Morphologist : how to normalize native lengths?

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Morphologist : how to normalize native lengths?

Post by Mikha »


I am working on measures from Morphologist pipeline and I want to use native lengths as Maxdepth or hull junction length. It can be better than talairach normalization to find smaller statistic effects.
Somebody know how to normalize them?

Thank you,
M. Azilinon
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Re: Morphologist : how to normalize native lengths?

Post by riviere »

Morphologist processes both normalized and native measurements, so both are available.
Otherwise you cannot normalize a length or a distance afterwards: it has to be calculated in the given space from points positions (because if the normalization transformation is anisotropic the distance should stretch differently in different directions).
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Olivier Coulon
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Re: Morphologist : how to normalize native lengths?

Post by Olivier Coulon »

I am not sure that the question was about normalizing a distance afterwards with a spatial normalization transformation.
One would think that it is possible for instance to normalize distance-related measurements with a length related to brain size... (e.g. largest euclidean distance between two points in the brain ...). Anybody has any experience with that ?

Olivier Coulon
Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone,
Aix-Marseille Université,
Marseille, france
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