Grey White Classification 2012

Grey/White classification


This procedure yields a grey/white classification of each hemisphere for people wishing to test the influence of classification algorithms (SPM, MNI's tools, SHFJ's tools...) on the final VBM result.

The proposed method deals with each hemisphere individually, in order to prevent mixing between the two internal faces or between low cortex faces and cerebellum, during the spatial smoothing performed before statistics.

Another feature of the proposed approach: we have decided to discard cerebellum because partial volume effects are in our opinion too important to reach a correct binary classification (a fuzzy classification might overcome this problem).


mri_corrected: T1 MRI Bias Corrected ( input )
histo_analysis: Histo Analysis ( input )
split_mask: Split Brain Mask ( input )
edges: T1 MRI Edges ( input )
commissure_coordinates: Commissure coordinates ( input )
Side: Choice ( input )
Left, Right or Both Hemispheres
left_grey_white: Left Grey White Mask ( output )
classification (grey=100, white=200)
right_grey_white: Right Grey White Mask ( output )
classification (grey=100, white=200)
fix_random_seed: Boolean ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Morphologist

User level : 2

Identifier : GreyWhiteClassification

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/morphologist/processes/segmentationpipeline/components_obsolete/segmentation/

Supported file formats :

mri_corrected :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, Aperio svs, BMP image, DICOM image, Directory, ECAT i image, ECAT v image, FDF image, FreesurferMGH, FreesurferMGZ, GIF image, GIS image, Hamamatsu ndpi, Hamamatsu vms, Hamamatsu vmu, JPEG image, Leica scn, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, PBM image, PGM image, PNG image, PPM image, SPM image, Sakura svslide, TIFF image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, TIFF(.tif) image, VIDA image, Ventana bif, XBM image, XPM image, Zeiss czi, gz compressed MINC image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
histo_analysis :
Histo Analysis, Histo Analysis
split_mask :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, Aperio svs, BMP image, DICOM image, Directory, ECAT i image, ECAT v image, FDF image, FreesurferMGH, FreesurferMGZ, GIF image, GIS image, Hamamatsu ndpi, Hamamatsu vms, Hamamatsu vmu, JPEG image, Leica scn, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, PBM image, PGM image, PNG image, PPM image, SPM image, Sakura svslide, TIFF image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, TIFF(.tif) image, VIDA image, Ventana bif, XBM image, XPM image, Zeiss czi, gz compressed MINC image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
edges :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, Aperio svs, BMP image, DICOM image, Directory, ECAT i image, ECAT v image, FDF image, FreesurferMGH, FreesurferMGZ, GIF image, GIS image, Hamamatsu ndpi, Hamamatsu vms, Hamamatsu vmu, JPEG image, Leica scn, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, PBM image, PGM image, PNG image, PPM image, SPM image, Sakura svslide, TIFF image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, TIFF(.tif) image, VIDA image, Ventana bif, XBM image, XPM image, Zeiss czi, gz compressed MINC image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
commissure_coordinates :
Commissure coordinates, Commissure coordinates
left_grey_white :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, BMP image, DICOM image, Directory, ECAT i image, ECAT v image, FDF image, GIF image, GIS image, JPEG image, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, PBM image, PGM image, PNG image, PPM image, SPM image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, VIDA image, XBM image, XPM image, gz compressed MINC image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
right_grey_white :
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, BMP image, DICOM image, Directory, ECAT i image, ECAT v image, FDF image, GIF image, GIS image, JPEG image, MINC image, NIFTI-1 image, PBM image, PGM image, PNG image, PPM image, SPM image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, VIDA image, XBM image, XPM image, gz compressed MINC image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image