The purpose of this handbook is to provide the basic knowledge needed to start using BrainVISA. Practical aspects such as installation and hardware recommendations will be discussed, as well as the setup of BrainVISA.
BrainVISA results from collaborative work of methodologists in neuroimaging. The goal was to provide to potential users of the methodological results a unifying environment. This environment has been designed to address the following issues:
Facilitate development, sharing and diffusion of heterogeneous neuroimaging software. The system takes into account that each software is developped independently and, therefore, can be implemented with its own programming language and can use its own data types and formats.
Provide a system to organize, share and fusion multimodal data (e.g. aMRI, fMRI, dMRI, EEG/MEG, PET, etc.).
Allow a unified and simplified usage of neuroimaging tools through a common graphical interface.
Allow anyone to use and/or extend BrainVISA with his own tools. Therefore, BrainVISA is an open source project:
Classical Software and data management without BrainVISA. Each user is responsible of all the interactions between programs and data.
BrainVISA organization. Programs and data are organized by BrainVISA and can be accessed through a unified user interface.
In the neuroscience domain, there is no standard way to organize and manage various programs and heterogenuous data. Therefore, this work is done at the user level (figure 1a). As a result, each institute, each group or even each person can have a personal unique organization stategy (when they have one). It is therefore very difficult to share data between people using different organizations. Moreover, it is often a hard work to use different programs on the same data because it is necessary to manage several incompatibilities (unit conversion, file format, 3D referential, etc…). This work has to be done for each data and it can be a fastidious repetitive task.
BrainVISA has been designed not only to provide an organization system for programs and data, but also to free users from all the technical work required to combine different programs and data. BrainVISA architecture organizes programs through a set of modules and data through a database system. A unifiying graphical interface is provided to access programs and data (figure 1b).
BrainVISA was developed by a group of methodologists at the IFR 49 (Institut Fédératif de Recherche). Their aim was to provide for potential users a range of methodological tools, via a relatively user-friendly unifying interface. In addition, this interface facilitates communication between the different groups of methodologists working in the various laboratories. This project was financed by the french ministry of Research, within the framework of an ACI (Action Concertée Incitative) in the telemedicine field. The first prototype was
developed by Yann Cointepas in 2000/2001. See:
Y. Cointepas, J.-F. Mangin, L. Garnero, J.-B. Poline, and H. Benali. BrainVISA: Software platform for visualization and analysis of multi-modality brain data. In Proc. 7th HBM, Brighton, United Kingdom, pages S98, 2001.
BrainVISA is a software platform that provides access to various analysis tools and enables to run one or more sequences of processes on a series of images. These processes are called up from specific libraries, or via command lines provided by different laboratories. These command lines therefore act as building blocks, which are used to create the tools assembly lines. BrainVISA comes with a range of different modules, for use in anatomical image processing, morphometry.
Other tools are provided by Anatomist, such as image viewing commands (fusion, display of graphs, etc.). Anatomist is a visualization and manipulation software used with images and structured objects such as sulci graphs ( BrainVISA interacts with Anatomist in the management of a certain number of processes. Modules pertaining to functional image analysis or EEG-MEG analysis have also been implemented and are distributed as an additional toolbox ( It is perfectly possible to integrate your own processes or modules. All you need is a basic knowledge of computing and programming (Python language).
Here is a summary of the main steps that you need to follow to start with BrainVISA:
Create a database where all data written by BrainVISA will be stored: BrainVISA menu -> Preferences -> Databases -> Add button. It is strongly advisable to use a database to process data with BrainVISA. Indeed, some important features are not available when you are using data outside a database. More information about databases in the Databases and ontology chapter.
Import raw data: Data Management toolbox -> import… Choose the process according to the type of data. Select raw data with . Fill in database attributes using . The process will copy data in BrainVISA database.
Process data: Open a process, enter input parameters by selecting them in the database using . BrainVISA automatically complete as many parameters as possible. Output data will be written in the database.
Visualize data with
Iteration of a process on several data with the iterate button in the process.
Before installing BrainVISA on your computer, you need to check a few things:
Your operating system and its version
1.5 Gb of free space
2 Gb of RAM. However, it should be noted that this depends on the size of the images you work with. 1 Gb is the minimum recommended value, and you may run into problems when dealing with large data such as diffusion-weighted images or MRI. If you are planning to buy a computer, we advise you to get one with at least 8 Go Mb of RAM.
BrainVISA has been developed as a cross-platform software, and thus can run on Linux, Windows and MacOS. For a more precise description of OS releases that have been tested, please refer to the web site:
It is possible that your operating system and version are not mentioned in the supported systems table there. When you install a package, you may encounter a number of different problems. You can either update your system or compile the sources. To compile the sources, please refer to `the downoad section <download_>`_.
The video card often comes up in questions about recommended hardware. Here are a few pointers:
If you work with linux, 3D graphics generally have two sets of 3D drivers: open-source, community drivers, and proprietary drivers written by the company who build the hardware. Proprietary drivers do normally work better and are more optimized. But some open-source drivers now are OK in many situations. As of 2014 we generally use open-source drivers for AMD hardware, and proprietary drivers for NVidia hardware.
You can download ready-to-install binary packages. If the binary distribution does not work (for example, if your operating system is not compatible), you can download the sources for compilation via your working environment (see for compilation instructions).
You can download the packages via the following link:
Several programs are available: two important main software (BrainVISA and Anatomist), along with many command lines for the processing tools (Aims, Vip etc). All the programs are independent of each other. They are in the bin subfolder of the binary package.
The Anatomist application is independent of BrainVISA. You can run Anatomist without running BrainVISA. Anatomist will be described in another handbook.
To use Anatomist, run the anatomist (anatomist.bat on Windows) file by double clicking it via either a shortcut on the desktop or the bin folder.
You can also launch Aims*.exe, Vip*.exe or si*.exe command lines, such as AimsFileInfo, independently of BrainVISA and Anatomist. To get information on a command, enter:
You will find all the commands in the bin sub-directory or on the Web page: commands index.
These commands are usable from a DOS terminal from the bin sub-directory of the BrainVISA package.
The installation of the BrainVISA package does not modify the configuration of your system (no DLLs added, no changes to the registry, etc.).
To uninstall the BrainVISA package, delete the following items:
The BrainVISA package folder.
The folders .brainvisa and .anatomist are created when the programs are started.
These folders contain user information, configuration files, template files, etc. .brainvisa and .anatomist folders are created for each user.
These folders must therefore be deleted if you are sure you want to get rid of all the settings.
On Windows, they are found in the user directory (C:\DocumentsandSettings\user_name.
On Unix, they are in the home directory *$HOME\user_name.
Sometimes users store their BrainVISA databases in the BrainVISA package folder. This is dangerous however, as, when you update your package (and therefore delete the previous one) you will also delete your database. Therefore, avoid storing your database in the installation package.
The BrainVISA menu gives you the following choices:
Help: Opens the help page in a web browser, which provides access to a manual, a tutorial, etc.
About: Opens a window that shows the version of BrainVISA and the institutes and laboratories that contributes to the project.
Preferences: Opens the configuration window which is used to choose options and to configure BrainVISA databases.
Show log: Opens a window providing information about the current session of BrainVISA: configuration, loaded processes, run processes, errors…
Open process: Opens a process which have been previously saved in a .bvproc file.
Reload toolboxes: Reloads toolboxes, processes, ontologies, databases. It is useful for people who develop their own toolboxes to take into account new files without having to quit and start again Brainvisa. Useful when developing new processes.
The View menu can be used to hide/show optional panels in the main window:
Documentation: Hides/Shows the documentation panel (3).
Workflow execution: Shows/hides a panel that shows the workflows that have been run via Soma-workflow on available computing resources. This panel is hidden by default and the parallel computing features are available only if you select a Advanced or higher user level in BrainVISA preferences. See the chapter about parallel computing with Soma-Workflow for more information about this feature.
Close all viewers: Closes all windows opened by Brainvisa viewers whichever way they have been run: through an eye button, directly running the viewer process, or using the contextual menu of the Database browser.
The left panel of the main window contains the list of available toolboxes. A toolbox contains a set of processes related to a common theme. When you select a toolbox, its list of processes appear on the next panel.
Several toolboxes are included in BrainVISA package but some other toolboxes are available for download separately and have to be installed in addition to BrainVISA main package. More information about existing toolboxes on
It is possible to create a custom toolbox by adding your own processes in the .brainvisa/processes directory in your personal folder. If this directory contains processes, they will be available in BrainVISA interface in a toolbox named My Processes.
It is also possible to define new toolbox containing links to existing processes, it can a sort of bookmarks toolbox. It can be useful to group in such a toolbox the processes you mostly use.
To create such a toolbox, select New in the contextual menu. The name of the new toolbox is editable, type whatever you want. The name will be modifiable later by double-click on the toolbox. Then you can open the empty toolbox in another window via the contextual menu then drag and drop in it the processes you want to put as shortcut in this toolbox. The shortcuts can be moved, renamed and deleted in the personal toolbox. You can also create category directories to sort the shortcuts.
The custom toolboxes are automatically saved in a file .brainvisa/userProcessTrees.minf in your personal folder. They will be reloaded from this file next time you start BrainVISA.
On the image below, a toolbox My Processes is visible, it means that there are valid processes defined in .brainvisa/processes in the user’s personal folder. A custom toolbox named Bookmarks is also visible : it contains shortcuts to processes from various toolboxes (T1 MRI, Tools, Data Management). New directories (tools, data) have been created and some shortcuts have been moved in it. The T1 MRI toolbox is opened in a new window : this enables to drag and drop items from this toolbox to the custom toolbox.
The contextual menu available in toolboxes panel contains the following options:
New: creates a new custom toolbox to store shortcuts to processes you often use.
Delete: deletes the current selected toolbox if it is a custom toolbox. Of course, BrainVISA toolboxes cannot be removed.
Open: Opens the current toolbox in a new window, this enables to drag and drop elements from one toolbox to another. However only custom toolboxes are editable, you cannot drop elements in a BrainVISA toolbox.
Set as default list: Sets the current selected toolbox as the default toolbox, that is to say the toolbox that is selected at BrainVISA startup. Indeed, it is practical to have the toolbox you use most of the time already selected when BrainVISA starts.
The processes panel contains the list of available processes, which are organized into toolboxes and categories. The list of available processes changes according to the user level selected in the preferences. In basic level, some advanced processes are hidden. The user level of a process is shown on its icon. Remember that level 1 and level 2 processes are either for advanced users (level 1) or evaluation purposes (level 2, for which no help is available).
For example, the T1 MRI -> import category provides access to the Import T1 MRI process. To open the process, either double click on the process name, or right-click on it and select Open in the contextual menu.
The contextual menu available in processes panel when you right click on a process item contains the following options:
Open: Opens the process window in order to run it.
Edit documentation: Opens the documentation edition window that enables to write the documentation of the process. This feature is useful for users who develop their own processes.
Iterate: Opens the iteration dialog window in order to run this process on a set of data. It is equivalent to clicking on the Iterate button in the process window.
There is no contextual menu available for categories directories.
This panel displays information to help you using BrainVISA in general, or a specific process. When BrainVISA is opened, this window automatically displays the main BrainVISA help page. When a process is selected, the related documentation is shown.
This panel is now a dock window so it can be hidden using the menu View -> Documentation or by clicking on the close button (cross) at the top right corner of the panel. It is also possible to get this panel out of the main window by clicking on the float button (squares) at the top right corner of the panel.
It is possible to edit and modify the documentation of your processes in BrainVISA interface. Click on the edit button or select Edit in the contextual menu of the process. The following window appears:
This button takes you back to the first documentation page of BrainVISA, i.e. to the main BrainVISA help page.
This button takes you back to the previous documentation page.
This button takes you to the next documentation page (and, in iterative mode, it also indicates the process that is currently underway).
This button reloads the current documentation page.
This icon represents user level 0 processes. Basic processes accessible to all users.
This icon represents user level 1 processes. Advanced processes accessible to advanced users.
This icon represents user level 2 processes. Expert processes accessible to expert users. In fact, these processes
consist of internal BrainVISA processes (started up via level 0 or level 1 processes) or processes that are still being developed
and do not, therefore, give reliable results.
This icon represents a viewer, that is to say a process dedicated to the visualization of certain type of data. This type of processes is automatically run when you click on the eye button next a parameter data in a process.
This icon represents an editor, that is to say a process dedicated to edition of certain type of data, for example the manual correction of a mask. This type of processes is automatically run when you click on the editor button next a parameter data in a process.
The Preferences menu allows to customize user settings in several aspects of BrainVISA. Depending on the installed toolboxes, the preferences window may show a variable number of items. It is not necessary to complete all the fields to use BrainVISA, however they do allow you to optimally configure your user profile. The mandatory fields, such as user level or language contain a default value. Some fields become mandatory when you want to use processes that start up external programs such as Matlab (matlabExecutable field).
userLevel: this field can contain any one of 3 values: Basic for a standard user (access to top-level processes) or Advanced/Expert for more experienced users (access to lower level processes or processes undergoing validation/implementation).
language: this field can contain any one of 3 values: System default which is the default language in your operating system, English or French.
textEditor is the external editor program used to show or edit text files when needed. It is used by several viewer or editor processes.
HTMLBrowser: list of browsers available on your workstation. you can specify the browser you wish to use.
The following parameters are for an advanced use of BrainVISA:
processesPath: this optional field is used to configure the path to BrainVISA processes program files. It is for experienced users.
temporaryDirectory: parameter is used to configure a path to temporary files.
removeTemporary determines if temporary files created within BrainVISA should be deleted immediately to free disk space, or only when exiting BrainVISA. Such deletion delay is useful for processes developers when debugging processes.
gui_style enables choosing the preferred style for the graphical interface.
databasesWarning: unselect this option to disable the warning that is shown at startup when you have not created any database.
databaseVersionSync: Management of the database synchronization through BrainVISA versions. Possible options are:
Ask User: BrainVISA will ask what to do when a database need to be updated.
Automatic: BrainVISA will automatically update your database if you switch from one BrainVISA version to another.
Manual: If you modify a database and then switch from one BrainVISA version to another, you will have to update the database if you want BrainVISA take into account the modifications.
SPM99_compatibility tells AIMS applications and Anatomist if it should read/write SPM/Analyze format images like SPM99 did, or rather like SPM2 does. See AIMS and SPM documentations for more details.
radiological_orientation: for SPM format images, tells wheter they are considered to be in radiological (right to left) or neurological (left to right) convention when no further information is available in the image files.
The Support settings section is used to configure the automatic electronic mail system for sending bug reports. This configuration is only relevant if you have access to the internet, and if you are familiar with all the mail transfer parameters. If in doubt, contact your network administrator.
userEmail: e-mail address of the sender, i.e. the user who sends the bug report.
supportEmail: destination, i.e. the address to which the bug report is sent. The default destination address is:
SMTP_server_name: address/name of the server that manages the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
The Databases configuration item is used to configure one or more databases. Each database is associated with a directory and a database organization description (ontology).
The database configuration window provides several functions (cf. figure below):
Edit: Provides access to the parameters of a database, and allows the user to modify them.
Add: Used to configure a new database.
Remove: This removes the database entry in BrainVISA, but does not delete the database file and directory (no data is lost).
Complete the following fields (only directory is mandatory):
directory: mandatory field. Enter the path of the folder that will contain your database.
Expert settings
ontology: The ontology describes the database organization. The default organization, brainvisa-3.2.0, should be OK for most usage. However, custom organizations may be defined and used.
sqliteFileName: The database indexation is stored in a SQLite file. With this option, it is possible to choose the name of this file.
activate_history: When this option is checked history information will be recorded in the database directory: the log of the processes and brainvisa session which have been run to write data in the specified database. It is possible to view the history of data thanks to the Database browser.
It is possible to set the paths to 3 versions of SPM: SPM 5, SPM 8 (Matlab) and SPM 8 standalone.
spm8_path: Path to SPM 8 installation (Matlab version)
spm8_standalone_command: Location of the standalone version of SPM 8 run command ( on linux).
spm8_standalone_mcr_path: Path to the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) needed for a standalone version of SPM 8.
spm8_standalone_path: Path to SPM 8 files (where the templates for example are installed) in the standalone version.
spm5_path: Path to SPM 5 installation (Matlab version).
An Auto detect button is available at the bottom of the panel. It enables to try and find the spm paths automatically. Only one the 3 versions is needed to use the processes that need SPM (SPM normalization in Morphologist for example).
When configuration is done, the configuration data is stored in the user .brainvisa folder. There are actually two profile types: a general one (options.minf) and named profiles that can be used to store or use alternative configurations (options-<userprofile>.minf).
These different profiles are particularly useful when you must use a shared user connection.
The log window enables the user to monitor all the actions performed by BrainVISA. It shows information about the configuration, the processes that have been run during and their parameters, the errors that occured during the session.
The information displayed in this window is stored in a file which you should therefore keep if you wish to submit an execution error to the BrainVISA support. In many cases, if this file is not available, the information submitted is not specific enough to enable the error to be understood or reproduced.
The log window can be accessed via the BrainVISA -> Show Log menu. If you open it just after starting the session (i.e. before running a process) you can see the list of read processes, and check if they were loaded successfully. If a dependency of a process is not installed on your workstation, the process cannot be loaded and a warning is displayed in the log window. Here is an example of the log interface:
Icon in the log interface, denoting communication with Anatomist.
Icon in the log file, representing a warning. When BrainVISA is loaded, all the processes are analyzed to make sure that all
the external programs required to run them are available. If not, the process is not loaded, and a warning is displayed in the log
interface. For example, if you wish to use a process that requires Matlab, and Matlab is not installed on your system or your object
program path is not properly configured, a warning will be displayed.
You can see this windows at any time. In the example below, we can see the list of processes run, and the associated parameter values and output. Here, we are looking at the Import T1 MRI process, but we can also see that the Anatomist Show Volume process has been run, and view the communication between BrainVISA and Anatomist via .
Viewing the execution of a process via the log interface.¶
The log file is re-edited each time a new session is opened. So, if you want to save it, you must do so before opening a new session, otherwise the data will be lost.
To save the log file, follow the instructions below:
Exit BrainVISA (and don’t start it up again until you have saved the log file).
In Linux, go to the following folder:
In Windows, go to the following folder:
Save the brainvisa.log file of this folder.
If you started up BrainVISA with a specific profile, say, toto (and there is therefore a specific configuration file), you should save the brainvisa-toto.log file.
You should not save it during a BrainVISA session otherwise the log file will not be readable.
You may have several log files with numbers (eg. brainvisa2.log). It can occur when several instances of BrainVISA have been running at the same time or if a BrainVISA session didn’t terminate correctly. To know which log file is associated to the current session, you can have a look at the console messages at BrainVISA starting, it says the name of the log file. The log interface also displays the name of the log file in the title of the window.
When you work with BrainVISA, sometimes you obtain an error screen. The error window contains a list of error messages. You can click on the button More info to see the complete traceback of the errors.
In the example below, the error indicates that a mandatory parameter of the process has not been filled in before running the process.
The graphical interface of the processes is generally automatically generated, that’s why this interface is very similar from one process to the other. We shall call the values that the user must enter to run a process “parameters”. There are mandatory parameters (shown in bold type) and optional parameters. The parameters are entered in various ways: selection of a file or a list item, entry of a value, etc.
The table below describes process interface icons:
This icon allows you to open a dialog window and select several values.
This icon provides access to your files. It enables you to select an input or output file without using the BrainVISA database system.
This icon represents an input parameter. It provides access to existing data stored in a BrainVISA database. It shows all the data corresponding to the parameter type and allows selection by attribute value.
This icon represents an output parameter. It provides access to existing or non existing data in a BrainVISA database. It shows all the data corresponding to the parameter type and allows selection by attribute value.
This icon represents a link with Anatomist. It is mainly used for parameters that are, in fact, 3D points. When this icon is clicked,
the current location of the 3D cursor (i.e. the red cross) in Anatomist is taken as the parameter value. It allows the user to select a value by clicking it in Anatomist.
This icon tells you whether a data item can be visualized or not. If the button is enabled it means that BrainVISA has a viewer capable of displaying that type of data. If the icon is disabled (i.e. not clickable), it means that the corresponding file is not readable (usually because the file does not exist). If this button is not displayed, it means that BrainVISA doesn't have any viewer for this type of data.
This icon provides access an editor to manually correct data. For instance, the editor for label volume is ROIs toolbox in Anatomist.
This icon appears next to a parameter name to indicate that this parameter has been modified, it doesn't have its default value anymore.
This icon indicates if the data is locked. Only output files are concerned (files with &database_write;). It is not possible to execute a process when it has a locked file in its output parameters.
This icon indicates that a step has finished correctly in an iteration or a pipeline.
This icon indicates that an error has occurred during a step of an iteration or a pipeline.
By right-click on a parameter, one or two options are available:
default value:
Always available. Some parameters have a default value (not null) and so there are already filled in when you open the process. Other parameters are automatically filled in by BrainVISA when you fill in another parameter. Indeed, it is possible to define links between parameters in a process to indicate that the value of one parameter can be guessed from the value of another parameter. A lot of processes use this feature to speed up the parameters capture.
lock: This option is available if the data is an output file and if the file exists. So that, the parameter can be locked. In fact, sometimes you would like to preserve the output file because you set/changed specific options. Once a file is locked, then a process can’t rewrite this parameter. A message will be displayed to indicate that you must unlock data if you want to run the process. To unlock a parameter, just click on the lock option in the menu to unselect this option. When a parameter is locked, a <filename>.lock file is created. There is no link with the database or .minf file.
We will take the following process as an example: Prepare subject for anatomical pipeline. This process is located in Morphologist -> Segmentation Pipeline -> components. It enables to locate the following points in a brain image: the posterior commissure (PC), the anterior commissure (AC), an interhemispheric point (IP) and a point on the left hemisphere. In fact, these reference points must be located before running the Morphologist pipeline (when not using normalization) to determine whether or not the orientation is correct (axial, coronal, sagittal and radiologic convention) and to compute a common referential.
To do this example, first you must import data if you want to use a database as explained in Data importation paragraph.
Parameters are:
T1mri: Selecting the T1 weighted MRI, either using (selection from your database of imported images), or via (selection from all the files on your disk).
Commissure_coordinates: selecting the output file. This field is automatically completed when you select a T1 weighted image using . Otherwise, you must select the output file with .
Normalized: you need to know if your image has already been normalized. If it has, choose the procedure used to normalize it, and the AC, PC and IP will not have to be selected from an anatomical volume. You will however have to run the process so that the type of normalization is taken into account and .APC file is created. On the other hand, if your volume has not been normalized, you will have to select the AC, PC and IP from the anatomical volume proposed by Anatomist.
Anterior_Commissure: click to access your anatomical image via and to select the coordinates. When you click the first time, a new Anatomist session is opened. Then, if the cursor is correctly located on the volume, click again to display the coordinates in the field.
Posterior_Commissure: cf. Anterior_Commissure
Interhemispheric_Point: cf. Anterior_Commissure
Left_Hemisphere_Point: cf. Anterior_Commissure
Allow_flip_initial_MRI: two values are listed, True or False. This option authorizes or forbids the user to rewrite the volume so that the orientations (axial, coronal and sagittal) and the convention (radiological) are correct.
After running the process, you will be able to view the .APC file by clicking the in Commissure_coordinates.
Process interface: prepare subject for anatomical pipeline¶
When you have completed all the fields required by the process (all fields in bold), you can launch the process by clicking the Run button halfway up the left-hand side of the process window. You can then watch the progress of the process in the lower half of the process window. You will be told explicitly when the process starts and ends. While the process is running, the following icon (in the top right and corner) will be constantly animated. The duration of a process varies according to the algorithms used by the process and performances of your workstation. In fact, a process such as a conversion is almost instantaneous, whereas some heavy processing ones may take several hours depending on your workstation.
It is possible to save the state of a process (input and output parameters) in a file in order to reload it later. To do so, click on the Process -> Save menu and choose the place and name of the file which will store the state of the process. The file will have the extension .bvproc.
To reload a saved process, use the BrainVISA -> Open process menu and select the .bvproc file previously saved.
A pipeline is a special process that is composed of several other processes. A pipeline can chain a series of processes and offer a choice between different methods, each implemented in a different process. A pipeline can also contain other pipelines, so it can be a tree of processes.
This type of proceses have a special user interface that shows the composition of the pipeline and enables to choose between several methods and to unselect some optional steps.
In the example below, the structure of the pipeline is visible in the left part of the process window. When you select a step, you can see in the right part the parameters of the current step (process). A check box next the name of the step indicates that it is optional, you can click on the box to modify the selection. A radio button next the name of the step indicates that it is one of several choices, if you select one, the others are automatically deselected. Only the checked steps will be executed when the pipeline is started.
Example: the Morphologist T1 segmentation pipeline.¶
A contextual menu (right click) offers several features to ease the selection/deselection of the steps, to open a step in a new window or to show its documentation. Here are the different options of this menu:
Unselect before: Unselect all the steps before the current step at the same depth level.
Unselect after: Unselect all the steps after the current step at the same depth level.
Select before: Select all the steps before the current step at the same depth level.
Select after: Select all the steps after the current step at the same depth level.
Unselect steps writing lock files: Unselect the steps that have a locked file as output parameter. More information about locked files here.
Unselect steps upstream of locked files: Unselect the steps that have a locked file as output parameter and the steps before.
Open this step separately: Open the process window of the current step.
Show documentation: show the documentation of the current step in the BrainVISA documentation panel.
The iterative mode enables you to sequentially run the same process on several input data. This is very similar to a batch mode, with a user-friendly interface. This means that, for each input file selected, you can adjust the parameters as required. For example, if you are converting several DICOM volumes, some can be converted to GIS format (.ima and .dim), and others can be converted to NIFTI format (.nii). This is a very convenient mode as it makes it possible to repeat the same process using different parameters (or not), on a group of input files. For instance, you can apply exactly the same process to all the brain images in a given protocol.
To use the iterative mode, follow the instructions below:
Open the process or if you do not need to change a parameter for all processes, you can use the contextual menu Iterate and go directly to step 4.
If necessary, modify a parameter, which will remain the same for all the repeated processes.
Press the Iterate button on the bottom right. A new window opens.
In the new window, select the input files with or . When you select the files in the filesystem with an additionnal interface appears enabling to select the files in several steps wich is useful when the files are in different directories. This list editor is also available from the icon through a right-click on the button. The list editor also enables to add, remove items and change their order in the list.
If necessary, modify the process parameters of each iteration using . Note that the number of iterations with a given parameter should be equal to the number of input files. But if you set only one value, BrainVISA will use this value for all iterations.
Once the input files and the parameters have been configured, press Ok.
A new window appears, it is a pipeline composed of n iterations of the process. Via this new interface, you can view each process individually. You can also check or modify parameters.
You can deselect processes if you do not want them to be run. See the paragraph about pipelines user interface for more details about the possible actions.
All you have to do now is press Run to run all the processes. You can monitor the sequence of processes in the bottom part of the window. If an error occurs during a process, the iterative mode will go on to the next process.
If Soma-workflow is available in your version of Brainvisa, a new button Run in parallel may be available. This feature enables to execute the processes of the iteration faster than before using available computing resources. More information about this feature in the chapter Parallel computing with Soma-Workflow.
Via the general interface of the process that you wish to iterate: this modification will then be applied to each instances.
Via the iteration dialog: use . As mentioned above, the number of iterations for a parameter must be equal to the number of input files, if you select only one value, this value will be used for each instances. Each parameter value will be applied to the process, depending on the input files order.
Via the iteration process window: you can modify the process parameters individually. The modification will only be applied to the current process.
Select the volumes on which you want to run the process by clicking . A database file selector is displayed. Select 6 Raw T1 MRI (filter on the type). To select several files, use the Ctrl + left click combination.
To select the value of a parameter in relation to the input values (i.e. value of preferredFormat in relation to value of read), you can proceed this way:
After the fifth step, click on the Ok button to return to window 2: