I am trying to reproduce the following example with brainvisa-4.6.1 on a mac osx 10.14. The graph is loaded in Anatomist but the 'PREFRONTAL_right' doesn't show up.
Code: Select all
import anatomist.direct.api as anatomist
from soma import aims
import os
a = anatomist.Anatomist()
sh = aims.carto.Paths.shfjShared()
nom = a.loadObject(os.path.join(sh, 'nomenclature', 'hierarchy',
graph = a.loadObject('subj_Rbase.arg')
w = a.createWindow('3D')
w.addObjects(graph, add_graph_nodes=True)
a.execute('SelectByNomenclature', names='PREFRONTAL_right', nomenclature=nom)
Code: Select all
>>> a.execute('SelectByNomenclature', names='PREFRONTAL_right', nomenclature=nom)
nomenclature : sulcal_root_colors.hie
select : 1 names
group : 0
modifiers : 1
<anatomist.cpp.RegularCommand object at 0x3a094d0>
Thank you!