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# from import databases

This module contains classes defining data items that are called **diskItems** in Brainvisa.
These diskItems are associated to files that store data on a filesystem,
and attributes that are used to index the data in a database.

The main class in this module is :py:class:`DiskItem`. This class is derived into two sub-classes :py:class:`File` for the diskitems that are stored as files and :py:class:`Directory` for the diskitems that represent directories.

A diskItem has a **type** indicating what the data represents (a Volume, a T1 MRI, fMRI data...) and a **format** indicating the file format used to write the data in files.
The class :py:class:`DiskItemType` represents data types.
The class :py:class:`Format` represents file formats.

Two general formats are defined in this module as global variables:

.. py:data:: directoryFormat

  This format matches any directory.

.. py:data:: fileFormat

  This format matches any file.

The available types and formats in Brainvisa ontology are defined in each toolbox in python files under the ``types`` directory.
They are loaded at Brainvisa startup using the function :py:func:`readTypes` and stored in global maps:

  .. py:data:: formats

    A global map which associates each format id to the matching object :py:class:`Format`.

  .. py:data:: formatLists

    A global map which associates each list of formats id to the matching object :py:class:`NamedFormatList`.

  .. py:data:: diskItemTypes

    A global map which associates each type id to the matching object :py:class:`DiskItemType`

  .. py:data:: mef

    A global instance of the class :py:class:`TypesMEF` which is used to read the Brainvisa ontology types files.

The following function are available to get a format or a type object from its id:

  * :py:func:`getFormat`
  * :py:func:`getFormats`
  * :py:func:`getAllFormats`
  * :py:func:`getDiskItemType`
  * :py:func:`getAllDiskItemTypes`
  * :py:func:`isSameDiskItemType`

This module also defines classes for temporary files and directories: :py:class:`TemporaryDiskItem`, :py:class:`TemporaryDirectory`.
The function :py:func:`getTemporary` enables to create a new temporary item.
All temporary files and directories are written in Brainvisa global temporary directory which can be choosen in Brainvisa options. The diskitem corresponding to this global directory is stored in a global variable:

.. py:data:: globalTmpDir

  It is the default parent diskItem for temporary diskitems.

:Inheritance diagram:

.. inheritance-diagram::


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import types
import sys
import os
import errno
import stat
import operator
import time
import traceback
from weakref import ref, WeakValueDictionary
from threading import RLock
import json

from soma.html import htmlEscape
from soma.undefined import Undefined
from soma.uuid import Uuid
from soma.path import parse_query_string, update_query_string, \
                      remove_query_string, split_path
from soma.minf.api import readMinf, MinfError
from soma.wip.application.api import Application
from soma.sqlite_tools import sqlite3

from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
from brainvisa.processing.neuroException import HTMLMessage, showException
from import temporary
from import DictPattern
from brainvisa import shelltools
from brainvisa.multipleExecfile import MultipleExecfile
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtCore import QObject, Signal
import re

import six
from six.moves import UserList, range, zip

if not six.PY2:
    long = int

[docs]def sameContent(a, b, as_dict=False): """ Checks if *a* and *b* have the same content. if as_dict it True, b may be a dict when a is an instance: b is an instance.__dict__ for example. If the two objects are lists, the function is called on each element of the list. If the first object has a method named *sameContent*, it is called. Else, the result of a comparison with *==* operator is returned. """ result = 0 if as_dict or type(a) is type(b): if type(a) in (list, tuple): result = 1 i = 0 for x in a: if not sameContent(x, b[i]): result = 0 break i += 1 elif hasattr(a, 'sameContent'): result = a.sameContent(b, as_dict=as_dict) else: if as_dict and type(b) is dict and type(a) is not dict: result = a.__dict__ == b else: result = a == b return result
[docs]def modificationHashOrEmpty(f): """ Returns a tuple containing information about the file from :py:func:`os.lstat`. Returns an empty tuple if an exception occurs. """ try: s = os.lstat(f) return (s.st_mode, s.st_uid, s.st_gid, s.st_size, s.st_mtime, s.st_ctime) except OSError: return ()
[docs]class DiskItem(QObject): """ This class represents data stored in one or several files on a filesystem. It can have additional information stored in attributes and may be indexed in a Brainvisa database. A diskItem can have hierarchy attributes (comes from Brainvisa ontology), minf attributes (that are stored in a .minf file), and possibly other attributes. Several methods enable to access the values of the attributes: :py:meth:`getHierarchy`, :py:meth:`getNonHierarchy`, :py:meth:`attributes`, :py:meth:`globalAttributes`, :py:meth:`hierarchyAttributes`, :py:meth:`localAttributes`, :py:meth:`minf`. The attributes of a diskItem can also be requested using the dictionary notation ``d["attribute_name"]``, which calls :py:meth:`get` method. A diskItem can be identified by a unique identifier called *uuid*. This uuid is stored in minf attributes and it is an instance of :py:class:`soma.uuid.Uuid` class. Several methods enable to request the name of the files associated to the diskItem: :py:meth:`fullPath`, :py:meth:`fullName`, :py:meth:`fullPaths`, :py:meth:`fullPathSerie`, :py:meth:`fullPathsSerie`. :Attributes: .. py:attribute:: name name of the diskItem, generally the filename of the first file. .. py:attribute:: parent a parent diskItem, generally the diskItem associated to the directory that contains the data files of this diskItem. .. py:attribute:: type Data type of the diskItem, indicating the meaning of the data. It is an instance of :py:class:`DiskItemType`. .. py:attribute:: format DiskItem file format, indicated by the files extensions. It is an instance of :py:class:`Format`. :Methods: """ lockChanged = Signal(bool) _minfLock = RLock() def __init__(self, name, parent): super(DiskItem, self).__init__() = remove_query_string(name) if name and name[-5:] != '.minf': self._files = [remove_query_string(name)] else: self._files = [] self.parent = parent if self.parent is None: self._topParentRef = ref(self) else: self._topParentRef = self.parent._topParentRef self._localAttributes = {} self._globalAttributes = {} self._minfAttributes = {} self._otherAttributes = {} self._queryStringAttributes = parse_query_string(name) if name else {} self.type = None self.format = None self._setLocal('name_serie', []) self._isTemporary = 0 self._uuid = None self._write = False self._identified = False self._lock = RLock() def __getstate__(self): state = { 'name':, '_files': self._files, 'parent': self.parent, '_localAttributes': self._localAttributes, '_globalAttributes': self._globalAttributes, '_minfAttributes': self._minfAttributes, '_otherAttributes': self._otherAttributes, '_queryStringAttributes': self._queryStringAttributes, '_uuid': self._uuid, '_write': self._write, '_identified': self._identified, } if self.type: state['type'] = else: state['type'] = None if self.format: state['format'] = else: state['format'] = None priority = getattr(self, '_priority', None) if priority is not None: state['_priority'] = priority return state def __setstate__(self, state): = state['name'] self._files = state['_files'] self.parent = state['parent'] if self.parent is None: self._topParentRef = ref(self) t = state['type'] if t: self.type = getDiskItemType(t) else: self.type = None t = state['format'] if t: self.format = getFormat(t) else: self.format = None self._localAttributes = state['_localAttributes'] self._globalAttributes = state['_globalAttributes'] self._minfAttributes = state['_minfAttributes'] self._otherAttributes = state['_otherAttributes'] self._queryStringAttributes = state['_queryStringAttributes'] self._isTemporary = 0 priority = state.get('_priority') if priority is not None: self._priority = priority self._changeUuid(state.get('_uuid')) self._write = state['_write'] self._identified = state['_identified'] if not hasattr(self, '_lock'): self._lock = RLock() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, six.string_types): return other in self.fullPaths() return self is other or (isinstance(other, DiskItem) and self.fullPath() == other.fullPath()) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.fullPath()) def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, six.string_types): return other not in self.fullPaths() return self is not other and ((not isinstance(other, DiskItem)) or self.fullPath() != other.fullPath()) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, six.string_types): return self.fullPath() < other return self is not other and isinstance(other, DiskItem) \ and self.fullPath() < other.fullPath()
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns a deep copy of the current diskItem object. The associated files are not copied. """ result = self.__class__(, self.parent) result.__setstate__(self.__getstate__()) # Copy attributes so that they can be modified without # changing cloned item attributes self.copyAttributes(result) return result
def _topParent(self): try: return self._topParentRef() except AttributeError: pass if self.parent: p = self.parent while p.parent is not None: p = p.parent self._topParentRef = p._topParentRef else: self._topParentRef = ref(self) return self._topParentRef()
[docs] def attributes(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing the name and value of all the attributes associated to this diskItem. """ result = {} self._mergeAttributes(result) return result
[docs] def globalAttributes(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing the name and value of the global attributes. They may come from parent diskItem and are transmitted to child diskItem. The global attributes are the attributes coming from data ontoloy. """ result = {} self._mergeGlobalAttributes(result) return result
[docs] def localAttributes(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing the name and value of the local attributes. The local attributes are valid only for this diskItem, they are no transmitted to child diskItem. For example the attribute ``name_serie`` that indicates the list of numbers of a serie of files that store the data, is a local attribute. """ result = {} self._mergeLocalAttributes(result) return result
[docs] def copyAttributes(self, other): """ Copy all the attributes of the given diskItem in the current diskItem. :param other: the :py:class:`DiskItem` whose attributes will be copied. """ self._localAttributes = other._localAttributes.copy() self._globalAttributes = other._globalAttributes.copy() self._minfAttributes = other._minfAttributes.copy() self._otherAttributes = other._otherAttributes.copy() self._queryStringAttributes = other._queryStringAttributes.copy()
def _mergeAttributes(self, result): """ Updates result dictionary with all attributes of the current diskItem and its parent global attributes. """ result.update(self._globalAttributes) if self.parent: self.parent._mergeAttributes(result) result.update(self._localAttributes) result.update(self._otherAttributes) result.update(self._minfAttributes) result.update(self._queryStringAttributes) def _mergeGlobalAttributes(self, result): """ Updates result dictionary with all global attributes of the current diskItem and its parent global attributes. """ result.update(self._globalAttributes) if self.parent: self.parent._mergeGlobalAttributes(result) def _mergeLocalAttributes(self, result): if self.parent: self.parent._mergeLocalAttributes(result) result.update(self._localAttributes) result.update(self._otherAttributes) result.update(self._minfAttributes) result.update(self._queryStringAttributes) def _mergeHierarchyAttributes(self, result): if self.parent: self.parent._mergeHierarchyAttributes(result) result.update(self._localAttributes) result.update(self._globalAttributes) def _mergeNonHierarchyAttributes(self, result): if self.parent: self.parent._mergeNonHierarchyAttributes(result) result.update(self._otherAttributes) result.update(self._minfAttributes) result.update(self._queryStringAttributes)
[docs] def fileName(self, index=0, withQueryString=True): """ Returns the filename of the file number index in the list of files associated to this diskItem. The absolute files paths are generally stored in diskItems. So this function is equivalent to :py:meth:`fullPath`. """ name_serie = self.get('name_serie') if name_serie: fname = self.fileNameSerie(index / len(self._files), index % len(self._files)) if self._files: fname = self._files[index] else: fname = if withQueryString: return update_query_string(fname, self._queryStringAttributes) else: return fname
[docs] def fileNames(self, withQueryString=True): """ Returns the list of filenames of the files associated to this diskItem. The absolute files paths are generally stored in diskItems. So this function is equivalent to :py:meth:`fullPaths`. """ name_serie = self.get('name_serie') if name_serie: result = [] for number in name_serie: result += list(map( lambda x, number=number: expand_name_serie(x, number), self._files)) elif self._files: result = self._files else: result = [] return [update_query_string(r, self._queryStringAttributes) \ if withQueryString else r for r in result]
[docs] def fileNameSerie(self, serie, index=0): """ This function can be used only on diskItems that are a serie of data. For example a serie of 3D volumes, each volume being stored in two files .ima and .dim (GIS format). Returns the name of the index number file of the serie number item of the serie. The absolute files paths are generally stored in diskItems. So this function is equivalent to :py:meth:`fullPathSerie`. :param int serie: index of the item in the serie. :param int index: index of the file in one item of the serie. """ name_serie = self.get('name_serie') if name_serie: return expand_name_serie(self._files[index], name_serie[serie]) raise RuntimeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('<em>%s</em> is not a file series')))
[docs] def fileNamesSerie(self, serie): """ Returns all the files of one item of the serie. The absolute files paths are generally stored in diskItems. So this function is equivalent to :py:meth:`fullPathsSerie`. :param int serie: index of the item in the serie. """ name_serie = self.get('name_serie') if name_serie: return list(map( lambda x, number=name_serie[ serie]: expand_name_serie(x, number), self._files)) raise RuntimeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('<em>%s</em> is not a file series')))
[docs] def fullName(self): """ Returns the absolute path to the diskItem with its name (without extension). """ if self.parent is None: return else: return os.path.join(self.parent.fullName(),
[docs] def relativePath(self, index=0): """ Gets the file path of this diskitem, relatively to the path its database directory. If there is no database information in the attributes it returns the full path of the diskItem. """ database = self.get("database") if database is None: database = self.get("_database") path = self.fullPath(index) if database and path.startswith(database): path = path[len(database) + 1:] return path
[docs] def fullPath(self, index=0, withQueryString=True): """ Returns the absolute file name of the index number file of the diskItem. """ if self.parent is None: fp = self.fileName(index, withQueryString=withQueryString) else: fp = os.path.join(self.parent.fullPath(withQueryString = False), self.fileName(index, withQueryString=withQueryString)) return fp
[docs] def fullPaths(self, withQueryString=True): """ Returns the absolute file names of the all the files of the diskItem. """ if self.parent is None: return self.fileNames(withQueryString=withQueryString) else: return list(map( lambda x, p=self.parent.fullPath(withQueryString = False): \ os.path.join(p, x), \ self.fileNames(withQueryString=withQueryString)))
[docs] def existingFiles(self): """ Returns all files associated to this diskitem, that really exist plus its minf file if it exists. """ files=[f for f in self.fullPaths(withQueryString=False) if os.path.exists(f)] minfFile = self.minfFileName() if minfFile != self.fullPath() and os.path.exists(minfFile): files.append(minfFile) return files
[docs] def fullPathSerie(self, serie, index=0): """ This function can be used only on a diskItem that is a serie of data. For example a serie of 3D volumes, each volume being stored in two files *.ima* and *.dim* (*GIS format*). Returns the absolute file name of the index number file of the serie number item of the serie. :param int serie: index of the item in the serie. :param int index: index of the file in one item of the serie. """ if self.parent is None: return self.fileNameSerie(serie, index) else: return os.path.join(self.parent.fullPath(), self.fileNameSerie(serie, index))
[docs] def fullPathsSerie(self, serie): """ This function can be used only on a diskItem that is a serie of data. For example a serie of 3D volumes, each volume being stored in two files *.ima* and *.dim* (*GIS format*). Returns all the absolute file names of the serie number item of the serie. :param int serie: index of the item in the serie. """ if self.parent is None: return self.fileNamesSerie(serie) else: return list(map( lambda x, p=self.parent.fullPath(): os.path.join(p, x), self.fileNamesSerie(serie)))
[docs] def firstFullPathsOfEachSeries(self): """ Returns the first file name of each item of the serie. """ return list(map(lambda i, self=self: self.fullPathSerie(i), list(range(len(self.get('name_serie'))))))
def _getGlobal(self, attrName, default=None): r = self._globalAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent._getGlobal(attrName, default) else: return default return r def _getLocal(self, attrName, default=None): r = self._localAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent._getLocal(attrName, default) else: return default return r def _getOther(self, attrName, default=None): r = self._otherAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent._getOther(attrName, default) else: return default return r def _getQueryString(self, attrName, default=None): r = self._queryStringAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent._getQueryString(attrName, default) else: return default return r
[docs] def get(self, attrName, default=None, search_header=False): """ Gets the value of an attribute. If the attribute is not found in the attributes stored in this diskItem object, it can be searched for in data file header using :py:func:`aimsFileInfo` function if the option search_header is True. .. warning:: If search_header is True, the method can take more time to execute than :py:func:`getHierarchy` and :py:func:`getNonHierarchy` when the attribute is not found because it reads the header of the file on the filesystem. :param string attrName: name of the attribute :param default: value returned if the attribute is not set in this diskItem. """ r = self._globalAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._minfAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._otherAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._localAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._queryStringAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None and search_header: info = aimsFileInfo(self.fullPath()) for k, v in six.iteritems(info): self._otherAttributes.setdefault(k, v) r = info.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent.get(attrName, default) else: return default return r
def __getitem__(self, attrName): """ Enables to use d[attrname] notation. """ r = self.get(attrName) if r is None: raise KeyError(attrName) return r
[docs] def getInTree(self, attrPath, default=None, separator='.'): """ This function could be used to get an attribute value from an object that is an attribute value of a diskItem. :: d.getInTree("attr1.attr2...") <=> d.get(attr1).get(attr2)... :param string attrPath: the attributes path, each attribute is separated by a separator character :param default: default value is the attribute value is not found :param string separator: character separator used to separate the different attributes in the attributes path. """ item = self stack = attrPath.split(separator) while stack and item is not None: item = item.get(stack.pop(0)) if item is None or stack: return default return item
[docs] def getHierarchy(self, attrName, default=None): """ Gets the attribute from the global attributes or the local attributes or the parent hierarchy attributes. :param string attrName: name of the attribute :param default: value returned if the attribute is not found. """ r = self._globalAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._localAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent.getHierarchy(attrName, default) else: return default return r
[docs] def getNonHierarchy(self, attrName, default=None): """ Gets the attribute value from the attributes written in minf file or in other attributes or in parent non hierarchy attributes. :param string attrName: name of the attribute :param default: value returned if the attribute is not found. """ r = self._minfAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._otherAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: r = self._queryStringAttributes.get(attrName) if r is None: if self.parent: return self.parent.getNonHierarchy(attrName, default) else: return default return r
[docs] def nonHierarchyAttributes(self): """ Returns all non hierarchy attributes in a dictionary. """ result = {} self._mergeNonHierarchyAttributes(result) return result
[docs] def hierarchyAttributes(self): """ Returns all hierarchy attributes as a dictionary. """ result = {} self._mergeHierarchyAttributes(result) return result
def __contains__(self, attrName): """ Returns True if the diskItem has an attribute with this name in one of its dictionaries of attributes. """ r = attrName in self._minfAttributes if r: return r r = attrName in self._otherAttributes if r: return r r = attrName in self._queryStringAttributes if r: return r r = attrName in self._localAttributes if r: return r r = attrName in self._globalAttributes if r: return r if self.parent: return attrName in self.parent return 0 def has_key(self, attrName): return self.__contains__(attrName) def _setGlobal(self, attrName, value): if self.parent and self.parent._getGlobal(attrName) is not None: raise AttributeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('a global attribute <em>%s</em> already exists in item <em><code>%s</code></em>') % (str(attrName), str(self)))) self._globalAttributes[attrName] = value def _updateGlobal(self, dict): for attrName, value in dict.items(): self._setGlobal(attrName, value) def _setLocal(self, attrName, value): if self._getGlobal(attrName) is not None: raise AttributeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('a global attribute <em>%s</em> already exists in item <em><code>%s</code></em>') % (str(attrName), str(self)))) self._localAttributes[attrName] = value def _updateLocal(self, dict): for attrName, value in dict.items(): self._setLocal(attrName, value) def _setOther(self, attrName, value): if self._getGlobal(attrName) is not None: raise AttributeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('a global attribute <em>%s</em> already exists in item <em><code>%s</code></em>') % (str(attrName), str(self)))) minfValue = self._minfAttributes.get(attrName, Undefined) if minfValue is Undefined: self._otherAttributes[attrName] = value elif minfValue != value: raise AttributeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('a MINF attribute <em>%s</em> already exists in item <em><code>%s</code></em>') % (str(attrName), str(self)))) def _updateOther(self, dict): for attrName, value in dict.items(): self._setOther(attrName, value) def _setQueryString(self, attrName, value): if self._getOther(attrName) is not None: raise AttributeError( HTMLMessage(_t_('an attribute <em>%s</em> already exists in item <em><code>%s</code></em>') % (str(attrName), str(self)))) self._queryStringAttributes[attrName] = value def _updateQueryString(self, dict): for attrName, value in dict.items(): self._setQueryString(attrName, value)
[docs] def setMinf(self, attrName, value, saveMinf=True): """ Adds this attribute to the minf attributes of the diskItem. :param string attrName: name of the attribute :param value: value sets for the attribute :param bool saveMinf: if True the modified attributes are written to the diskItem minf file. """ self._otherAttributes.pop(attrName, None) self._queryStringAttributes.pop(attrName, None) self._minfAttributes[attrName] = value if saveMinf: minf = self._readMinf() if minf is None: minf = {} minf[attrName] = value self._writeMinf(minf)
[docs] def minf(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing the minf attributes of the diskItem. """ return self._minfAttributes
[docs] def updateMinf(self, dict, saveMinf=True): """ Adds new attributes to the minf attributes of the diskItem and possibly save the attributes in a minf file. Note: it is not possible to remove attributes using this function, as it only changes the values of the attributes given in the dict. :param dict: dictionary containing the attributes that will be added to this diskItem minf attributes. :param bool saveMinf: if True the minf attributes will be saved in the minf file of the diskItem. """ # print('!neuroDiskItems !: updateMinf : ', dict) for attrName, value in dict.items(): self._otherAttributes.pop(attrName, None) self._queryStringAttributes.pop(attrName, None) if attrName in self._localAttributes: self._localAttributes[attrName] = value elif attrName in self._globalAttributes: self._globalAttributes[attrName] = value self._minfAttributes[attrName] = value if saveMinf: minf = self._readMinf() if minf is None: minf = {} minf.update(dict) self._writeMinf(minf)
[docs] def isReadable(self): """ Returns True if all the files associated to this diskItem exist and are readable. """ result = 1 for p in self.fullPaths(withQueryString=False): if not os.access(p, os.F_OK + os.R_OK): result = 0 break return result
[docs] def isWriteable(self): """ Returns True if all the files associated to this diskItem which exist are readable and writable and if they do not exist if the parent directories exist and are writable and executable. """ result = 1 for p in self.fullPaths(withQueryString=False): if os.access(p, os.F_OK): if not os.access(p, os.R_OK + os.W_OK): result = 0 break else: # Check if the parent directory is writable for the # inexistant files p_dir = os.path.dirname(p) if not os.access(p_dir, os.W_OK + os.X_OK): result = 0 break return result
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.fullPath())
[docs] def childs(self): """ Virtual function, returns None. It is overriden in derived class :py:class:`Directory`. """ return None
def __str__(self): return self.fullPath()
[docs] def setFormatAndTypeAttributes(self, writeOnly=0): """ Adds the diskItem format attributes to its other attributes, and the diskItem types attributes to its minf attributes. :param bool writeOnly: if False the minf file is read to update the dictionary of minf attributes. :returns: current disktem """ # Set format attributes if self.format is not None: self.format.setAttributes(self, writeOnly=writeOnly) # Set type attributes if self.type is not None: self.type.setAttributes(self, writeOnly=writeOnly) if not writeOnly: # Set local file attributes self.readAndUpdateMinf() return self
[docs] def priority(self): """ Returns the value of priority attribute if found else the parent diskItem priority, else the default priority attribute, else 0. This priority is an attribute associated to the ontology rule that enabled to identify the diskItem. """ if getattr(self, '_priority', None) is not None: return self._priority if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.priority() return getattr(self, '_defaultPriority', 0)
[docs] def setPriority(self, newPriority, priorityOffset=0): """ Sets a value for the priority attribute: ``newPriority + priorityOffset``. """ self._priority = newPriority if priorityOffset: self._priority = self.priority() + priorityOffset
[docs] def minfFileName(self): """ Returns the name of the minf file associated to this diskItem. It is generally the name of the main file of the diskItem + the *.minf* extension. """ if self.format is not None and (isinstance(self.format, MinfFormat) or == 'Minf'): return self.fullPath(withQueryString=False) else: return self.fullPath(withQueryString=False) + '.minf'
[docs] def saveMinf(self, overrideMinfContent=None): """ Writes minf attributes or the content of overrideMifContent if given to the minf file. """ minfContent = {} if self._uuid is not None: minfContent['uuid'] = str(self._uuid) if overrideMinfContent is None: minfContent.update(self._minfAttributes) else: minfContent.update(overrideMinfContent) if self._isTemporary: temporary.manager.registerPath(self.minfFileName()) self._writeMinf(minfContent)
[docs] def removeMinf(self, attrName, saveMinf=True): """ Remove the attribute from minf attributes. :param string attrName: name of the attribute to remove :param bool saveMinf: if True, the minf attributes are saved in the minf file. """ del self._minfAttributes[attrName] if saveMinf: minf = self._readMinf() if minf is not None: if minf.pop(attrName, Undefined) is not Undefined: self._writeMinf(minf)
[docs] def clearMinf(self, saveMinf=True): """ Deletes all minf attributes. Also removes the minf file if saveMinf is True. """ self._minfAttributes.clear() if saveMinf: minf = self.minfFileName() if os.path.exists(minf): try: os.remove(minf) except OSError: # maybe the file has already been removed if os.path.exists(minf): # if not, really trigger an error raise
def _readMinf(self): """ Reads the minf file and returns its content. """ attrFile = self.minfFileName() if os.path.exists(attrFile): try: if six.PY2: f = open(attrFile) else: f = open(attrFile, encoding='UTF-8') # f = open(attrFile) minfContent = readMinf(f)[0] # Ignor huge DICOM information produced by NMR # and stored in 'dicom' key. if minfContent: minfContent.pop('dicom', None) f.close() return minfContent except Exception: showException(beforeError=_t_( 'in file <em>%s</em><br>') % attrFile) return None def _writeMinf(self, minfContent): """ Writes the given content to the minf file. if minfContent is None, removes the minf file. """ minf = self.minfFileName() # print("!neuroDiskItems : _writeMinf : ", minf) if minfContent: if six.PY2: file = open(minf, 'w') else: file = open(minf, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') file.write('attributes = ' + str(minfContent)) file.close() else: if os.path.exists(minf): os.remove(minf) def readDeclaredAttributes(self): result = {} for path in set(six.itervalues(self.get('_declared_attributes_location', {}))): if os.path.exists(path): result .update(json.load(open(path))) return result def readAndUpdateDeclaredAttributes(self): self._globalAttributes.update(self.readDeclaredAttributes())
[docs] def readAndUpdateMinf(self): """ Reads the content of the minf file and updates the minf attribute dictionary accordingly. """ self._lock.acquire() try: attrs = self._readMinf() # print('! neuroDiskItems : readAndUpdateMinf : ', attrs) if attrs is not None: if 'uuid' in attrs: self._changeUuid(Uuid(attrs['uuid'])) del attrs['uuid'] self.clearMinf(saveMinf=False) self.updateMinf(attrs, saveMinf=False) finally: self._lock.release()
[docs] def createParentDirectory(self): """ According to the file path of the diskItem, creates the directory that should contain the files if it doesn't exist. """ p = os.path.dirname(self.fullPath(withQueryString=False)) if not os.path.exists(p): try: os.makedirs(p) except OSError as e: if not e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # filter out 'File exists' exception, if the same dir has been created # concurrently by another instance of BrainVisa or another # thread raise
[docs] def isTemporary(self): """ Returns True if it is a temporary diskItem, that is to say its files will be automatically deleted when its is no more referenced. """ return self._isTemporary
[docs] def distance(self, other): '''Returns a value that represents a sort of distance between two DiskItems. The distance is not a number but distances can be sorted, it is a tuple of numbers.''' # Count the number of common hierarchy attributes hierarchyCommon = \ sum([other.getHierarchy(nv[0]) == nv[1] for nv in self.hierarchyAttributes().items()], self.type is other.type) # Count the number of common non hierarchy attributes nonHierarchyCommon = \ sum( [other.getNonHierarchy(nv[0]) == nv[1] for nv in self.nonHierarchyAttributes().items()], self.type is other.type) return (-hierarchyCommon, self.priority() - other.priority(), -nonHierarchyCommon, )
def _changeUuid(self, newUuid): self._uuid = newUuid if newUuid is not None: _uuid_to_DiskItem[newUuid] = self
[docs] def setUuid(self, uuid, saveMinf=True): """ Sets a new uuid to this diskItem. """ self._changeUuid(Uuid(uuid)) if saveMinf: attrs = self._readMinf() if not attrs: attrs = {} if attrs.get('uuid') != self._uuid: attrs['uuid'] = self._uuid try: self._writeMinf(attrs) except Exception as e: raise MinfError( six.text_type(_t_('uuid cannot be saved in minf file') + ': ') + six.text_type(e))
[docs] def uuid(self, saveMinf=True): """ Gets the uuid of the diskItem. """ if self._uuid is None: self._minfLock.acquire() try: attrs = self._readMinf() if attrs and 'uuid' in attrs: self._changeUuid(Uuid(attrs['uuid'])) else: try: self.setUuid(Uuid(), saveMinf=saveMinf) except MinfError: # probably read-only self.setUuid(Uuid(), saveMinf=False) finally: self._minfLock.release() return self._uuid
[docs] def findFormat(self, amongFormats=None): """ Find the format of this diskItem : the format whose pattern matches this diskitem's filename. Does nothing if this item has already a format. Doesn't take into account format whose pattern matches any filename (*). Stops when a matching format is found : * item name is modified (prefix and suffix linked to the format are deleted) * item list of files is modified accoding to format patterns * the format is applied to the item * :py:meth:`setFormatAndTypeAttributes` method is applied. """ if not self.format: if not amongFormats: amongFormats = getAllFormats() for format in amongFormats: # don't choose a FormatSeries, we can't know if it is a serie # only with the filename, FormatSeries has the same pattern as # its base format. if not isinstance(format, FormatSeries) and "*" not in format.getPatterns().patterns: # pass formats that match any pattern, it can't be used to find the format only with filename. To be used only contextually in hierarchy rules. m = format.match(self) if m: = format.formatedName(self, m) self._files = format.unmatch(self, m) format.setFormat(self) self.setFormatAndTypeAttributes() break
[docs] def modificationHash(self): """ Return a value that can be used to assess modification of this DiskItem. Two calls to modificationHash will return the same value if and only if all files in the DiskItem have not changed. Note that the contents of the files are not read, the modification hash rely only on os.stat. This method uses the funciton :py:func:`modificationHashOrEmpty` to create a hash code for each file. """ files = self.fullPaths() + [self.minfFileName()] return tuple([(f,) + tuple(modificationHashOrEmpty(f)) for f in files])
[docs] def eraseFiles(self, remove_from_database=False): """ Deletes all files associated to this diskItem. """ if remove_from_database: database = self.get('_database') if database: from import neuroHierarchy db = neuroHierarchy.databases.database(database) db.removeDiskItem(self, eraseFiles=False) for fp in self.fullPaths(): if os.path.exists(fp): shelltools.rm(fp) fp = self.minfFileName() if os.path.exists(fp): shelltools.rm(fp)
[docs] def isLockData(self): """ Return True or False to know if a file is locked. """ # print("-- FUNCTION isLockData : neuroDiskItems -- ") nameFileLock = str(self.fileName()) + ".lock" # print("File to test") # print(nameFileLock) return os.path.isfile(nameFileLock)
[docs] def lockData(self): """ function to lock file add a filename.lock file if the filename exists """ # print("-- FUNCTION lockData : neuroDiskItems -- ") nameFileLock = str(self.fileName()) + ".lock" if os.path.isfile(self.fileName()): # print("File to lock" + nameFileLock) fd = open(nameFileLock, 'a') fd.close() self.lockChanged.emit(True) return(True) else: return(False)
[docs] def unlockData(self): """ function to unlock file remove a .lock file """ # print("-- FUNCTION unlockData : neuroDiskItems -- ") nameFileLock = str(self.fileName()) + ".lock" if os.path.isfile(nameFileLock): fd = os.remove(nameFileLock) self.lockChanged.emit(False)
[docs] def getFileNameFromUuid(self, uuid): """ get the bvproc filname where is stored the history """ from import databases from brainvisa.processes import defaultContext # print("! getFileNameFromUuid : ") # donner directement le bvprocfile database = self.get("database") if database is None: database = self.get("_database") # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", database) # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", type(database)) # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", databases._databases) db = databases._databases.get(database) # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", db) # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", type(db)) cursor = db._getDatabaseCursor() bvproc_file = None try: sql = "SELECT filename FROM _FILENAMES_ WHERE _uuid='" + uuid + "'" # print(sql) bvproc_file = cursor.execute(sql).fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: defaultContext().warning( "Cannot question database " + + ". You should update this database.") finally: db._closeDatabaseCursor(cursor) if bvproc_file is not None: bvproc_file = bvproc_file[0] # print("!neuroDiskItems : getFileNameFromUuid :", bvproc_file) return bvproc_file
[docs] def setResolutionLevel(self, resolution_level): """ Sets the resolution level in the queryString of a DiskItem. It allows to use a specific resolution for multi resolution data. Once set, the fullPath of the DiskItem becomes '/dir/name.ext?resolution_level=<resolution_level>' :param resolution_level: The DiskItem resolution level to use. """ dims = self.get('resolutions_dimension', search_header = True) value_resolution_level = self.get('resolution_level') if dims is not None and len(dims) > 1: # Remove the query string resolution_level option if the default # value is selected if resolution_level == (len(dims) - 1): resolution_level = None if value_resolution_level != resolution_level: # Update query string only when levels are not the same if resolution_level is None: # Remove the resolution level because it is the default # level del self._queryStringAttributes['resolution_level'] else: self._setQueryString('resolution_level', resolution_level) elif value_resolution_level is not None: # Not a multiresolution file so remove resolution_level del self._queryStringAttributes['resolution_level']
[docs] def resolutionLevel(self): ''' Get the current resolution level of a DiskItem. The resolution level is read from the querystring. :return: The current resolution level of DiskItem. ''' dims = self.get('resolutions_dimension', search_header = True) if dims is not None: opts = parse_query_string(self.fullPath()) resolution_level = opts.get('resolution_level') if resolution_level is None: resolution_level = len(dims) - 1 else: resolution_level = int(resolution_level) if resolution_level < 0: resolution_level = len(dims) + resolution_level if resolution_level < 0 or resolution_level >= len(dims): # Set default resolution level if resolution level # is out of valid resolution levels resolution_level = len(dims) - 1 return resolution_level return 0
[docs] def getResolutionDimensions(self): ''' Get the multi resolution dimensions for a . If the file is not an image, None is returned. :return: The current resolution level of :py:class:`DiskItem`. ''' dims = self.get('resolutions_dimension', search_header = True) if dims is None: dims = self.get('volume_dimension', search_header = True) if dims is not None: dims = [ self.get('volume_dimension', search_header = True) ] return dims
[docs]class File(DiskItem): """ This class represents a diskItem that cannot contain other diskItems (it is not a directory). """ def __init__(self, name, parent): DiskItem.__init__(self, name, parent)
[docs]class Directory(DiskItem): """ This class represents a directory, that is to say a diskItem that can contain other diskItems. """ def __init__(self, name, parent): DiskItem.__init__(self, name, parent) self._childs = [] self.lastModified = 0 self.scanner = None if self.parent is None: self._automatic_update = True self._check_directory_time_only = False def __getstate__(self): state = DiskItem.__getstate__(self) state['_childs'] = self._childs state['lastModified'] = self.lastModified state['scanner'] = self.scanner return state def __setstate__(self, state): DiskItem.__setstate__(self, state) self._childs = state['_childs'] self.lastModified = state['lastModified'] self.scanner = state['scanner'] if self.parent is None: self._automatic_update = True self._check_directory_time_only = False
[docs] def childs(self): """ Returns the children diskItems scaning the directory using the ontology rules. Not used. """ self._lock.acquire() try: if self.scanner is None: return [] if not self._topParent()._automatic_update: return self._childs fullName = self.fullPath() if not os.path.isdir(fullName): return [] currentTime = int(time.time()) listdir = None if not self._topParent()._check_directory_time_only: modificationTime = 0 # print('directory', fullName, 'NOT smart') # sys.stdout.flush() listdir = [] for n in os.listdir(fullName): try: modificationTime = max(modificationTime, os.stat(os.path.join(fullName, n))[stat.ST_MTIME]) listdir.append(n) except Exception: pass else: modificationTime = os.stat(fullName)[stat.ST_MTIME] debug = neuroConfig.debugHierarchyScanning if modificationTime >= self.lastModified: if debug: print( '----------------------------------------------', file=debug) print(fullName, 'modified', file=debug) print( '----------------------------------------------', file=debug) print('modification time:', time.ctime( modificationTime), file=debug) print('last modification:', time.ctime(self.lastModified), file=debug) debug.flush() # Rescan directory childs = [] if listdir is None: listdir = os.listdir(fullName) for n in listdir: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullName, n)): childs.append(Directory(n, self)) else: childs.append(File(n, self)) if debug: print('children count:', len(childs), file=debug) # Identify files if self.scanner: if self._childs: oldChilds = {} for i in self._childs: oldChilds[(i.fileName(), i.type, i.format)] = i self._childs = self.scanner.scan(childs) for i in self._childs: old = oldChilds.get( (i.fileName(), i.type, i.format)) if isinstance(old, Directory): i.lastModified = old.lastModified i._childs = old._childs else: self._childs = self.scanner.scan(childs) else: self._childs = childs self.lastModified = currentTime result = self._childs finally: self._lock.release() return result
[docs]def getId(name): """ Returns the name in lowercase. """ return name.lower()
[docs]class BackwardCompatiblePattern(DictPattern): """ This class represents a file pattern. The pattern is described with an expression like ``f|*.jpg``. The first character (before the ``|``) indicates if the pattern recognizes files (``f``) or directories (``d``). This part is optional. The rest of the pattern is a simple regular expression that describes the file name. It can contain ``*`` character to replace any character and ``#`` character to replace numbers. See the parent class :py:class:`` for more details about the patterns. A method :py:meth:`match` enables to check if a :py:class:`DiskItem` file name matches this format pattern. """ _msgBadPattern = '<em><code>%s</code></em> is not a valid pattern' def __init__(self, pattern): i = pattern.find('|') if i >= 0: fileType = pattern[:i] # Check file type if fileType == 'fd': self.fileType = None elif fileType == 'f': self.fileType = File elif fileType == 'd': self.fileType = Directory else: raise ValueError( HTMLMessage(_t_(self._msgBadPattern) % pattern)) p = pattern[i + 1:] else: self.fileType = None p = pattern DictPattern.__init__(self, p) self.pattern = pattern
[docs] def match(self, diskItem): """ Checks if the diskitem file name matches the pattern. :param diskItem: The :py:class:`DiskItem` whose file format is checked. :returns: a dictionary containing the value found in the diskItem file name for each named expression of the pattern. The ``*`` character in the pattern is associated to a ``filename_variable`` key in the result dictionary. The ``#`` character in the pattern is associated to a ``name_serie`` key in the result dictionary. ``None`` is returned if the diskitem file name doesn't match the pattern. """ # Check File / Directory / both if self.fileType is not None: if diskItem.__class__ is not DiskItem and \ not isinstance(diskItem, self.fileType): return None result = DictPattern.match( self, os.path.basename(, diskItem) return result
[docs] def unmatch(self, diskItem, matchResult, force=False): """ The opposite of :py:meth:`match` method: the matching string is found from a match result and a dictionary of attributes values. :param matchResult: dictionary which associates a value to each named expression of the pattern. :param dict: dictionary which associates a value to each attribute name of the pattern. :param bool force: If True default values are set in the match result for ``filename_variable`` and ``name_serie`` attributes. :rtype: string :returns: The rebuilt matching string. """ if matchResult is None: return None if force: matchResult.setdefault('filename_variable', '') matchResult.setdefault('name_serie', []) return DictPattern.unmatch(self, matchResult, diskItem)
[docs]def getResolutionsFromItems(items): """ Get the multi resolutions string for common resolution levels of a list of items. :param items: list of py:class:`DiskItem`. :returns: The list of common resolutions. """ def format_size(size, unit = None, precision = None): if unit: unit = unit + (str(len(size)) if len(size) > 1 else '') return 'x'.join([('%.' + str(precision) + 'f') % s \ if precision else str(s) \ for s in size]) + (' ' + unit if unit else '') def get_resolution_string(level, ldim = None): if len(uniform_ratios) > level: res_vs = [(r * d) for r, d in zip(uniform_ratios[level][:ldim], uniform_vs[:ldim])] if len(res_vs) > 0: res_dim = [] if len(uniform_dims) > level: res_dim = uniform_dims[level][:ldim] return '%s: %s (%s)' % (level, format_size(res_dim) if len(res_dim) > 0 else 'item specific', format_size(res_vs, unit = 'mm', precision = 6)) return str(level) resolutions = [] if items is not None: if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): items = [items] items_dims = [i.getResolutionDimensions() for i in items] # Process items level ratios for each dimension items_ratios = [] for i_dims in items_dims: i_ratios = [] if i_dims is not None: for d in six.moves.xrange(len(i_dims)): i_ratios.append([(a / b) for a, b in zip(i_dims[0], i_dims[d])]) items_ratios.append(i_ratios) # Process item full resolution voxel size items_vs = list() for i, r in zip(items, items_ratios): vs = i.get('voxel_size', search_header = True) res = i.resolutionLevel() if vs is not None and res is not None: items_vs.append([s / f for s, f in zip(vs, r[res])]) else: items_vs.append([]) # Check that each resolution level has uniform ratios for all items uniform_ratios = dict() for i in six.moves.xrange(len(items_ratios)): i_ratios = items_ratios[i] for d in six.moves.xrange(len(i_ratios)): ratios = uniform_ratios.get(d) if i == 0: uniform_ratios[d] = i_ratios[d] elif ratios is None: uniform_ratios[d] = [] elif len(ratios) > 0: if ratios != i_ratios[d]: # Update to non uniform ratios uniform_ratios[d] = [] # Check that voxel sizes at highest resolution are uniform uniform_vs = None for i_vs in items_vs: if uniform_vs is None: uniform_vs = i_vs elif uniform_vs != i_vs: uniform_vs = [] break # Check that each resolution level has uniform dimensions for all items uniform_dims = dict() for i in six.moves.xrange(len(items_dims)): i_dims = items_dims[i] for d in six.moves.xrange(len(i_dims)): dims = uniform_dims.get(d) if i == 0: uniform_dims[d] = i_dims[d] elif dims is None: uniform_dims[d] = [] elif len(dims) > 0: if dims != i_dims[d]: # Update to non uniform dimensions uniform_dims[d] = [] # Get dimension limits max_ldim = 0 for i in six.moves.xrange(len(items_dims)): dims = items_dims[i] ldim = len(dims[0]) # Does not display dimension with size 1 for d in six.moves.xrange(len(dims[0]) - 1, -1, -1): if dims[0][d] == 1: ldim -= 1 else: break if ldim > max_ldim: max_ldim = ldim resolutions = [get_resolution_string(level, ldim = max_ldim) for level in six.moves.xrange(len(uniform_dims))] return resolutions
[docs]class BackwardCompatiblePatterns(object): """ This class represents several file patterns. Each pattern is a :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePattern`. """ _typeMsg = '<em><code>%s</code></em> is not a valid pattern list' def __init__(self, patterns): """ :param patterns: a string, a list of string, or a list of :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePattern`. They are used to create the internal list of :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePattern`. """ # Build Pattern list in self.patterns if type(patterns) is str: self.patterns = [BackwardCompatiblePattern(patterns)] elif type(patterns) in (tuple, list): self.patterns = [] for i in patterns: if isinstance(i, BackwardCompatiblePattern): self.patterns.append(i) else: self.patterns.append(BackwardCompatiblePattern(i)) else: raise TypeError(HTMLMessage(_t_(self._typeMsg) % str(patterns)))
[docs] def match(self, diskItem, returnPosition=0): """ Checks if the diskitem matches one of the patterns of this :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePatterns`. :param diskItem: The diskitem which files names should match the patterns. :param bool returnPosition: if True, the index of the matching pattern is returned as well as the match result. :returns: the match result or a tuple (match result, index) if ``returnPosition`` is True. """ pos = 0 for i in self.patterns: m = i.match(diskItem) if m: if returnPosition: return (m, pos) return m pos += 1 return None
[docs] def unmatch(self, diskItem, matchResult, force=0): """ Returns the list of file names generated from a diskitem and its match result. """ return [p.unmatch(diskItem, matchResult, force) for p in self.patterns]
[docs] def fileOrDirectory(self): """ Checks if all the patterns match files or directories. If they all match the same type (file or directory), returns this type. """ if self.patterns: result = self.patterns[0].fileType for p in self.patterns[1:]: if p.fileType is not result: return None return result return None
def __eq__(self, other): return self.patterns == other.patterns def __ne__(self, other): return self.patterns != other.patterns def __lt__(self, other): return self.patterns < other.patterns def __le__(self, other): return self.patterns <= other.patterns def __gt__(self, other): return self.patterns > other.patterns def __ge__(self, other): return self.patterns >= other.patterns
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- formats = {} formatLists = {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Format(object): """ This class represents a data file format. It is used to define the format attribute of :py:class:`DiskItem` objects. It is also used to define new formats in brainvisa ontology files. :Attributes: .. py:attribute:: name Name of the format. For example *GIS image*. .. py:attribute:: fileName Name of the python file that contains the definition of this format. .. py:attribute:: id Identifier associated to this format. .. py:attribute:: patterns :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePatterns` describing the files patterns associated to this format. Example: ``f|*.ima, f|*.dim``. .. py:attribute:: toolbox Name of the toolbox that defined the format, default is 'axon' (no toolbox). :Methods: """ _msgError = 'error in <em>%s</em> format' _reloaded_formats = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # print('** new **', cls, args, kwargs) global formats # must get format ID from parameters -- not clean... if 'formatName' in kwargs: formatName = kwargs['formatName'] else: if issubclass(cls, FormatSeries): if len(args) >= 2: formatName = args[1] else: if 'baseFormat' in kwargs: baseFormat = kwargs['baseFormat'] elif len(args) >= 1: baseFormat = args[0] else: raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( '<em><code>%s</code></em> init parameter formatName is missing') % htmlEscape(str(cls)))) formatName = 'Series of ' + getFormat(baseFormat).name else: if len(args) >= 1: formatName = args[0] else: raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( '<em><code>%s</code></em> init parameter formatName is missing') % htmlEscape(str(cls)))) id = getId(formatName) instance = formats.get(id) if instance is None: instance = super(Format, cls).__new__(cls) # to allow detecting new formats after reload cls._reloaded_formats.setdefault(id, 0) cls._reloaded_formats[id] += 1 return instance def __getnewargs__(self): return (,) def __init__(self, formatName, patterns, attributes=None, exclusive=None, ignoreExclusive=0): """ :param string formatName: name of the format. :param patterns: string or :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePatterns` describing the files patterns associated to this format. :param attributes: dictionary of attributes associated to this format. For example, an attribute *compressed = type_of_compression* is associated to the compressed files formats. :param bool exclusive: if True, a file should match only this pattern to match the format. Hardly ever used. :param bool ignoreExclusive: if True, this format will be ignored when exclusivity of a format is checked. Hardly ever used. """ global formats tb = traceback.extract_stack(None, 3) = getId(formatName) state = {'formatName': formatName, 'patterns': patterns, 'attributes': attributes, 'exclusive': exclusive, 'ignoreExclusive': ignoreExclusive, 'toolbox': 'axon', 'fileName': tb[0][0], 'parse_line': tb[0][1]} self._update_internals(state) # Register self in formats formats[] = self def __getstate__(self): return {'name':} def __setstate__(self, state): f = getFormat(state['name']) self.__dict__.update(f.__dict__) def _update_internals(self, state): old_filename = getattr(self, 'fileName', None) old_line = getattr(self, 'parse_line', None) keys = list(state.keys()) if 'formatName' in keys: keys = ['formatName'] + [k for k in keys if k != 'formatName'] for key in keys: value = state[key] if key == 'formatName': formatName = value if not isinstance(formatName, six.string_types): raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( '<em><code>%s</code></em> is not a valid format name') % formatName)) = formatName elif key == 'patterns': patterns = value # Check patterns if not isinstance(patterns, BackwardCompatiblePatterns): patterns = BackwardCompatiblePatterns(patterns) # Register self in formats f = formats.get( if f and self._reloaded_formats.get( \ and self.patterns != patterns: line = state.get('parse_line') or getattr( self, 'parse_line', 0) raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( 'line %d, format %s already exists whith a different pattern. Previous definition in file: %s, line %d') % (line,, old_filename, old_line))) self.patterns = patterns elif key == 'attributes': self._formatAttributes = value elif key == 'exclusive': self._exclusive = value elif key == 'ignoreExclusive': self._ignoreExclusive = value else: setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def match(self, item, returnPosition=0, ignoreExclusive=0): """ Checks if the diskItem files match the format patterns. :param item: the :py:class:`DiskItem` whose format is checked. :param bool returnPosition: if True the position of the match is returned with the matched variables :param bool ignoreExclusive: if True, the exclusivity of the matched format will not be checked. :returns: a dictionary containing the matched variables of the patterns or a tuple containing this dictionary and the position of the match if returnPosition was True. """ name = if name[-5:] == '.minf': = name[: -5] result = self.patterns.match(item, returnPosition) = name else: result = self.patterns.match(item, returnPosition) if self._exclusive and not ignoreExclusive: for f in getAllFormats(): if f is not self and not f._ignoreExclusive and f.match(item, returnPosition, ignoreExclusive=1): return None return result
[docs] def unmatch(self, diskItem, matchResult, force=0): """ Returns the list of filenames according to this format replacing the variables in the patterns with the value in matchResult. """ d, f = os.path.split( if d: oldName = = f result = list(map(lambda x, d=d: os.path.join( d, x), self.patterns.unmatch(diskItem, matchResult, force=force))) = oldName else: result = self.patterns.unmatch( diskItem, matchResult, force=force) return result
[docs] def formatedName(self, item, matchResult): """ Returns the name of the diskItem that matches the format without format extension. """ star = matchResult.get('filename_variable') if star: if item.parent is None: d = os.path.dirname( if d: return os.path.join(d, star) return star return
[docs] def setFormat(self, item, ruleMatchingInfo=None): """ Sets this format to the diskItem. :param item: :py:class:`DiskItem` whose format will be set. :param ruleMatchingInfo: used in derived class. """ item.format = self
def group(self, groupedItem, matchedItem, position=0): if isinstance(matchedItem, Directory) and not isinstance(groupedItem, Directory): # If a directory is grouped, the final DiskItem is a Directory tmp = groupedItem groupedItem = matchedItem matchedItem = tmp groupedItem.__dict__.update(matchedItem.__dict__) if matchedItem.fileName()[-5:] == '.minf': return groupedItem groupedItem._files[position:position] = matchedItem._files return groupedItem
[docs] def fileOrDirectory(self): """ Returns the class of diskItem that this format matches : :py:class:`File` or :py:class:`Directory`. """ return self.patterns.fileOrDirectory()
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return repr(
[docs] def setAttributes(self, item, writeOnly=0): """ Adds the attributes of this format to the diskItem other attributes """ attrs = self._formatAttributes if attrs is not None: if type(attrs) is dict: item._updateOther(attrs) elif callable(attrs): item._updateOther(attrs(item, writeOnly=writeOnly)) else: raise ValueError( HTMLMessage(_t_('Invalid attributes: <em>%s</em>') % htmlEscape(str(attrs))))
[docs] def postProcessing(self, item): """Virtual method. Overriden in derived class. """ pass
[docs] def getPatterns(self): """Returns a :py:class:`BackwardCompatiblePatterns` representing the files patterns for this format. """ return self.patterns
def __lt__(self, other): return <
[docs]class MinfFormat(Format): """ Base class for the file formats that uses the minf format. """ pass
[docs]class FormatSeries(Format): """ This class represents the format of a serie of diskItems with the same format. For example, a serie of images in Analyse format. Such an object can be created using the function :py:func:`changeToFormatSeries`. :Attributes: .. py:attribute:: baseFormat The format of each element of the serie. :Methods: """ def __init__(self, baseFormat, formatName=None, attributes=None): baseFormat = getFormat(baseFormat) if isinstance(baseFormat, FormatSeries): raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( 'Impossible to build a format series of <em>%s</em> which is already a format series') % if formatName is None: formatName = 'Series of ' + if attributes is None: attributes = baseFormat._formatAttributes = getId(formatName) tb = traceback.extract_stack(None, 3) state = {'formatName': formatName, 'fileName': tb[0][0], 'baseFormat': baseFormat, 'toolbox': 'axon', 'attributes': attributes, 'ignoreExclusive': baseFormat._ignoreExclusive} self._update_internals(state) registerFormat(self)
[docs] def match(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the :py:meth:`Format.match` method of the base format. """ return self.baseFormat.match(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def unmatch(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the :py:meth:`Format.unmatch` method of the base format. """ return self.baseFormat.unmatch(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def formatedName(self, item, matchResult): """ Calls the :py:meth:`Format.formatedName` method of the base format. """ return self.baseFormat.formatedName(item, matchResult)
[docs] def setFormat(self, item, ruleMatchingInfo=None): """ Applies this format to the diskitem. """ item.format = self if ruleMatchingInfo is not None: rule, matchRule = ruleMatchingInfo ns = matchRule.get('name_serie') matchRule['name_serie'] = '#' = rule.pattern.unmatch(item, matchRule) matchRule['name_serie'] = ns item._files = self.unmatch( item, {'filename_variable':, }) if ns: item._getLocal('name_serie').append(ns)
# if not isinstance( ns, basestring ): # ns.append( matchRule.get( 'name_serie' ) )
[docs] def group(self, groupedItem, matchedItem, position=0, matchRule=None): """ Groups files which are associated to the same diskitem. """ if isinstance(matchedItem, Directory) and not isinstance(groupedItem, Directory): # If a directory is grouped, the final DiskItem is a Directory tmp = groupedItem groupedItem = matchedItem matchedItem = tmp groupedItem.__dict__.update(matchedItem.__dict__) if matchedItem.fileName()[-5:] == '.minf': return groupedItem if matchRule: ns = groupedItem._getLocal('name_serie') if not isinstance(ns, six.string_types): ns.append(matchRule.get('name_serie')) return groupedItem
[docs] def fileOrDirectory(self): """ Calls the :py:meth:`Format.fileOrDirectory` method of the base format. """ return self.baseFormat.fileOrDirectory()
[docs] def postProcessing(self, item): """ Sorts and removes doubloons in the list of numbers in the ``name_serie`` attribute of the item. """ name_serie = item.get('name_serie') if len(name_serie) > 1: # Sort name_serie by numeric order numbers = [(long(i), i) for i in name_serie] numbers.sort() name_serie = [i[1] for i in numbers] # Remove identical entries i = 1 while i < len(name_serie): if name_serie[i] == name_serie[i - 1]: del name_serie[i] else: i += 1 item._setLocal('name_serie', name_serie)
[docs] def getPatterns(self): """ Calls the :py:meth:`Format.getPatterns` method of the base format. """ return self.baseFormat.patterns
[docs]def changeToFormatSeries(format): """ Gets the suited format for a serie of item in the given format. """ if isinstance(format, FormatSeries): return format global formats result = formats.get(getId('Series of ' +, None) if not result: result = FormatSeries(format) return result
[docs]def registerFormat(format): """ Stores the format in a global list of formats. """ global formats f = formats.get( if f: raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_('format <em>%s</em> already exists') % else: formats[] = format
[docs]def getFormat(item, default=Undefined): """ Gets the format whose id is the given item. """ if isinstance(item, Format): return item elif isinstance(item, six.string_types): if item == 'Graph': item = 'Graph and data' result = formats.get(getId(item)) if result: return result if item.startswith('Series of '): result = changeToFormatSeries(getFormat(item[10:])) if result: return result if default is Undefined: raise ValueError( HTMLMessage(_t_('<em><code>%s</code></em> is not a valid format') % str(item))) return default
[docs]class NamedFormatList(UserList): """ This class represents a list of formats which have a name. This object can be used as a list. .. py:attribute:: name Name of the list of formats. .. py:attribute:: data List of formats. .. py:attribute:: fileName Name of the file where this list of formats is defined. """ def __init__(self, name, data): tb = traceback.extract_stack(None, 3) self.fileName = tb[0][0] = name = list(data) self.toolbox = 'axon' def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return repr( def __getstate__(self): return (, def __setstate__(self, state):, = state def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, UserList): return + elif isinstance(other, type( return + other else: return + list(other) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, UserList): return + elif isinstance(other, type( return other + else: return list(other) + def __mul__(self, n): return * n __rmul__ = __mul__ def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]def createFormatList(listName, formats=[]): """ Creates a new :py:class:`NamedFormatList` and stores it in a global list of formats lists. :param string listName: the name of the list :param list formats: the list of formats ids (string) :returns: the new :py:class:`NamedFormatList` containing a list of :py:class:`Format` objects. """ global formatLists key = getId(listName) if key in formatLists: raise KeyError(listName) result = NamedFormatList(listName, getFormats(formats)) formatLists[key] = result return result
[docs]def getFormats(formats): """ Returns a list of :py:class:`Format` or a :py:class:`NamedFormatList` corresponding to the given parameter. The parameter can be a string or a list of string matching format names. """ if formats is None: return None global formatLists if isinstance(formats, six.string_types): key = getId(formats) result = formatLists.get(key) if result is None: result = [getFormat(formats)] elif isinstance(formats, NamedFormatList): return formats elif isinstance(formats, Format): result = [formats] else: if [i for i in formats if not isinstance(i, Format)]: result = [getFormat(i) for i in formats] else: result = formats return result
[docs]def getAllFormats(): """ Returns the list of all available formats. """ global formats return list(formats.values())
directoryFormat = Format('Directory', 'd|*', ignoreExclusive=1) fileFormat = Format('File', 'f|*', ignoreExclusive=1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- diskItemTypes = {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DiskItemType(object): """ This class represents a data type. It is used to define the type attribute of :py:class:`DiskItem` objects. The types are defined hierarchically, that's why a type can have a parent type and a method :py:meth:`DiskItemType.isA` enables to request if a type is derived from another type. :Attributes: .. py:attribute:: name Name of the Type. For example *T1 MRI*. .. py:attribute:: fileName Name of the python file that contains the definition of this type. .. py:attribute:: id Identifier associated to this type. .. py:attribute:: parent As types are defined hierarchically, a type can have a parent type. .. py:attribute:: toolbox Name of the toolbox that defined the type, default is 'axon' (no toolbox). :Methods: """ _reloaded_types = {} def __new__(cls, typeName, *args, **kwargs): # print'** new **', cls, typeName, args, kwargs global diskItemTypes id = getId(typeName) instance = diskItemTypes.get(id) if instance is None: instance = super(DiskItemType, cls).__new__(cls) # to check double definition and removed types cls._reloaded_types.setdefault(id, 0) cls._reloaded_types[id] += 1 return instance def __getnewargs__(self): return (,) def __init__(self, typeName, parent=None, attributes=None): """ :param string typeName: name of the type :param parent: can be the name of the parent. If it already registered, it will be found from its name. :param attributes: dictionary containing attributes associated to this type. """ # Check name if type(typeName) is not str: raise ValueError(_t_('a type name must be a string')) = typeName = getId(typeName) # try to compare to an older copy if hasattr(self, '__older_type'): other = self.__older_type del self.__older_type elif self._reloaded_types.get( other = diskItemTypes.get( if other: other = dict([(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(other.__dict__) if not k.startswith('_')]) else: other = None tb = traceback.extract_stack(None, 4) self.fileName = tb[0][0] self.parse_line = tb[0][1] self.toolbox = 'axon' if parent is None: self.parent = None else: self.parent = getDiskItemType(parent) if other: if not sameContent(self, other, as_dict=True): raise ValueError(HTMLMessage(_t_( 'line %d, invalid redefinition for type %s, previous definition in file: %s, line %d') % (self.parse_line,, other[ 'fileName'], other['parse_line']))) else: diskItemTypes[] = self if attributes is None: if self.parent is not None: self._typeAttributes = self.parent._typeAttributes else: self._typeAttributes = None else: self._typeAttributes = attributes def __getstate__(self): return {'diskItemType':} def __setstate__(self, state): dit = getDiskItemType(state['diskItemType']) self.__dict__.update(dit.__dict__)
[docs] def setType(self, item, matchResult, formatPosition): """ Sets this type to the given item. """ item.type = self
[docs] def isA(self, diskItemType): """ Returns True if the given diskItem type is a parent (direct or indirect) of the current diskItem. """ diskItemType = getDiskItemType(diskItemType) if diskItemType is self: return 1 if self.parent is None: return 0 return self.parent.isA(diskItemType)
[docs] def inheritanceLevels(self, diskItemType): """ Returns -1 if the given diskItem type is not a parent (direct or indirect) of the current diskItem, else the number of levels between the given diskItem type and the current diskItem type. """ # levels = -1 # t = getDiskItemType( diskItemType ) # while t: # levels += 1 # if t == self: # return levels # t = t.parent # return -1 diskItemType = getDiskItemType(diskItemType) if diskItemType is self: return 0 if self.parent is None: return -1 p = self.parent.inheritanceLevels(diskItemType) return p if p < 0 else p + 1
[docs] def parents(self): """ Returns the list of parents of this diskItem, that is to say its parent and its parent's parents. """ if self.parent: return [self.parent] + self.parent.parents() return []
[docs] def levels(self): """ Returns hierarchy levels from the current diskItem. Each level is a tuple that contains an integer and a diskItem type. """ i = 0 t = self while t: yield (i, t) t = t.parent i += 1
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return '<' + str(self) + '>'
[docs] def setAttributes(self, item, writeOnly=0): """ Add this type attributes to the given diskItem minf attributes. """ attrs = self._typeAttributes if attrs is not None: if type(attrs) is dict: item.updateMinf(attrs) elif callable(attrs): item.updateMinf(attrs(item, writeOnly=writeOnly)) else: raise ValueError( HTMLMessage(_t_('Invalid attributes: <em>%s</em>') % htmlEscape(str(attrs))))
[docs]def getDiskItemType(item): """ Gets the :py:class:`DiskItemType` whose id is the given item. """ if isinstance(item, DiskItemType): return item elif type(item) is str or type(item) is six.text_type: result = diskItemTypes.get(getId(item)) if result: return result raise ValueError( HTMLMessage(_t_('<em><code>%s</code></em> is not a valid file or directory type') % str(item)))
[docs]def getAllDiskItemTypes(): """ Gets all registered :py:class:`DiskItemType`. """ return list(diskItemTypes.values())
[docs]def isSameDiskItemType(base, ref): """ Returns True if ref is a parent of base. """ if base: return base.isA(ref) else: return ref is None
[docs]class FileType(DiskItemType): """ This class represents a type for a DiskItem associated to files (a :py:class:`File`). It is used to define new data types in brainvisa ontology files. It can store file formats associated to this type. """ def __init__(self, typeName, parent=None, formats=None, minfAttributes=None): """ :param string typeName: name of the type :param formats: list of file formats associated to this type of data. :param minfAttributes: dictionary containing attributes associated to this type. """ # try to compare to an older copy id = getId(typeName) if not hasattr(self, '__older_type') and self._reloaded_types.get(id): other = diskItemTypes.get(id) if other: other = dict([(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(other.__dict__) if not k.startswith('_')]) self.__older_type = other # Check formats if formats: self.formats = getFormats(formats) elif parent: parent = getDiskItemType(parent) self.formats = parent.formats else: self.formats = None # Register type DiskItemType.__init__(self, typeName, parent, minfAttributes)
[docs] def sameContent(self, other, as_dict=False): """ Returns True if the two file types are instances of the same class and have the same list of formats and the same parent. The formats and parents are compared using the function :py:func:`sameContent`. """ if as_dict and isinstance(other, dict): return sameContent(self.formats, other['formats']) \ and sameContent(self.parent, other['parent']) return isinstance( other, FileType ) and \ self.__class__ is other.__class__ and \ sameContent( self.formats, other.formats ) and \ sameContent(self.parent, other.parent)
[docs]def expand_name_serie(text, number): """ Replaces ``#`` character in *text* by *number*. """ l = text.split('#') if len(l) == 2: return l[0] + number + l[1] return text
[docs]class TemporaryDirectory(Directory): """ This class represents a temporary directory. It will be deleted when Brainvisa closes. The deletion of temporary files and directories is managed by a :py:class:``. """ def __init__(self, name, parent): self._isTemporary = 1 if parent: fullPath = os.path.join(parent.fullPath(), name) else: fullPath = name if not os.path.isdir(fullPath): try: os.mkdir(fullPath, 0o770) except OSError as e: if not e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # filter out 'File exists' exception, if the same dir has been created # concurrently by another instance of BrainVisa or another # thread raise Directory.__init__(self, name, parent) def __del__(self): if Application().configuration.brainvisa.removeTemporary and \ temporary.manager is not None: toDelete = self.fullPaths() toDelete.append(toDelete[0] + '.minf') # print('deleting temp DI:', toDelete) for f in toDelete: n = 0 while 1: try: temporary.manager.removePath(f) break except OSError: if n < 100: n += 1 time.sleep(0.01) # print('can\' delete', f, 'yet. waiting') # sys.stdout.flush() else: # print('exception while removing', f) showException(beforeError=_t_('temporary file <em>%s</em> not ' 'deleted<br>') % f, gui=0) # giving up, let it for later temporary.manager.registerPath(f) print('continuing after failed rm on %s' % f) break
[docs] def clear(self): """ Removes all files associated to this diskItem. """ for f in self.fullPaths(): try: temporary.manager.removePath(f) temporary.manager.registerPath(f) except Exception: showException( beforeError=_t_( 'temorary file <em>%s</em> not deleted<br>') % f, gui=0)
[docs]class TemporaryDiskItem(File): """ This class represents a temporary diskitem. The associated files are automatically deleted when the corresponding object is no more used and so garbage collected. The deletion of temporary files and directories is managed by a :py:class:``. """ def __init__(self, name, parent): File.__init__(self, name, parent) self._isTemporary = 1 def __del__(self): if Application().configuration.brainvisa.removeTemporary and \ temporary.manager is not None: toDelete = self.fullPaths() toDelete.append(toDelete[0] + '.minf') # print('deleting temp DI:', toDelete) for f in toDelete: n = 0 while 1: try: temporary.manager.removePath(f) break except OSError: if n < 100: n += 1 time.sleep(0.01) # print('can\' delete', f, 'yet. waiting') # sys.stdout.flush() else: # print('exception while removing', f) showException(beforeError=_t_('temporary file <em>%s</em> not ' 'deleted<br>') % f, gui=0) # giving up, let it for later temporary.manager.registerPath(f) print('continuing after failed rm on %s' % f) break
[docs] def clear(self): """ Removes all files associated to this diskItem. """ for f in self.fullPaths(): try: temporary.manager.removePath(f) temporary.manager.registerPath(f) except Exception: showException( beforeError=_t_( 'temorary file <em>%s</em> not deleted<br>') % f, gui=0)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- globalTmpDir = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getTemporary(format, diskItemType=None, parent=None, name=None, suffix=None, prefix=None): """ Creates a new temporary diskitem. It will be automatically deleted when there is no more references on it or when Brainvisa closes. :param format: format of the diskitem. If the format correspond to a directory, a :py:class:`TemporaryDirectory` will be created, else a :py:class:`TemporaryDiskItem` will be created. :param diskItemType: type of the diskItem. :param parent: parent diskitem: directory which contains the diskItem. By default it will be Brainvisa global temporary directory whose path can be choosen in the options. The global temporary directory diskitem is defined in the global variable :py:data:`globalTmpDir`. :param name: filename for the diskitem. By default, a new name is generated by the :py:class:``. :returns: a :py:class:`TemporaryDirectory` or a :py:class:`TemporaryDiskItem`. """ global globalTmpDir format = getFormat(format) if diskItemType is not None: diskItemType = getDiskItemType(diskItemType) if parent is None: if globalTmpDir is None: globalTmpDir = TemporaryDirectory( neuroConfig.temporaryDirectory, None) parent = globalTmpDir if name is None: name = temporary.manager.newFileName(directory=parent.fullPath(), suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix) if format.fileOrDirectory() is Directory: item = TemporaryDirectory(name, parent) else: item = TemporaryDiskItem(name, parent) item._files = format.unmatch(item, {'filename_variable': name, 'name_serie': None}, 1) item.format = format item.type = diskItemType toDelete = list(item.fullPaths()) toDelete.append(toDelete[0] + '.minf') for f in toDelete: temporary.manager.registerPath(f) return item
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _uuid_to_DiskItem = WeakValueDictionary() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getDataFromUuid(uuid): """ Gets a :py:class:`DiskItem` from its uuid. """ if not isinstance(uuid, Uuid): uuid = Uuid(uuid) return _uuid_to_DiskItem.get(uuid)
[docs]class HierarchyDirectoryType(FileType): """ This type represents a directory which represents data in Brainvisa ontology. It is associated to the format :py:data:`directoryFormat`. """ def __init__(self, typeName, parent=None, **kwargs): FileType.__init__(self, typeName, parent, directoryFormat, **kwargs)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typesLastModification = 0 # mef is global to handle multiple call to readTypes since allready read # file types are stored in it to prevent multiple loads which cause troubles.
[docs]class TypesMEF(MultipleExecfile): """ This class enables to read Brainvisa ontology files which contain the definition of formats and types. A global instance of this object :py:data:`mef` is used to load types and formats at Brainvisa startup. The Brainvisa types files will define new formats with :py:class:`Format`, new types with :py:class:`FileType` and new format lists with :py:func:`createFormatList`. With the :py:attr:`brainvisa.multipleExecfile.MultipleExecfile.localDict`, callback methods are associated to the functions that will be called in the types files: :py:meth:`create_format`, :py:meth:`create_format_list`, :py:meth:`create_type`. """ def __init__(self): super(TypesMEF, self).__init__() self.localDict['Format'] = self.create_format self.localDict['createFormatList'] = self.create_format_list self.localDict['changeToFormatSeries'] = self.create_format_serie self.localDict['FileType'] = self.create_type self.localDict['HierarchyDirectoryType'] = self.create_hie_dir_type
[docs] def create_format(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is called when a new format is created in one of the executed files. The *toolbox*, *module* and fileName attributes of the new :py:class:`Format` are set. :param args: The arguments will be passed to the constructor of :py:class:`Format`. :returns: The new format. """ format = Format(*args, **kwargs) toolbox, module = self.currentToolbox() format.toolbox = toolbox format.module = module format.fileName = self.localDict["__name__"] return format
[docs] def create_format_list(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is called when a new formats list is created in one of the executed files. The *toolbox*, *module* and fileName attributes of the new :py:class:`NamedFormatList` are set. :param args: The arguments will be passed to the function :py:func:`createFormatList`. :returns: The new formats list. """ format_list = createFormatList(*args, **kwargs) toolbox, module = self.currentToolbox() format_list.toolbox = toolbox format_list.module = module format_list.fileName = self.localDict["__name__"] return format_list
[docs] def create_format_serie(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is called when a new formats list is created in one of the executed files. The *toolbox*, *module* and fileName attributes of the new :py:class:`FormatSeries` are set. :param args: The arguments will be passed to the function :py:func:`changeToFormatSeries`. :returns: The new format series. """ format_serie = changeToFormatSeries(*args, **kwargs) toolbox, module = self.currentToolbox() format_serie.toolbox = toolbox format_serie.module = module format_serie.fileName = self.localDict["__name__"] return format_serie
[docs] def create_type(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is called when a new type is created in one of the executed files. The *toolbox*, *module* and fileName attributes of the new :py:class:`FileType` are set. :param args: The arguments will be passed to the constructor of :py:class:`FileType`. :returns: The new type. """ type = FileType(*args, **kwargs) toolbox, module = self.currentToolbox() type.toolbox = toolbox type.module = module type.fileName = self.localDict["__name__"] return type
[docs] def create_hie_dir_type(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is called when a new type is created in one of the executed files. The *toolbox*, *module* and fileName attributes of the new :py:class:`HierarchyDirectoryType` are set. :param args: The arguments will be passed to the constructor of :py:class:`HierarchyDirectoryType`. :returns: The new type. """ hdtype = HierarchyDirectoryType(*args, **kwargs) toolbox, module = self.currentToolbox() hdtype.toolbox = toolbox hdtype.module = module hdtype.fileName = self.localDict["__name__"] return hdtype
[docs] def currentToolbox(self): """ Finds the name of the toolbox and the module path of the last executed file. Returns a tuple *(toolbox, module)*. """ file = self.localDict['__name__'] toolbox = None module = None if file.startswith(neuroConfig.mainPath): l = split_path(file[len(neuroConfig.mainPath) + 1:]) if l and l[0] == 'toolboxes': if len(l) >= 4: toolbox = l[1] module = '.'.join(l[2:]) if module.endswith('.py'): module = module[:-3] elif l and l[0] == 'types': toolbox = 'axon' module = '.'.join(l) if module.endswith('.py'): module = module[:-3] else: module = file return (toolbox, module)
mef = TypesMEF() mef.fileExtensions.append('.py')
[docs]def readTypes(): """ This function loads types and formats by reading Brainvisa ontology types files. """ global typesLastModification global mef mef.includePath.update(neuroConfig.typesPath) try: files = shelltools.filesFromShPatterns( *[os.path.join(path, '*.py') for path in neuroConfig.typesPath]) files.sort() exc = mef.execute(continue_on_error=True, *files) if exc: for e in exc: try: six.reraise(e[0], e[1], e[2]) except Exception: showException( beforeError="Error while reading types file: ") typesLastModification = max( (os.stat(f).st_mtime for f in mef.executedFiles())) except Exception: showException()
[docs]def reloadTypes(): """ This function reinitializes the global variables used to store the types and formats before calling :py:func:`readTypes`. """ global formats global formatLists global diskItemTypes global typesLastModification global mef global directoryFormat global fileFormat Format._reloaded_formats = {} DiskItemType._reloaded_types = {} formatLists = {} diskItemTypes = {} typesLastModification = 0 mef = TypesMEF() mef.fileExtensions.append('.py') directoryFormat = Format('Directory', 'd|*', ignoreExclusive=1) fileFormat = Format('File', 'f|*', ignoreExclusive=1) readTypes()
def pruneObsoleteTypes(): global formats for format in list(formats.keys()): if format not in Format._reloaded_formats: del formats[format] Format._reloaded_formats = {} global diskItemTypes for type in list(diskItemTypes.keys()): if type not in DiskItemType._reloaded_types: del diskItemTypes[type] DiskItemType._reloaded_types = {} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: from soma import aims # Fix libxml2 multithreaded application issue by initializing parser from # the main thread aims.xmlInitParser() _finder = aims.Finder() # don't resolve symlinks if file browser to be consistent with # all DiskItem namings try: aims.setQtResolveSymlinks(False) except Exception: pass except Exception: _finder = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def aimsFileInfo(fileName): """ Reads the header of the file *fileName* and returns its attributes as a dictionary. """ from brainvisa.processes import defaultContext from brainvisa.processes import mainThreadActions global _finder result = {} if fileName.endswith('.ima.gz') or fileName.endswith('.dim.gz') or fileName.endswith('.ima.Z') or fileName.endswith('.dim.Z'): context = defaultContext() tmp = context.temporary('GIS image') context.runProcess('uncompressGIS', fileName, tmp, False) fileName = tmp.fullPath() try: try: import numpy nan = numpy.nan except ImportError: nan = None if _finder is not None: finder = aims.Finder() fileName = six.ensure_str(fileName, sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()) # Finder is not thread-safe (yet) if mainThreadActions().call(finder.check, fileName): result = eval(str(finder.header()), locals()) else: if neuroConfig.platform == 'windows': f = os.popen('AimsFileInfo -i "' + fileName + '"', 'r') else: f = os.popen( 'AimsFileInfo -i "' + fileName + '" 2> /dev/null', 'r') s = f.readline() while s and s != 'attributes = {\n': s = f.readline() s = s[13:-1] + result = eval(s, locals()) f.close() except Exception: pass return result