Source code for brainvisa.toolboxes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import brainvisa.processes
import os
import traceback
import sys
from soma.minf.api import readMinf, minfFormat
from soma.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary
from soma.wip.application.api import findIconFile
from brainvisa.processing.neuroException import showException
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
import six

[docs]class Toolbox(object): """ @type name: string @ivar name: toolbox name. It can be the name given in the constructor, or the userName specified in the toolbox .py file. @type id: string @ivar id: identifier for the toolbox. @type processTree: ProcessTree @ivar processTree: content of the toolbox """ def __init__(self, name, toolboxDirectory, icon=None, description=None): """ @type name: string @param name: toolbox name. @type toolboxDirectory: string @param toolboxDirectory: main directory for this toolbox. @type description: string @param description: short text describing the toolbox. It's optional, it can be set in init file. It will be printed in a tooltip. """ if icon is None: icon = findIconFile('toolbox.png') d = { 'userName': name, 'icon': icon, 'description': description, } # options can be set in toolboxeDirectory/<name>.py initFile = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, name + '.py') if os.path.exists(initFile): with open(initFile, 'rb') as f: code = compile(,, 'exec') six.exec_(code, {}, d) = d['userName'] = name.lower() self.toolboxDirectory = toolboxDirectory self.processesDir = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, 'processes') self.initializationFile = os.path.join( toolboxDirectory, '') self.startupFile = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, '') self.fsoDir = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, 'hierarchies') self.typesDir = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, 'types') if (d['icon'] != None): self.icon = os.path.join(toolboxDirectory, d['icon']) else: self.icon = None self.processTree = None self.description = d['description'] def getProcessTree(self): if self.processTree is None: self.processTree = brainvisa.processes.ProcessTree(,, icon=self.icon, tooltip=self.description, editable=False, user=False) # create a process tree parsing the processes directory, # category associated to processes while going throught directories # : toolboxName/rep1/rep2... if os.path.exists(self.processesDir): self.processTree.addDir( self.processesDir,, # Read minf file for processes to add in other toolboxes or in this # toolbox return self.processTree def init(self): if os.path.exists(self.initializationFile): try: with open(self.initializationFile, 'rb') as f: code = compile(,, 'exec') six.exec_(code) except Exception: showException() if os.path.isdir(self.fsoDir): neuroConfig.fileSystemOntologiesPath.append(self.fsoDir) if os.path.isdir(self.typesDir): neuroConfig.typesPath.append(self.typesDir)
_toolboxes = {} def addToolbox(name, dir): print('Loading toolbox', name) _toolboxes[name] = Toolbox(name, dir) return _toolboxes[name]
[docs]def readToolboxes(toolboxesDir, homeBrainVISADir): """ Search for toolboxes directory in neuroConfig.toolboxesDir (brainvisa/toolboxes) and in brainvisaHomeDir (.brainvisa). """ global _toolboxes _toolboxes = SortedDictionary() if not os.path.exists(toolboxesDir): return # always load toolboxes in the same order. (listdir doesn't give results # always ordered the same way) for name in sorted(os.listdir(toolboxesDir)): if name != '__pycache__': try: addToolbox(name, os.path.join(toolboxesDir, name)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print('Loading toolbox', 'My processes') _toolboxes['My processes'] = Toolbox( 'My processes', toolboxDirectory=homeBrainVISADir)
[docs]def allToolboxes(): """ @rtype: iterator of Toolbox @return: all loaded toolboxes. """ global _toolboxes return six.itervalues(_toolboxes)
[docs]def getToolbox(id): """ @rtype: Toobox @return: the toolbox whose id is given. The id of a toolbox is its directory name (lowercase) or if it doesn't have a named directory, the toolbox's name in lowercase. """ return _toolboxes.get(id)