Source code for brainvisa.processing.neuroException

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The functions are used to display error and warning messages in Brainvisa.

:py:func:`showException` can be used to display a message describing the last exception that occured in Brainvisa error window or in the console. In the same way, the function :py:func:`showWarning` can be used to display warning message.


>>> try:
>>>   <code that can raise an exception>
>>> except:
>>>   neuroException.showException(beforeError="The following error occured when...:")


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import sys
import os
import traceback
import formatter
from brainvisa.configuration.neuroConfig import *
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from soma.html import htmlEscape

import six
from six.moves.html_parser import HTMLParser

[docs]class HTMLMessage(object): """ This class enables to create an error message in HTML format. Creates an instance of this class to raise an error with an HTML message. Example: raise RuntimeError( HTMLMessage("<b>Error ...</b>") ) """ def __init__(self, msg): self.html = msg def __str__(self): return self.html
# Inherit from object because HTMLParser is an old-style class in Python 2 class DumbHTMLPrinter(HTMLParser, object): def __init__(self, formatter): if six.PY2: HTMLParser.__init__(self) else: super(DumbHTMLPrinter, self).__init__() self.formatter = formatter def handle_data(self, data): self.formatter.add_flowing_data(data) try: import html2text html2text_maker = html2text.HTML2Text() html2text_maker.bodywidth = 0 # disable line wrapping html2text_maker.images_to_alt = True html2text_maker.unicode_snob = True # use Unicode instead of HTML entities except ImportError: html2text_maker = None
[docs]def exceptionHTML(beforeError='', afterError='', exceptionInfo=None): """ Generates an HTML message that describes the given exception with its traceback. :param tuple exceptionInfo: (type, value, traceback) describing the exception. :param string beforeError: Message that will be displayed before the text of the exception. :param string afterError: Message that will be displayed after the text of the exception. :rtype: string :returns: the message in HTML format. """ if exceptionInfo is None: exceptionInfo = sys.exc_info() msg = exceptionMessageHTML( exceptionInfo, beforeError=beforeError, afterError=afterError ) + '<hr>' + \ exceptionTracebackHTML(exceptionInfo) return msg
[docs]def exceptionMessageHTML(exceptionInfo, beforeError='', afterError=''): """ Generates an HTML message that describes the given exception. The traceback of the exception is not included in the message. :param tuple exceptionInfo: (type, value, traceback) describing the exception. :param string beforeError: Message that will be displayed before the text of the exception. :param string afterError: Message that will be displayed after the text of the exception. :rtype: string :returns: the message in HTML format. """ e, v, t = exceptionInfo if (isinstance(v, BaseException) and len(v.args) == 1 and isinstance(v.args[0], HTMLMessage)): # if the exception message is in html, don't escape txt = v.args[0].html else: txt = '<strong><pre>' + '\n'.join( htmlEscape(line) for line in traceback.format_exception_only(e, v) ) + '</pre></strong>' msg = ('<p style="color: red">' '<img alt="' + _t_('ERROR:') + '" style="float: left" src="' + htmlEscape(os.path.join( neuroConfig.iconPath, 'error.png' )) + '"/> ' + beforeError + " " + txt + " " + afterError + '</p><div style="clear: left"></div>') return msg
def warningMessageHTML(message): msg = ('<p style="color: orange">' '<img alt="WARNING:" style="float: left" src="' + htmlEscape(os.path.join(neuroConfig.iconPath, 'warning.png' )) + '"/> ' + message + '</p><div style="clear: left"/>') return msg
[docs]def exceptionTracebackHTML(exceptionInfo): """ Generates an HTML message that describes the traceback of the given exception. :param tuple exceptionInfo: (type, value, traceback) describing the exception. :rtype: string :returns: the message in HTML format. """ e, v, t = exceptionInfo try: name = e.__name__ except AttributeError: name = str(e) msg = '<code style="color: red"><strong>' + htmlEscape(name) + '</strong></code>' msg += '<pre style="color: red"><code>' msg += ''.join(htmlEscape(line) for line in traceback.format_exception(e, v, t)) msg += '</code></pre>' return msg
[docs]def logException(beforeError='', afterError='', exceptionInfo=None, context=None): """ Generates two HTML messages to represent the current exception: a short one and a detailed version. The exception is also stored in Brainvisa log file. The detailed message shows the traceback of the exception. The short message is generated with the function :py:func:`exceptionMessageHTML` and the detailed one with :py:func:`exceptionTracebackHTML`. :param string beforeError: Message that will be displayed before the text of the exception. :param string afterError: Message that will be displayed after the text of the exception. :param tuple exceptionInfo: tuple (type, value, traceback) describing the exception. If None, :py:func:`sys.exc_info` is used to get the exception. :param context: :py:class:`brainvisa.processes.ExecutionContext` that can be used to store the message at the right place in the log file. Indeed, the current log could be the log of a process execution. If None, the default context is used. :rtype: tuple :returns: A short HTML message and a detailed version of the message. """ if exceptionInfo is None: exceptionInfo = sys.exc_info() messageHTML = exceptionMessageHTML( exceptionInfo, beforeError=beforeError, afterError=afterError) detailHTML = exceptionTracebackHTML(exceptionInfo) from brainvisa.processing import neuroLog if context is None: neuroLog.log('Error', html=messageHTML + '<hr>' + detailHTML, icon='error.png') else: context.log('Error', html=messageHTML + '<hr>' + detailHTML, icon='error.png') return (messageHTML, detailHTML)
[docs]def showException(beforeError='', afterError='', parent=None, gui=None, exceptionInfo=None): """ Displays an error message describing the last exception that occurred or the exception information given in parameter. The message can be displayed in Brainvisa error window or in the console. The generated message is in HTML format and have a style adapted to error messages (icon, font color). :param string beforeError: Message that will be displayed before the text of the exception. :param string afterError: Message that will be displayed after the text of the exception. :param parent: A parent widget for the exception widget. Optional. :param boolean gui: If True, the graphical interface is used to display the exception. Else, it is displayed in the console. If None, it is displayed with the graphical interface if Brainvisa is in graphical mode. :param tuple exceptionInfo: tuple (type, value, traceback) describing the exception. If None, :py:func:`sys.exc_info` is used to get the exception. """ if gui is None: gui = neuroConfig.gui try: messageHTML, detailHTML = logException(beforeError=beforeError, afterError=afterError, exceptionInfo=exceptionInfo) if gui and neuroConfig.guiLoaded: from brainvisa.processing.qtgui.neuroExceptionGUI import ShowException if ShowException._theExceptionDialog is not None: from brainvisa.processes import mainThreadActions mainThreadActions().push( ShowException._theExceptionDialog.appendException, messageHTML, detailHTML) else: from brainvisa.processes import mainThreadActions w = mainThreadActions().call(ShowException, messageHTML, detailHTML, parent=parent) mainThreadActions().push( else: print_html(messageHTML + '<hr>' + detailHTML, file=sys.stdout, flush=True) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc()
# why this violent exit ?? # if neuroConfig.fastStart and not neuroConfig.gui: # sys.exit( 1 )
[docs]def showWarning(message, parent=None, gui=None): """ Shows a warning message. The message can be displayed in Brainvisa error window or in the console. The generated message is in HTML format and have a style adapted to warning messages (icon, font color). :param string message: Warning message that will be displayed. :param parent: A parent widget for the exception widget. Optional. :param boolean gui: If True, the graphical interface is used to display the exception. Else, it is displayed in the console. If None, it is displayed with the graphical interface if Brainvisa is in graphical mode. """ if gui is None: gui = neuroConfig.gui try: messageHTML = warningMessageHTML(message) if gui and neuroConfig.guiLoaded: from brainvisa.processes import mainThreadActions from brainvisa.processing.qtgui.neuroExceptionGUI import ShowException if ShowException._theExceptionDialog is not None: mainThreadActions().push( ShowException._theExceptionDialog.appendException, messageHTML, "") else: w = mainThreadActions().call(ShowException, messageHTML, "", parent=parent) mainThreadActions().push( else: print_html(messageHTML + '<hr>' + "", file=sys.stdout, flush=True) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc()
def exceptionHook(exceptType, value, traceback): from brainvisa.processing.qtgui.neuroExceptionGUI import ShowException showException(exceptionInfo=(exceptType, value, traceback))
[docs]def catch_gui_exception(method): ''' A decorator for Qt5 slots. Runs the method in a try... except block, and if an exception occurs, show it in the GUI and return. This decorator can be used for PyQt5 slots which do not catch exceptions by default as PyQt4 used to do. ''' # several wrapper types have to be defined according to their signature # becuse Qt signals will call them with or without some optional arguments # according to the slot signature. Thus we have to follow the initial # slot signature in order to make PyQt call it the same way. def wrapper_args_kwargs(*args, **kwargs): try: method(*args, **kwargs) except: showException() def wrapper_args(*args): try: method(*args) except: showException() def wrapper_kwargs(**kwargs): try: method(**kwargs) except: showException() def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: method() except: showException() import inspect if six.PY2: arg_spec = inspect.getargspec(method) if arg_spec.args or arg_spec.varargs: if arg_spec.keywords: return wrapper_args_kwargs else: return wrapper_args elif arg_spec.keywords: return wrapper_kwargs return wrapper else: arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(method) if arg_spec.args or arg_spec.varargs: if arg_spec.varkw or arg_spec.kwonlyargs: return wrapper_args_kwargs else: return wrapper_args elif arg_spec.varkw or arg_spec.kwonlyargs: return wrapper_kwargs return wrapper