Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
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# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
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# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
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This module defines functions to load Brainvisa **databases**.

The databases objects are stored in a global variable:

  .. py:data:: databases

    :py:class:`` object which contains the loaded Brainvisa databases.

This object is created with the function :py:func:`initializeDatabases`.

Then each each database can be loaded with the function :py:func:`openDatabases`.
An object :py:class:`` is created for each database selected in Brainvisa options.

The function :py:func:`hierarchies` enables to get the list of databases objects.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

from import SQLDatabase, SQLDatabases, DatabaseError, databaseVersion, databaseVersions
from brainvisa.processing.neuroException import showException, showWarning
from brainvisa.configuration import neuroConfig
# Import read and write diskitem because neuroHierarchy.ReadDiskItem and
# neuroHierarchy.WriteDiskItem is used in some processes
from import ReadDiskItem
from import WriteDiskItem

databases = None

[docs]def initializeDatabases(): """ Creates the object :py:data:`databases` which is an instance of :py:class:``. It will contain all loaded databases. """ global databases databases = SQLDatabases()
[docs]def openDatabases(): """ Loads databases which are selected in Brainvisa options. For each database, an object :py:class:`` is created. The new database objects are added to :py:data:`databases`, any existing database in this object is previously removed. Warning messages may be displayed if a database is readonly or uses a deprecated ontology (*brainvisa-3.0*). """ from brainvisa.processes import defaultContext global databases newDatabases = [] for dbSettings in neuroConfig.dataPath: try: if getattr(dbSettings, "builtin", False) and databases.hasDatabase( # builtin databases are not re created newDatabases.append(databases.database( else: databases.remove( if dbSettings.expert_settings.fedji_backend: from fedji.axon_frontend import AxonFedjiDatabase base = AxonFedjiDatabase(, fom_name=dbSettings.expert_settings.ontology) newDatabases.append(base) else: remoteAccessURI = os.path.join(, 'remoteAccessURI') if os.path.exists(remoteAccessURI): raise NotImplementedError( 'Remote database access has been removed from ' 'BrainVISA, it was an experimental feature. ' 'Please remove {0} and check your database ' 'configuration.'.format(remoteAccessURI) ) else: otherSqliteFiles = [] if dbSettings.expert_settings.sqliteFileName != ":memory:" and dbSettings.expert_settings.sqliteFileName != ":temporary:": if dbSettings.expert_settings.sqliteFileName: path, ext = os.path.splitext( dbSettings.expert_settings.sqliteFileName) else: path = os.path.join(, 'database') ext = '.sqlite' sqlite = path + "-" + databaseVersion + ext # other versions of sqlite file other = path + ext if os.path.exists(other): otherSqliteFiles.append(other) for version in databaseVersions.keys(): if version != databaseVersion: other = path + "-" + version + ext if os.path.exists(other): otherSqliteFiles.append( path + "-" + version + ext) else: sqlite = dbSettings.expert_settings.sqliteFileName base = SQLDatabase( sqlite,, fso=dbSettings.expert_settings.ontology, context=defaultContext(), otherSqliteFiles=otherSqliteFiles, settings=dbSettings) newDatabases.append(base) # Usually users do not have to modify a builtin # database. Therefore no warning is shown for these # databases. if ((not dbSettings.builtin) and (not os.access(, os.W_OK) or (os.path.exists(sqlite) and not os.access(sqlite, os.W_OK)))): showWarning( _t_("The database " + + " is read only, you will not be able to add new items in this database.")) if == "brainvisa-3.0": showWarning( _t_("The database " + + " uses brainvisa-3.0 ontology which is deprecated. You should convert this database to the new ontology using the process Data management -> Convert Old database.")) except Exception: showException() # update SQLDatabases object databases.removeDatabases() for db in newDatabases: databases.add(db)
[docs]def hierarchies(): """ Returns a list of :py:class:`` objects representing the databases currently loaded in Brainvisa. """ return list(databases._databases.values())
def update_soma_workflow_translations(): if not neuroConfig.fastStart: translation_file = open( os.path.join(neuroConfig.homeBrainVISADir, 'soma-workflow.translation'), 'w') for db in databases.iterDatabases(): uuid = getattr(db, 'uuid', None) if uuid: print(uuid,, file=translation_file) else: print("warning: " + repr( + " has no uuid") translation_file.close()