Source code for brainvisa.processing.capsul_process

''' Specialized Process class to link with :capsul:`CAPSUL <index.html>` processes and pipelines.

the aim is to allow using a Capsul process/pipeline as an Axon process (or at least, ease it). Such a process would look like the following:


    from brainvisa.processes import *
    from brainvisa.processing import capsul_process

    name = 'A Capusl process ported to Axon'
    userLevel = 0
    base_class = capsul_process.CapsulProcess
    capsul_process = 'morphologist.capsul.morphologist.Morphologist'


The process should inherit the CapsulProcess class (itself inheriting the standard Process). To do so, it declares the "base_class" variable to this CapsulProcess class type.

Then it should instantiate the appropriate Capsul process. This is done simlply by setting the variable ``capsul_process`` (or alternately by overloading the setup_capsul_process() method, which should instantiate the Capsul process and set it into the Axon proxy process).

The underlying Capsul process traits will be exported to the Axon signature automatically. This behaviour can be avoided or altered by overloading the initialize() method, which we did not define in the above example.

The process also does not have an :meth:`~brainvisa.processes.Process.execution` function. This is normal: :class:`CapsulProcess` already defines an :meth:`~CapsulProcess.executionWorkflow` method which will generate a :somaworkflow:`Soma-Workflow <index.html>` workflow which will integrate in the process or parent pipeline (or iteration) workflow.

**nipype interfaces**

As Capsul processes can be built directly from nipype interfaces, any nipype interface can be used in Axon wrappings here.

Pipeline design directly using Capsul nodes

In an Axon pipeline, it is now also possible (since Axon 4.6.2) to use directly a Capsul process in an Axon pipeline. In the pieline initialization() method, the pipeline definition code can add nodes which are actually Capsul processes (or pipelines). Capsul processes identifier should start with ``capsul://``::

    from brainvisa.processes import *

    name = 'An Axon pipeline'
    userLevel = 0

    signature = Signature(
        'skeleton', ReadDiskItem('Raw T1 MRI', 'aims readable volume formats')

    def initialization(self):
        eNode = SerialExecutionNode(, parameterized=self)

        # add an Axon process node
                       ProcessExecutionNode('sulciskeleton', optional=1)
        # add a Capsul process node
        # link parameters
        eNode.addDoubleLink('skeleton', 'SulciSkeleton.skeleton')
        eNode.addDoubleLink('SulciSkeleton.skeleton', 'SulciLabeling.skeleton')
        # ...

Note that using this syntax, a Capsul process wihch does not have an explicit Axon wraping will be automatically wraped in a new CapsulProcess subclass. This way any Capsul process can be used on-the-fly without needing to define their correspondance in Axon.

However if a wrapper process is already defined in Axon (either to make it visible in Axon interface, or because it needs some customization), then the wrapper process will be found, and used. In this situation the pipeline developer thus can either use the Axon wrapper (``ProcessExecutionNode('sulci_deep_labeling')`` here) or the Capsul process identifier (``ProcessExecutionNode('capsul://deepsulci.sulci_labeling.capsul.labeling')`` here). The result will be the same.

Note that **nipype interfaces** can also be used directly, the exact same way::

            'capsul://nipype.interfaces.spm.smooth', optional=1))

Process / pipeline parameters completion

Capsul and Axon are using parameters completions systems with very different designs (actually Capsul was written partly to overcome Axon's completion limitaions) and thus are difficult to completely integrate. However some things could be done.

A Capsul process will get completion using Capsul's completion system. Thus it should have a completion defined (throug a :capsul:`File Organization Model <user_guide_tree/advanced_usage.html#file-organization-model-fom>` typically). The completion system in Capsul defines some attributes.

The attributes defined in Capsul will be parsed in an Axon process, and using attributes and file format extensions of process parameters, Axon will try to guess matching DiskItem types in Axon (Capsul has no types).

For this to work, matching :ref:`DiskItem types <data>` must be also defined in Axon, and they should be described in a :ref:`files hierarchy <hierarchies>`. Thus, some things must be defined more or less twice...

**What to do when it does not work**

In some situations a matching type in Axon will not be found, either because it does not exist in Axon, or because it is declared in a different, complex way. And sometimes a type will be found but is not the one which should be picked, when several possible types are available.

It is possible to force the parameters types on Axon side, by overloading them in the axon process. To do this, it is possible to define a signature (as in a regular Axon process) which only declares the parameters that need to have their type forced.

For instance if a capsul process has 3 parameters, *param_a*, *param_b*, *param_c*, and we need to assign manually a type to *param_b*, we would write:


    from brainvisa.processes import *
    from brainvisa.processing import capsul_process

    name = 'A Capusl process ported to Axon'
    userLevel = 0
    base_class = capsul_process.CapsulProcess
    capsul_process = 'my_processes.MyProcess'

    signature = Signature(
        'param_b', ReadDiskItem('Raw T1 MRI', 'aims readable volume formats'),

In this situation the types of *param_a* and *param_c* will be guessed, and *param_b* will be the one from the declared signature. This signature declaration is optional in a wraped Capsul process, of course, when all types can be guessed.


Capsul has its own iteration system, using iteration nodes in pipelines. Thus Capsul processes are iterated in the Capsul way. For the user it looks differently: parameters are replaced by lists, istead of duplicating the process to be iterated. The GUI is thus more concise and more efficient, and parameters completion is done in Capsul, which is also much more efficient than the Axon way (Capsul completion time is linear with the number of parameters to be completed, where Axon also slows down with the size of the database).

Completion time and bottlenecks

The first time a Capsul process is opened, the :capsul:`FOM completion system <user_guide_tree/advanced_usage.html#file-organization-model-fom>` is initialized (technically the :capsul:`auto-fom mode <api/study_config.html#capsul.study_config.config_modules.fom_config.FomConfig>` is used and and all FOMs are read), which takes a few seconds (up to 10s). Later uses will not have this overhead.

Capsul completion system, although not providing immeditate answers, is much more efficient than Axon's. Typically to perform completion on **1000 iterations over a process of about 5-6 parameters**,

* Pure Capsul: about 2-3 seconds.
* Axon: about  1 minute
* Capsul process in Axon: about the same (1 minute) as Axon, because the long part here is the validation of file parameters (checking that files exist, are valid etc), which is always done in Axon whatever the process type.

For a complex pipeline, for instance the **Morphologist pipeline, 50 iterations** over it will take

* Pure Capsul: about 6 seconds
* Axon: about 3 minutes and 30 seconds
* Capsul process in Axon: about 35 seconds. This is faster than the Axon one because all pipeline internals (nodes parameters) are not exported in Axon.
* The specialized "Morphologist Capsul iteration", which hides the Capsul process inside and does not expose its parameters in Axon, will merely show any completion latency, because completion is delayed to runtime workflow preparation. It will run as fast as the Capsul version.

Process documentation

Capsul processes have their documentation conventions: docs are normally in the process docstrings, and are normally written in `Sphinx <>`_ / `RestructuredText <>`_ markup language. A Capsul process in Axon will be able to automatically retreive its Capsul documentation, and convert it into HTML as expected in Axon. The conversion will use `pandoc <>`_ if available to convert the RST markup of Capsul into HTML (which is still not complete `Sphinx <>`_ but easier to use), and the result will be used to generate the process documentation when the ``generateDocumentation`` process is used. Process developpers should not edit the process documentation is Axon though, because then a ``.procdoc`` file would be written and would be used afterwards, therefore the docs will be duplicated and may get out of sync when updated.

See also :doc:`capsul`


from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import brainvisa.processes as processes
from import neuroData
from import ReadDiskItem
from import WriteDiskItem
from brainvisa.processes import getAllFormats
from import Signature, ListOf
from import DiskItem, getAllDiskItemTypes
from import neuroHierarchy
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from brainvisa.configuration import axon_capsul_config_link
from soma.functiontools import SomaPartial
from capsul.pipeline import pipeline_nodes
from capsul.attributes import attributes_schema
import capsul.api as capsul
from traits import trait_types
import traits.api as traits
import distutils.spawn
import copy
import sys
import subprocess

import six

def fileOptions(filep, name, process, attributes=None, path_completion=None):
    if hasattr(filep, 'output') and filep.output:
        return (WriteDiskItem, get_best_type(process, name, attributes,
    return (ReadDiskItem, get_best_type(process, name, attributes,

def choiceOptions(choice, name, process, attributes=None,
    return [x for x in choice.trait_type.values]

def listOptions(param, name, process, attributes=None, path_completion=None):
    item_type = param.inner_traits[0]
    return [make_parameter(item_type, name, process, attributes,

param_types_table = \
        trait_types.Bool: neuroData.Boolean,
        trait_types.CBool: neuroData.Boolean,
        trait_types.String: neuroData.String,
        trait_types.Str: neuroData.String,
        trait_types.CStr: neuroData.String,
        trait_types.Float: neuroData.Number,
        trait_types.CFloat: neuroData.Number,
        trait_types.Int: neuroData.Integer,
        trait_types.CInt: neuroData.Integer,
        #trait_types.Any: neuroData.String,
        trait_types.File: fileOptions,
        trait_types.Directory: fileOptions,
        trait_types.Enum: (neuroData.Choice, choiceOptions),
        trait_types.List: (neuroData.ListOf, listOptions),
        trait_types.ListFloat: (neuroData.ListOf, listOptions),
        trait_types.Set: (neuroData.ListOf, listOptions),

    import nipype.interfaces.base.traits_extension

        nipype.interfaces.base.traits_extension.Str: neuroData.String,
except ImportError:
    pass  # no nipype

def make_parameter(param, name, process, attributes=None,
    newtype = param_types_table.get(type(param.trait_type))
    paramoptions = []
    kwoptions = {}
    if newtype is None:
        print('no known converted type for', name, ':',
        newtype = neuroData.String
    if isinstance(newtype, tuple):
        paramoptions = newtype[1](param, name, process, attributes,
        newtype = newtype[0]
    elif hasattr(newtype, '__code__'): # function
        newtype, paramoptions = newtype(param, name, process, attributes,
    if param.groups:
        section = param.groups[0]
        kwoptions['section'] = section
    return newtype(*paramoptions, **kwoptions)

def convert_capsul_value(value):
    if isinstance(value, (traits.TraitListObject, traits.TraitSetObject)):
        value = [convert_capsul_value(x) for x in value]
    elif value is traits.Undefined or value in ("<undefined>", "None"):
        # FIXME: "<undefined>" or "None" is a bug in the Controller GUI
        value = None
    return value

def convert_to_capsul_value(value, item_type=None, trait=None):
    if isinstance(value, DiskItem):
        value = value.fullPath()
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        value = [convert_to_capsul_value(x, item_type.contentType)
                 for x in value]
        if trait is not None and type(trait.trait_type) is trait_types.Set:
            value = set(value)
    elif isinstance(value, set):
        value = set([convert_to_capsul_value(x, item_type.contentType)
                     for x in value])
    elif value is None and isinstance(item_type, ReadDiskItem):
        value = traits.Undefined
    return value

def get_initial_study_config():
    from soma.wip.application.api import Application as Appli2
    configuration = Appli2().configuration
    init_study_config = {
        "input_fom": "morphologist-auto-1.0",
        "output_fom": "morphologist-auto-1.0",
        "shared_fom": "shared-brainvisa-1.0",
        "use_soma_workflow": True,
        "use_fom": True,
        "volumes_format": 'gz compressed NIFTI-1 image',
        "meshes_format": "GIFTI file",

    return init_study_config

def match_ext(capsul_exts, axon_formats):
    if not capsul_exts:
        return True
    for format in axon_formats:
        if not hasattr(format, 'patterns'):
            continue  # probably a group
        for pattern in format.patterns.patterns:
            f0 = pattern.pattern.split('|')[-1]
            f1 = f0.split('*')[-1]
            if f1 in capsul_exts:
                return True
    return False

def get_axon_formats(capsul_exts):
    if capsul_exts is None:
        capsul_exts = []
    formats = []
    used_exts = set()
    for f in getAllFormats():
        if match_ext(capsul_exts, [f]):
            # get used exts
            if hasattr(f, 'patterns'):
                for pattern in f.patterns.patterns:
                    f0 = pattern.pattern.split('|')[-1]
                    f1 = f0.split('*')[-1]
                    if f1 in capsul_exts:

    remaining = [e for e in capsul_exts if e not in used_exts]
    if remaining:
        # create format
        from import Format
        from import fileformats
        for ext in remaining:
            # TODO: name it properly
            f_name = '%s file' % ext[1:]
            # create format
            f = Format(f_name, 'f|*%s' % ext)
            # also in fileformats...
    return formats

def get_best_type(process, param, attributes=None, path_completion=None):
    from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine
    from capsul.attributes.attributes_schema import ProcessAttributes

    completion_engine = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(process)
    cext = process.trait(param).allowed_extensions

    # print('get_best_type', process, param, ':', completion_engine, path_completion, cext)
    is_list = False

    if path_completion is None:
            path_completion = completion_engine.get_path_completion_engine()
        except RuntimeError:
            # look if it's a pipeline with iterations inside
            # iterations are not handled in a regular way in Capsul, because
            # they are virtual links (a single process instance is used to
            # complete parameters iteratively with attributes values from a
            # list). So here we have to get inside this system. Too bad.
            if hasattr(process, 'pipeline_node'):
                plug = process.pipeline_node.plugs[param]
                if process.trait(param).output:
                    links = plug.links_from
                    links = plug.links_to
                for to in links:
                    if isinstance(to[2], pipeline_nodes.ProcessNode) \
                            and hasattr(to[2].process, 'iterative_parameters'):
                        completion_engine \
                            = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(
                            path_completion = \
                        except Exception:
                        process = to[2].process.process
                        param = to[1]
                        cext = process.trait(param).allowed_extensions
                        is_list = True
            if path_completion is None:
                return ('Any Type', get_axon_formats(cext))

    # merge trait extensions and completion system extensions
    compl_ext = path_completion.allowed_extensions(process, param)
    if not cext:
        cext = compl_ext
    elif compl_ext:
        cext = [e for e in cext if e in compl_ext]

    orig_attributes = attributes
    #print('## orig:', orig_attributes.user_traits().keys())
    orig_values = None
    if attributes is not None:
        if is_list:
            #print('** list !**')
            # keep 1st value. We must instantiate a new attrubutex controller,
            # using the underlying completion engine
            orig_attributes = completion_engine.get_attribute_values().copy()
            orig_values = orig_attributes.export_to_dict()
            for attr, trait in six.iteritems(attributes.user_traits()):
                if isinstance(trait.trait_type, traits.List) \
                        and isinstance(trait.inner_traits[0].trait_type,
                    setattr(orig_attributes, attr,
                            getattr(attributes, attr)[0])
                    setattr(orig_attributes, attr, getattr(attributes, attr))
            attributes = orig_attributes.copy()

    if attributes is None:
        orig_attributes = completion_engine.get_attribute_values()
        attributes = orig_attributes.copy(with_values=True)
        orig_values = orig_attributes.export_to_dict()
        for attr, trait in six.iteritems(attributes.user_traits()):
            if isinstance(trait.trait_type, traits.Str):
                setattr(attributes, attr, '<%s>' % attr)

        #print('attributes:', attributes.export_to_dict())
        if hasattr(path_completion, 'open_values_attributes'):
            # FOM-only case
            open_attribs \
                = set(path_completion.open_values_attributes(process, param))
            # print('filtered:', open_attribs)
            to_remove = [k for k in attributes.user_traits()
                        if k not in open_attribs]
            if to_remove:
                attributes = attributes.copy()
                for name in to_remove:
        #print('## att :', attributes.user_traits().keys())

        path = path_completion.attributes_to_path(process, param, attributes)
        #print('path:', path)
        if path is None:
            # fallback to the completed value
            path = getattr(process, param)
            #print('new path:', path)
        if path in (None, traits.Undefined, []):
            return ('Any Type', get_axon_formats(cext))

        for db in neuroHierarchy.databases.iterDatabases():
            #print('look in db:',
            for typeitem in getAllDiskItemTypes():
                rules = db.fso.typeToPatterns.get(typeitem)
                if rules:
                    for rule in rules:
                        pattern = rule.pattern.pattern
                        cpattern = pattern.replace('{', '<')
                        cpattern = cpattern.replace('}', '>')
                        if path.startswith(cpattern):
                            if len(cpattern) < len(path):
                                if path[len(cpattern)] != '.':
                                if not match_ext(cext, rule.formats):
                            #print('found:',, rule.formats)
                            return (, rule.formats)
        if orig_values is not None:

    return ('Any Type', get_axon_formats(cext))

[docs]class CapsulProcess(processes.Process): ''' Specialized Process to link with a CAPSUL process or pipeline. See the :py:mod:`brainvisa.processing.capsul_process` doc for details. ''' capsul_to_axon_process_map = {} def __init__(self): self._capsul_process = None self.setup_capsul_process() super(CapsulProcess, self).__init__()
[docs] def set_capsul_process(self, process): ''' Sets a CAPSUL process into the Axon (proxy) process ''' from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine self._capsul_process = process completion_engine \ = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(process)
[docs] def setup_capsul_process(self): ''' This method is in charge of instantiating the appropriate CAPSUL process or pipeline, and setting it into the Axon process (self), using the set_capsul_process() method. It may be overloaded by children processes, but the default implementation looks for a variable "capsul_process" in the process source file which provides the Capsul module/process name (as a string), for instance: :: capsul_process = "morphologist.capsul.axon.t1biascorrection.T1BiasCorrection" This is basically the only thing the process must do. ''' capsul_process = getattr(self, 'capsul_process', None) if capsul_process is None: if not hasattr(self, '_id'): return # no associated module, may be built on-the-fly module = processes._processModules.get(self._id) if module is None: return # no associated module, may be built on-the-fly capsul_process = getattr(module, 'capsul_process') if capsul_process: from capsul.api import get_process_instance process = get_process_instance(capsul_process, self.get_study_config()) self.set_capsul_process(process)
[docs] def get_capsul_process(self): ''' Get the underlying CAPSUL process ''' return self._capsul_process
[docs] def initialization(self): ''' This specialized initialization() method sets up a default signature for the process, duplicating every user trait of the underlying CAPSUL process. As some parameter types and links will not be correctly translated, it is possible to prevent this automatic behaviour, and to setup manually a new signature, by overloading the initialization() method. In such a case, the process designer will also probably have to overload the propagate_parameters_to_capsul() method to setup the underlying Capsul process parameters from the Axon one, since there will not be a direct correspondance any longer. ''' process = self.get_capsul_process() if process is None: return # no process defined, probably too early to do this. # speedup attributes from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine from capsul.attributes.attributes_schema import ProcessAttributes completion_engine = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine( process) try: path_completion = completion_engine.get_path_completion_engine() except RuntimeError: path_completion = None # save parameters values orig_params = process.export_to_dict() attributes = completion_engine.get_attribute_values() orig_attributes = attributes.export_to_dict() for attr, trait in six.iteritems(attributes.user_traits()): if isinstance(trait.trait_type, traits.Str): setattr(attributes, attr, '<%s>' % attr) elif isinstance(trait.trait_type, traits.List) \ and isinstance(trait.inner_traits[0].trait_type, traits.Str): setattr(attributes, attr, ['<%s>' % attr]) completion_engine.complete_parameters() signature = getattr(self, 'signature', Signature()) excluded_traits = set(('nodes_activation', 'visible_groups', 'pipeline_steps')) optional = [] for name, param in six.iteritems(process.user_traits()): if name in excluded_traits: continue if name in signature: # the param was explicitely declared in axon process: keep it, # but place it at the same position as in capsul process parameter = signature[name] del signature[name] else: parameter = make_parameter(param, name, process, attributes, path_completion) signature[name] = parameter if param.optional: optional.append(name) # restore attributes attributes.import_from_dict(orig_attributes) for name in ('use_capsul_completion', 'edit_pipeline', 'capsul_gui', 'edit_pipeline_steps', 'edit_study_config'): if name in signature: del signature[name] signature['use_capsul_completion'] = neuroData.Boolean() signature['edit_pipeline'] = neuroData.Boolean() signature['capsul_gui'] = neuroData.Boolean() has_steps = False if getattr(process, 'pipeline_steps', None): has_steps = True signature['edit_pipeline_steps'] = neuroData.Boolean() signature['edit_study_config'] = neuroData.Boolean() self.__class__.signature = signature self.changeSignature(signature) # restore parameters for param, value in six.iteritems(orig_params): if param not in ('pipeline_steps', 'nodes_activation'): setattr(process, param, value) # setup callbacks to sync capsul and axon parameters values if neuroConfig.gui: from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend qt_backend.init_traitsui_handler() dispatch = 'ui' else: dispatch = 'same' self._capsul_process.on_trait_change(self._process_trait_changed, dispatch=dispatch) if optional: self.setOptional(*optional) self.setValue('use_capsul_completion', True, default=True) self.setValue('edit_pipeline', False, default=True) self.setValue('capsul_gui', False, default=True) if getattr(process, 'pipeline_steps', None): self.setValue('edit_pipeline_steps', False, default=True) self.setValue('edit_study_config', False, default=True) for name in process.user_traits(): if name in excluded_traits: continue value = getattr(process, name) if value not in (traits.Undefined, ''): self.setValue(name, convert_capsul_value(value), default=True) else: self.setValue(name, None, default=True) self.linkParameters(None, name, SomaPartial(self._on_axon_parameter_changed, name)) self.linkParameters(None, 'edit_pipeline', self._on_edit_pipeline) self.linkParameters(None, 'capsul_gui', self._on_capsul_gui) if has_steps: self.linkParameters(None, 'edit_pipeline_steps', self._on_edit_pipeline_steps) self.linkParameters(None, 'edit_study_config', self._on_edit_study_config) self.linkParameters(None, 'use_capsul_completion', self._on_change_use_completion) if hasattr(process, 'visible_groups'): self.visible_sections = process.visible_groups
[docs] def propagate_parameters_to_capsul(self): ''' Set the underlying Capsul process parameters values from the Axon process (self) parameters values. This method will be called before execution to build the workflow. By default, it assumes a direct correspondance between Axon and Capsul processes parameters, so it will just copy all parameters values. If the initialization() method has been specialized in a particular process, this direct correspondance will likely be broken, so this method should also be overloaded. ''' process = self.get_capsul_process() for name, itype in six.iteritems(self.signature): converted_value = convert_to_capsul_value(getattr(self, name), itype, process.trait(name)) try: setattr(process, name, converted_value) except traits.TraitError: pass
[docs] def forbid_completion(self, params, forbid=True): ''' Forbids (blocks) Capsul completion system for the selected parameters. This allows to replace Capsul completion by Axon links when needed (this is more or less the equivalent of unplugging internal links in Axon processes when inserting them in pipelines). Parameters ---------- params: str or list parameters to block forbid: bool True blocks completion, False allows it again ''' if isinstance(params, six.string_types): params = [params] process = self.get_capsul_process() for param in params: t = process.trait(param) t.forbid_completion = forbid
[docs] def executionWorkflow(self, context=processes.defaultContext()): ''' Build the workflow for execution. The workflow will be integrated in the parent pipeline workflow, if any. StudyConfig options are handled to support local or remote execution, file transfers / translations and other specific stuff. FOM completion is not performed yet. ''' from capsul.pipeline import pipeline_workflow from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine study_config = self.get_study_config(context) self.propagate_parameters_to_capsul() process = self.get_capsul_process() completion_engine \ = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(process) if completion_engine is not None and self.use_capsul_completion: completion_engine.complete_parameters() wf = pipeline_workflow.workflow_from_pipeline( process, study_config=study_config) # , jobs_priority=priority) jobs = dependencies = wf.dependencies root_group = wf.root_group return jobs, dependencies, root_group
[docs] def init_study_config(self, context=processes.defaultContext()): ''' Build a Capsul StudyConfig object if not present in the context, set it up, and return it ''' from capsul.study_config.study_config import StudyConfig from soma.wip.application.api import Application as Appli2 study_config = getattr(context, 'study_config', None) # axon_to_capsul_formats = { #'NIFTI-1 image': "NIFTI", #'gz compressed NIFTI-1 image': "NIFTI gz", #'GIS image': "GIS", #'MINC image': "MINC", #'SPM image': "SPM", #'GIFTI file': "GIFTI", #'MESH mesh': "MESH", #'PLY mesh': "PLY", #'siRelax Fold Energy': "Energy", #} ditems = [(name, item) for name, item in six.iteritems(self.signature) if isinstance(item, DiskItem)] database = '' # format = '' for item in ditems: # format = axon_to_capsul_formats.get( # item[1], item[1] database = getattr(self, item[0]).get('_database', '') if database and \ not neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database).builtin: break database = '' if study_config is None: initial_study_config = get_initial_study_config() study_config = StudyConfig( init_config=initial_study_config, modules=StudyConfig.default_modules + ['BrainVISAConfig', 'FomConfig', 'FreeSurferConfig']) study_config.axon_link = \ axon_capsul_config_link.AxonCapsulConfSynchronizer(study_config) study_config.axon_link.sync_axon_to_capsul() study_config.on_trait_change( study_config.axon_link.sync_capsul_to_axon) study_config.input_directory = database study_config.output_directory = database # soma-workflow execution settings soma_workflow_config = getattr(context, 'soma_workflow_config', {}) study_config.somaworkflow_computing_resource = 'localhost' study_config.somaworkflow_computing_resources_config.localhost \ = soma_workflow_config return study_config
def get_study_config(self, context=processes.defaultContext()): study_config = None if self._capsul_process is not None: study_config = getattr(self._capsul_process, 'study_config', None) if study_config is None: study_config = self.init_study_config(context) if self._capsul_process is not None: self._capsul_process.set_study_config(study_config) if context is not None: # may be None during axon_to_capsul conversion context.study_config = study_config return study_config
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_instance(cls, process, name=None, category=None, pre_signature=None, cache=True): ''' Build an Axon process instance from a Capsul process instance, on-the-fly, without an associated module file ''' class NewProcess(CapsulProcess): _instance = 0 _id = None if name is None: name = NewProcess._id = name = name NewProcess.category = category NewProcess.dataDirectory = None NewProcess.toolbox = None if == 'capsul.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline': # special case of a pipeline built on-the-fly NewProcess.capsul_process = None # anyway it will miss things, hope setup_capsul_process() # will be called with a real instance later. else: NewProcess.capsul_process = if pre_signature: NewProcess.signature = pre_signature axon_process = NewProcess() axon_process.set_capsul_process(process) axon_process.initialization() if cache: # register the capsul / axon correspondance cls.capsul_to_axon_process_map[NewProcess.capsul_process] \ = NewProcess return axon_process
[docs] @classmethod def axon_process_from_capsul_module(cls, process, context=processes.defaultContext(), pre_signature=None): ''' Create an Axon process from a capsul process instance, class, or module definition ('morphologist.capsul.morphologist'). A registry of capsul:axon process classes is maintained May use build_from_instanc() at lower-level. The main differences with build_from_instance() are: * build_from_instance creates a new process class unconditionally each time it is used * build_from_instance will not check if a process wraping class is defined in axon processes * it will not reuse a cache of process classes ''' study_config = None if isinstance(process, capsul.Process): study_config = process.get_study_config() if study_config is None: study_config = getattr(context, 'study_config', None) if study_config is None: study_config = cls().get_study_config(context) capsul_proc = study_config.get_process_instance(process) capsul_def = axon_process = cls.capsul_to_axon_process_map.get(capsul_def) if axon_process is not None: return processes.getProcessInstance(axon_process) else: # check if an existing process class matches for pid, proc_class in six.iteritems(processes._processes): if not issubclass(proc_class, CapsulProcess): continue module = processes._processModules.get(pid) if module is None: continue # no associated module, may be built on-the-fly cid = getattr(module, 'capsul_process') if cid is None: continue try: cins = study_config.get_process_instance(cid) # cache it anyway cid_def = cls.capsul_to_axon_process_map[cid_def] = proc_class if cins.__class__ is capsul_proc.__class__: axon_process = processes.getProcessInstance(pid) return axon_process except Exception: # print('cannot instantiate') continue axon_process = cls.build_from_instance(capsul_proc, pre_signature=pre_signature) return axon_process
[docs] def custom_iteration(self): ''' Build a pipeline iterating over this process ''' from capsul.api import Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline() = '%s_iteration' % self.get_capsul_process().name study_config = self.get_study_config() pipeline.set_study_config(study_config) # duplicate the process process = study_config.get_process_instance( self.get_capsul_process().__class__) # do we need to iterate over all (non-file) parameters, or let the # default completion system determine it ? # rather iterate over all plugs = [param for param in process.user_traits().keys() if param in self.signature] pipeline.add_iterative_process(, process, iterative_plugs=plugs) pipeline.autoexport_nodes_parameters(include_optional=True) # TODO: keep current values as 1st element in lists # force signature types when we know them on the iterated process # (optional but sometimes helps, especially when types are manually # defined in the process signature) pre_signature = Signature() piter = pipeline.nodes[].process for param in process.user_traits(): if param not in self.signature: continue # control trait such as "nodes_activation" if param in piter.iterative_parameters: pre_signature[param] = ListOf(self.signature[param]) else: pre_signature[param] = self.signature[param] axon_process = self.build_from_instance( pipeline, pre_signature=pre_signature, cache=False) return axon_process
def _on_change_use_completion(self, process, dummy): if process.use_capsul_completion: from capsul.attributes.completion_engine \ import ProcessCompletionEngine ce = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine( self.get_capsul_process()) if ce is not None \ and sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name \ != 'linksInitialization': # we don't want to complete when called from Process # initialization, because attributes are still empty and this # will result in non-empty but incomplete filenames, which is # rather dirty. ce.complete_parameters() def _on_edit_pipeline(self, process, dummy): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return if process.edit_pipeline: processes.mainThreadActions().push(self._open_pipeline) else: self._pipeline_view = None def _on_capsul_gui(self, process, dummy): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return if process.capsul_gui: processes.mainThreadActions().push(self._open_capsul_gui) else: self._capsul_gui = None def _on_edit_pipeline_steps(self, process, dummy): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return steps = getattr(self._capsul_process, 'pipeline_steps', None) if not self.edit_pipeline_steps or not steps: steps_view = getattr(self, '_steps_view', None) if steps_view is not None: steps_view.ref().close() del steps_view del self._steps_view return from soma.qt_gui.controller_widget import ScrollControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import MainThreadLife steps_view = ScrollControllerWidget(steps, live=True) self._steps_view = MainThreadLife(steps_view) def _open_pipeline(self): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return from capsul.qt_gui.widgets import PipelineDevelopperView from capsul.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import MainThreadLife # fancy list editors on ControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.controller_widget import ControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.controls import OffscreenListControlWidget ControllerWidget._defined_controls['List'] = OffscreenListControlWidget Pipeline.hide_nodes_activation = False self.propagate_parameters_to_capsul() mpv = PipelineDevelopperView( self.get_capsul_process(), allow_open_controller=True, show_sub_pipelines=True) self._pipeline_view = MainThreadLife(mpv) def _open_capsul_gui(self): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return from capsul.qt_gui.widgets.attributed_process_widget import AttributedProcessWidget from capsul.pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import MainThreadLife # fancy list editors on ControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.controller_widget import ControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.controls import OffscreenListControlWidget ControllerWidget._defined_controls['List'] = OffscreenListControlWidget self.propagate_parameters_to_capsul() pv = AttributedProcessWidget( self.get_capsul_process(), enable_attr_from_filename=True, enable_load_buttons=True) if not self.use_capsul_completion: pv.checkbox_fom.setChecked(False) self._capsul_gui = MainThreadLife(pv) def _process_trait_changed(self, name, new_value): if name == 'trait_added' \ or name not in list(self._capsul_process.user_traits().keys()): return if self.isDefault(name): try: self.setValue(name, convert_capsul_value(new_value)) except Exception as e: print('exception in _process_trait_changed:', e) print('param:', name, ', value:', new_value, 'of type:', type(new_value)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() else: # non-default value in axon, we cannot change it # and must force it back into capsul value = getattr(self, name, None) itype = self.signature.get(name) trait = self._capsul_process.trait(name) capsul_value = convert_to_capsul_value( value, itype, self._capsul_process.trait(name)) if capsul_value == getattr(self._capsul_process, name): return # not changed setattr(self._capsul_process, name, capsul_value) def _on_edit_study_config(self, process, dummy): from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig if not neuroConfig.gui: return if process.edit_study_config: processes.mainThreadActions().push(self._open_study_config_editor) else: self._study_config_editor = None def _open_study_config_editor(self): from soma.qt_gui.controller_widget import ScrollControllerWidget from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import MainThreadLife study_config = self.get_study_config() scv = ScrollControllerWidget(study_config, live=True) self._study_config_editor = MainThreadLife(scv) def _get_capsul_attributes(self, param, value, completion_engine, itype, item=None): ''' Get Axon attributes (from axon FSO/database hierarchy) of a diskitem and convert it into Capsul attributes system. If item is not None, then we must get attributes for this item number in a list Returns: capsul_attr: dict modified: bool ''' if not isinstance(value, DiskItem): return {}, False attributes = value.hierarchyAttributes() attributes = AxonToCapsulAttributesTranslation( completion_engine).translate(attributes) capsul_attr = completion_engine.get_attribute_values() param_attr \ = capsul_attr.get_parameters_attributes().get(param) \ or list(capsul_attr.user_traits().keys()) # we must start with current attributes values in order to keep those # not used with the current parameter capsul_attr = capsul_attr.export_to_dict() if item is not None: # get item-th element in lists for k, v in six.iteritems(capsul_attr): if isinstance(v, list): i = min(item, len(v) - 1) if i >= 0: capsul_attr[k] = v[i] else: # empty list capsul_attr[k] = traits.Undefined modified = False if param_attr: for attribute, avalue in six.iteritems(attributes): if attribute in param_attr: if capsul_attr[attribute] != avalue: capsul_attr[attribute] = avalue modified = True database = attributes.get('_database', None) if database: if isinstance(itype, WriteDiskItem): db = ['output_directory', 'input_directory'] else: allowed_db = [ for h in neuroHierarchy.hierarchies() if not in ("shared", "spm", "fsl")] if database in allowed_db: db = ['input_directory', 'output_directory'] else: db = None if db is not None: study_config \ = self._capsul_process.get_study_config() for idb in db: if getattr(study_config, idb) != database: modified = True setattr(study_config, idb, database) return capsul_attr, modified def _on_axon_parameter_changed(self, param, process, dummy): from capsul.attributes.completion_engine import ProcessCompletionEngine if getattr(self, '_capsul_process', None) is None: return if getattr(self, '_ongoing_completion', False): return self._ongoing_completion = True #print('_on_axon_parameter_changed', param, process) try: value = getattr(self, param, None) itype = self.signature.get(param) trait = self._capsul_process.trait(param) capsul_value = convert_to_capsul_value( value, itype, self._capsul_process.trait(param)) if capsul_value == getattr(self._capsul_process, param): return # not changed setattr(self._capsul_process, param, capsul_value) #if not isinstance(itype, ReadDiskItem): ## not a DiskItem: nothing else to do. #return completion_engine = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine( self._capsul_process) if completion_engine is None: return capsul_attr_orig = completion_engine.get_attribute_values() modified = False if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) != 0: # if value is a list (of diskitems), then use get attributes # for each list item, and append the values to the list # attributes (which should be lists) capsul_attr = {} for i, item in enumerate(value): capsul_attr_item, modified_item \ = self._get_capsul_attributes(param, item, completion_engine, itype.contentType, item=i) modified |= modified_item for k, v in six.iteritems(capsul_attr_item): t = capsul_attr_orig.trait(k) if isinstance(t.trait_type, traits.List): capsul_attr.setdefault( k, [t.inner_traits[0].default] * i).append(v) else: capsul_attr[k] = v for k, v in six.iteritems(capsul_attr): t = capsul_attr_orig.trait(k) if isinstance(t.trait_type, traits.List) \ and len(v) != i + 1: v += [t.inner_traits[0].default] * (i + 1 - len(v)) else: capsul_attr, modified \ = self._get_capsul_attributes(param, value, completion_engine, itype) if modified: capsul_attr_orig.import_from_dict(capsul_attr) if self.use_capsul_completion: completion_engine.complete_parameters() finally: self._ongoing_completion = False @staticmethod def sphinx_to_xhtml(doc): doc_utf8 = six.ensure_binary(doc, 'utf-8') pandoc = distutils.spawn.find_executable('pandoc') if pandoc: cmd = ['pandoc', '-r', 'rst', '-t', 'html', '--'] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out = proc.communicate(input=doc_utf8) return six.ensure_text(out[0], 'utf-8') else: from soma.html import htmlEscape return htmlEscape(doc).replace('\n', '<br/>\n') def procdoc_from_capsul(self): from soma.minf import xhtml process = self.get_capsul_process() doc = process.__doc__ # remove note added by capsul i = doc.rfind('\n .. note::') if i >= 0: doc = doc[:i] param = {} procdoc = {'en':{ 'long': xhtml.XHTML.buildFromHTML(self.sphinx_to_xhtml(doc)), 'short': '', 'parameters': param, }} for name, trait in six.iteritems(process.user_traits()): if trait.desc: param[name] = xhtml.XHTML.buildFromHTML( self.sphinx_to_xhtml(trait.desc)) return procdoc
class AxonToCapsulAttributesTranslation(object): def __init__(self, completion_engine): # hard-coded for now... self._translations = { 'side': AxonToCapsulAttributesTranslation._translate_side} def translate(self, attributes): translated = {} for attr, value in attributes.items(): translator = self._translations.get(attr) if translator is not None: new_attr_dict = translator(attr, value) translated.update(new_attr_dict) else: translated[attr] = value return translated @staticmethod def _translate_side(attr, value): if value == 'left': return {attr: 'L'} elif value == 'right': return {attr: 'R'} else: return {attr: value}