Anatomist in Windows Vista

Questions about Anatomist manipulation

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Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by Cronaxia »

I'm a begginer with brainvisa and I have some problems.

I can't see the image ".ima" or "img" in Anatomist. I check them in another laptop, and the images are ok.
It seems that Anatomist charge the images (I can see the charge of images very very quickly), but at the end it doesn't show anything!!!
I have the last version of brainvisa (3.2.1) and I try with 3.2.0 version too. But... nothing.

I don`t know if it's a problem of the "unzip" process, because "Alzip" and "Winzip" notified the errors (more than 1000 errors)
I was download the files and I was make the installation more than 10 times!
or It is a problem of installation, because my laptop says that "the installation may be isn't good", and ask me if I want to fix that.
If I click yes the program is reinstalled, but even with that Anatomist doesn't work...

It's my windows?
It's a problem of the unzip process?
It's a problem of the file?

I hope you can help me!
Thank you very much.

(Sorry for my english...)
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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by riviere »

We don't have Windows Vista machines so I cannot swear everything runs fine on Vista, but I think some people are running BrainVisa on Vista, so I guess the problem isn't caused by unsolvable incompatibilities with the system.
But I am not sure I have correctly understood the problem:
- errors while uncompressing the zip archive: have you tried downloading the package several times ? But if anatomist starts, it should mean that the programs are here, otherwise the system would have warned about corryupted or missing progams or DLLs.
- However I have sometimes seen (and not understood) some files consistently not correctly transferred by ftp from some systems, maybe some ftp servers or clients automatically use some encoding stuff and may modify the files, I don't really know.
- you say that the image can be loaded into Anatomist ? Then it may be a 3D rendering problem. Maybe you could check your 3D driver and OpenGL installation. Some 3D cards have broken OpenGL drivers. Did you see OpenGL-related error messages in the terminal behind anatomist ?
- otherwise I don't know which part of the system detects and says that the programs are not correctly installed - maybe it's WinZip ?

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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by Cronaxia »


When I charge the image .ima in Anatomist, the terminal says:
Number of texture units:8
GL_ARB_shadow present
GL_SGIX_shadow extension not available
GL_SGIX_depth_texture extension not available
GL_ARB_depth_texture extension present
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map extension present
GL_EXT_texture_cube_map extension not available

And I can't see the image... The window is empty.

I was try (after many downloads) the uncompressing process with Alzip, Winzip and Winrar. I was try with to make more short the name (Cartopack...), because it is a problem with the long names (app. more than 260 characters). But the process show the same errors.
It seems there are errors, nevertheless I can to execute the programs.

It is possible that the file Zip (3.2.1 for Windows) is damaged?
Because another person says me that she found errors in uncompressing process.
And so, Anatomist doesn't work in her PC either (with Vista).

Can you check the file and upload it again?

Or It is a problem of Vista with the extensions that remains not availables?

Thanks for your time and patience.
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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by riviere »


I have tried downloading the package for windows 3.2.1 from a Windows XP machine, and unzipped it using the system uncompress tool (right-click on the .zip), and all went OK.

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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by Dominique Geffroy »


I've just downloaded the 3.2.1 version of Brainvisa for Windows, extracted and installed it on Windows XP. It didn't have error will uncompressing the archive and Anatomist seems to works correctly.
So the zip archive doesn't seem to be broken.

If you can't see the images, you probably have a problem of 3D driver on this computer. Maybe your problem is similar to this one :
You could try to decrease material acceleration in the parameters of the graphical card.

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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by Cronaxia »

Sorry for to be late.
The error in the unzip process was avoid when I put the zip folder directly in C. It works in XP and in Vista.
Before a personal research for to understand the problem (I have a very small knowledge of computers, sorry), I just find a program for to know what the OpenGL extension are supported in my notebook. And, how Denis said, that wich doesn't work in Anatomist are not supported.
I can't upgrade the drivers Intel of the graphique card because she has a "customized" drivers for my notebook model...
A new version of card drivers for my notebook Toshiba doesn't exists.
I can't do anything.
It's so bad.

Now, I try to work in a netbook with better card graphique and Windows XP, but I can't load correctly Anatomist.
It says that:
Loading of module histogram failed
import error: DLL load failed
Specified module cannot be found...
...Phyton\anatomist\cpp\ in _init_: exec ('import' +x) (string)...
And when I try to close the window, the system doesn't respond. And it appear the task manager.

It's a problem with my version of python??
Or is another thing?

I hope you can help me.
I really need to make it works.

Thanks a lot.

Error DLL
Error DLL
Anatomist failed.JPG (105.49 KiB) Viewed 7285 times
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Re: Anatomist in Windows Vista

Post by riviere »

Well, I don't really now why it doesn't work... Here is what I can say:
1. On your notebook:
- anatomist doesn't require any OpenGL extension. Core OpenGL funationalities are enough to render meshes and volumes. The information about OpenGL extensions written in the shell window when opening a 3D window is just information: those extensions are not required (and actually not used anyway, currently!). But many OpenGL implementations are buggy, especially on Intel cheap chipsets. I also have a notebook (an Asus eeePC) with an Intel chipset which cannot display textures, so cannot display volumes (meshes seem OK, and everything is OK on Linux).
- sometimes going into the display settings and lowering the level of hardware 3D acceleration helps to get slower, but correct 3D. But on my notebook, it doesn't.

2. On the other computer:
- it's not a problem of version of python since python is included in BrainVisa/anatomist distribution. Moreover python is only used in optional plugins in anatomist.
- the missing DLL seems to be asked by plugins based on Matplotlib (a python library fo plots drawing). These plugins are not mandatory, and Anatomist should run anyway without them. However I would like to know which DLLs is/are missing so that we can maybe include it/them in future packages. But from the output of the DOS window you have attached, I cannot determine what is missing. If you have more information (maybe it was in a popup box from the system?), I am interested...
- so in any case I don't understand why anatomist is not working. There should be some missing plugins, so missing minor functionalities, but the core should run.
Did Anatomist main window at least appear ?

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