp x = p.split('*.') if len(x) == 1: exts.append('') else: exts.append(x[-1]) return exts def _translate_param_name(self, process, name): ''' Translate a parameter name for a given process into the resulting one in Capsul pipeline. By default, just output the input name. ''' return name def _transform_rule(self, rule, matched_attr, input_attr): ''' Generates the FOM rule frol FSO rule and attributes Parameters ---------- rule: FSO rule matched_attr: dict FSO attributes that made the rule match input_attr: dict input attributes and values Returns ------- fom_pattern: string fom_added_attr: dict new attributes used in the rule, not in input_attr defaults: dict default attribute values used in the rule ''' rule_attribs = dict([(k, '<%s>' % k) for k in matched_attr.keys()]) non_transformed = ['filename_variable', ] # such attributes are not considered attributes: take their real value for k in non_transformed: value = matched_attr.get(k) if value is not None: rule_attribs[k] = value fom_pattern = rule.pattern.unmatch(rule_attribs, {}) fom_added_attr = {} defaults = {} for k, value in six.iteritems(matched_attr): if k not in input_attr and k not in non_transformed: if k in rule.defaultAttributesValues: defaults[k] = {'default_value': rule.defaultAttributesValues[k]} else: fom_added_attr[k] = value return fom_pattern, fom_added_attr, defaults
[docs] def fso_to_fom(self, proc_name, node_name, data): ''' Transform a process or pipeline parameters into FOM rules. This is the main function in the class. Subprocesses of a pipeline will be added to the FOM too. Parameters ---------- proc_name: string identifier of the Axon process node_name: string name to be used in the FOM data: string input data (file name) for the first input param opf the process. It will be used to perform Axon completion, then to get values and patterns for all parameters. Thus it must be a valid input data, existing in an Axon database. Returns ------- new_fom_def: collections.OrderedDict new FOM definition (also found in self.current_fom_def) default_atts: dict attributes which have default values. Also adde in the FOM, in the "attribute_definitions" section. ''' # print(proc_name, node_name, data) process = procbv.getProcessInstance(proc_name) signature = process.signature for name, param in six.iteritems(signature): if isinstance(param, ReadDiskItem): break else: raise ValueError('No ReadDiskItem in signature of process %s' % proc_name) # print('process %s, set param: %s' % (proc_name, name)) setattr(process, name, data) value = getattr(process, name) if value is None: raise ValueError( 'The input value for param %s.%s could not be set (using: %s)' % (node_name, name, data)) input_rule, input_attr = self._find_rule(value) self._done_params = set() self.current_fom_def, default_atts = self._fso_to_fom_parse( process, node_name, input_attr) node_names = {} self._process_nodes_fso_to_fom(process, node_name, default_atts, input_attr, node_names) del self._done_params return self.current_fom_def, default_atts
def _fso_to_fom_parse(self, process, node_name, input_attr, current_fom_def=None): ''' Parse a single Axon process parameters and generate FOM rules for them. Parameters must all be already set. Doesn't handle children of a pipeline. ''' if current_fom_def is None: current_fom_def = self.current_fom_def proc_fom = current_fom_def.setdefault(node_name, OrderedDict()) signature = process.signature default_atts = OrderedDict() for name, param in six.iteritems(signature): if not isinstance(param, ReadDiskItem): # skip this param continue param_name = self._translate_param_name(process, name) value = getattr(process, name) # print(' %s.%s: %s' % (node_name, name, value)) if value is None: continue if self._check_and_mark_done(process, name): # print('already done:', process, name) continue database_name = value.get('_database') rule, matched_attr = self._find_rule(value) if rule is None: continue database = neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database_name) if == 'shared': fom_type = 'shared' elif self._is_output(process, name, param): fom_type = 'output' else: fom_type = 'input' fom_rule, fom_added_attr, added_defaults \ = self._transform_rule(rule, matched_attr, input_attr) default_atts.update(added_defaults) fom_format = self._get_fom_formats(param.formats) fom_pattern = [['%s:%s' % (fom_type, fom_rule), fom_format]] if fom_added_attr: fom_pattern[0].append(fom_added_attr) proc_fom[param_name] = fom_pattern if len(proc_fom) == 0: del current_fom_def[node_name] return current_fom_def, default_atts def _is_output(self, process, param_name, param): ''' Checks if a given Axon process parameter is an output. ''' if isinstance(param, WriteDiskItem): return True # check if this input is connected to an upstream output linkdefs = process._links.get(param_name) if linkdefs is not None: for linkdef in linkdefs: other_proc, other_param_name = linkdef[:2] if other_proc is None \ or other_proc == axon_to_capsul.use_weak_ref(process): # internal link, doesn't count continue other_param = other_proc.signature[other_param_name] if isinstance(other_param, WriteDiskItem) \ and getattr(process, param_name) \ == getattr(other_proc, other_param_name): return True return False def _check_and_mark_done(self, process, param_name): ''' Set param_name parameter of process process into processed list. Links are followed recursively to avoid having another parameter duplicating the current one. Returns ------- True if the parameter was already in the done list, False otherwise ''' proc_ref = axon_to_capsul.use_weak_ref(process) if (proc_ref, param_name) in self._done_params: return True stack = [(proc_ref, param_name)] value = getattr(process, param_name) while stack: cprocess, cparam_name = stack.pop(0) self._done_params.add((cprocess, cparam_name)) # propagate through links links = cprocess()._links.get(cparam_name, []) for link in links: other_end = (axon_to_capsul.use_weak_ref(link[0]), link[1]) if other_end[0] is not None \ and getattr(other_end[0](), link[1]) == value \ and other_end not in self._done_params: stack.append(other_end) return False def _process_nodes_fso_to_fom(self, process, node_name, default_atts, input_attr, node_names): ''' Walks a pipeline tree structure and adds all its children to the FOM ''' if not hasattr(process, 'executionNode') \ or process.executionNode() is None: return # not a pipeline nodes = [(process.executionNode(), node_name, self.current_fom_def)] while nodes: node, current_node_name, current_fom_def = nodes.pop(0) if isinstance(node, procbv.ProcessExecutionNode): new_def, added_default_atts = self._fso_to_fom_parse( node._process, current_node_name, input_attr, current_fom_def) default_atts.update(added_default_atts) else: for child_name in node.childrenNames(): child = node.child(child_name) if isinstance(child, procbv.ProcessExecutionNode): new_node_name = axon_to_capsul.make_node_name( '.'.join([current_node_name, child_name]), node_names, None) else: new_node_name = current_node_name nodes.append((child, new_node_name, current_fom_def))
[docs]def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict): ''' ''' class OrderedLoader(Loader): pass def construct_mapping(loader, node): loader.flatten_mapping(node) return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node)) OrderedLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping) return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
# usage example: # ordered_load(stream, yaml.SafeLoader)
[docs]def ordered_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=yaml.Dumper, **kwds): ''' ''' class OrderedDumper(Dumper): pass def _dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, list(data.items())) OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer) return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
# usage: # ordered_dump(data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
[docs]def fso_to_fom_main(argv): ''' Main FSO hierarchy to FOM conversion for one or several processes. Contains an argument parser for the __main__ function. ''' basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for i in range(3): basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir) foms_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'share', 'foms') def_formats_fom = os.path.join(foms_dir, 'brainvisa-formats-3.2.0.json') parser = ArgumentParser( description='Convert an Axon FSO hierarchy into FOM entries, for ' 'given Axon processes.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--process', dest='process', action='append', help='input process ID. Ex: NobiasHistoAnalysis. Several -p options ' 'are allowed. Processes may be specified as id,name (no space) to ' 'force a new name') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', help='output FOM rules files') parser.add_argument('-a', '--append', action='store_true', help='append output to the end of an existing FOM file') parser.add_argument('-d', '--data', dest='data', help='input data file for process 1st arg (ex: ' '/home/bob/bvdata/center/subject01/t1mri/default_acquisition/subject01.nii') parser.add_argument('-f', '--formats', dest='formats', help='formats FOM file [default: %s]' % def_formats_fom) parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest='fom_name', help='set this FOM name [default: output file name]') parser.add_argument('-F', '--Formats', dest='output_formats', help='output file name for updated formats FOM') args = parser.parse_args(argv) # from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig # neuroConfig.ignoreValidation = True processes.initializeProcesses() append = args.append fom_def = OrderedDict() if args.append: fom_def = ordered_load(open(args.output)) if args.formats: formats = args.formats else: formats = None fom_imports = fom_def.get('fom_import') if fom_imports: formats_list = [x for x in fom_imports if x.find('formats') >= 0] if len(formats_list) >= 1: formats = os.path.join(foms_dir, formats_list[0] + '.json') if not formats: formats = def_formats_fom if formats: print('using formats FOM:', formats) formats_fom = ordered_load(open(formats)) else: print('NO formats FOM !') # raise RuntimeError('No formats FOM') formats_fom = {} fom_name = args.fom_name if 'fom_name' not in fom_def or fom_name is not None: if fom_name is None: fom_name = os.path.basename(args.output) p = fom_name.rfind('.') if p >= 0: fom_name = fom_name[: p] fom_def['fom_name'] = fom_name fom_imports = fom_def.setdefault('fom_import', []) if formats_fom: formats_bname = os.path.basename(formats) formats_bname = formats_bname[: formats_bname.rfind('.')] if formats_bname not in fom_imports: fom_imports.append(formats_bname) if 'shared-brainvisa-1.0' not in fom_imports: fom_imports.append('shared-brainvisa-1.0') default_atts = fom_def.setdefault("attribute_definitions", OrderedDict()) current_fom_def = fom_def.setdefault('processes', OrderedDict()) fso_to_fom = AxonFsoToFom(current_fom_def, formats_fom) for proc_spec in args.process: proc_spec_list = proc_spec.split(',') proc_name = proc_spec_list[0] node_name = proc_spec_list[-1] new_def, added_default_atts = fso_to_fom.fso_to_fom( proc_name, node_name, default_atts.update(added_default_atts) # ordered_dump(fom_def, open(args.output, 'w')) json.dump(fom_def, open(args.output, 'w'), indent=4) if args.output_formats: json.dump(fso_to_fom.formats_fom, open(args.output_formats, 'w'), indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__': fso_to_fom_main(sys.argv[1:])