Source code for brainvisa.configuration.databases_configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
# French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
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# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
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@author: Yann Cointepas
@organization: U{NeuroSpin<>} and U{IFR 49<>}
@license: U{CeCILL version 2<>}
from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
from soma.configuration import ConfigurationGroup
from soma.signature.api import HasSignature, Signature, FileName, \
    Boolean, OpenedChoice, Sequence, Unicode, \
                               Choice, Any
from soma.minf.api import readMinf
import six

[docs]class DatabasesConfiguration(ConfigurationGroup): label = 'Databases' icon = 'database_read.png'
[docs] class FileSystemOntology(HasSignature): signature = Signature( 'directory', FileName, dict(defaultValue=''), 'selected', Boolean, dict(defaultValue=True), 'read_only', Boolean, dict(defaultValue=False), ) def __init__(self, directory='', selected=True, read_only=False): super(DatabasesConfiguration.FileSystemOntology, self).__init__() = directory self.selected = bool(selected) self.read_only = bool(read_only) self.onAttributeChange('directory', self._directoryChanged) def _directoryChanged(self, newDirectory): if newDirectory and not os.path.exists(newDirectory): self.selected = False
signature = Signature( 'fso', Sequence(FileSystemOntology), dict(defaultValue=[]), )
[docs]class FormatsSequence(Sequence): def __init__(self): super(FormatsSequence, self).__init__(Unicode) @staticmethod def all_formats(): from import aimsGlobals from import getAllFileFormats formats = [] if 'aimsWriteVolumeFormats' in aimsGlobals.__dict__: #print('use aims formats') formats = [ for x in] mesh = [ for x in] formats += [f for f in mesh if f not in formats] formats += [f for f in getAllFileFormats().format_names() if f not in formats] return formats
[docs]class ExpertDatabaseSettings(HasSignature): signature = Signature( 'ontology', OpenedChoice(), dict(defaultValue='brainvisa-3.2.0', writeIfDefault=True), 'sqliteFileName', FileName, dict(defaultValue=''), 'activate_history', Boolean, dict(defaultValue=False), 'fedji_backend', Boolean, dict(defaultValue=False), 'uuid', Unicode(), dict(defaultValue='', visible=False), # for compatibility only 'lastIncrementalUpdate', Unicode(), dict(defaultValue='', visible=False), # no type dict defined in signature types, using Any 'lastIncrementalUpdates', Any(), dict(defaultValue={}, visible=False), 'preferred_formats_order', FormatsSequence(), dict(defaultValue=[], collapsed=True), ) def __init__(self): # The list of ontolgies is never empty, so this test cannot to update this list and new ontology such as freesurfer are not added # in the expert_settings # if not ExpertDatabaseSettings.signature[ 'ontology' ].type.values: # ExpertDatabaseSettings.signature[ 'ontology' ].type.setChoices( # *ExpertDatabaseSettings.availableOntologies() ) ExpertDatabaseSettings.signature['ontology'].type.setChoices( *ExpertDatabaseSettings.availableOntologies()) super(ExpertDatabaseSettings, self).__init__() try: self.signature['preferred_formats_order'].defaultValue \ = FormatsSequence.all_formats() except ImportError: # may happen at startup: # neuroConfig is using DatabaseSettings and ExpertDatabaseSettings # in its initialization, and here we cannot import neuroConfig which # is currently initializing. pass def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ExpertDatabaseSettings): return False return ((self.ontology == other.ontology) and (self.sqliteFileName == other.sqliteFileName) and (self.activate_history == other.activate_history) and (self.preferred_formats_order == other.preferred_formats_order)) @staticmethod def availableOntologies(): ontologies = ['brainvisa-3.2.0', 'brainvisa-3.1.0', 'brainvisa-3.0', 'shared'] moreOntologies = set() try: from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig for path in neuroConfig.fileSystemOntologiesPath: if os.path.exists(path): for ontology in os.listdir(path): if ontology == 'flat': continue if ontology not in ontologies and ontology not in moreOntologies: moreOntologies.add(ontology) except ImportError: # may happen at startup: # neuroConfig is using DatabaseSettings and ExpertDatabaseSettings # in its initialization, and here we cannot import neuroConfig which # is currently initializing. pass ontologies += sorted(moreOntologies) return ontologies
[docs]class DatabaseSettings(HasSignature): signature = Signature( 'directory', FileName( readOnly=True, directoryOnly=True), # dict( defaultValue='' ), 'read_only', Boolean(), 'expert_settings', ExpertDatabaseSettings, dict(collapsed=True), ) def __init__(self, directory=None, selected=True, read_only=False): HasSignature.__init__(self) self.expert_settings = ExpertDatabaseSettings() if directory: if os.path.exists(directory): = os.path.normpath(directory) self._selected = selected if not os.access(directory, os.R_OK + os.W_OK + os.X_OK): read_only = True else: self._selected = False else: self._selected = selected self.builtin = False self.read_only = read_only self.onAttributeChange('directory', self._directoryChanged) self._directoryChanged(directory) def __eq__(self, other): return (( == and (self.expert_settings == other.expert_settings) and self.read_only == other.read_only) def _directoryChanged(self, newDirectory): if newDirectory: minf = os.path.join(newDirectory, 'database_settings.minf') if os.path.exists(minf): #self.expert_settings.preferred_formats_order = [] readMinf(minf, targets=(self.expert_settings, )) else: it = six.iteritems(self.expert_settings.signature) next(it) for n, v in it: if n == 'ontology': self.expert_settings.ontology = 'brainvisa-3.2.0' else: setattr(self.expert_settings, n, v.defaultValue)