Source code for anatomist.threaded.api

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This module is an implementation of general interface :py:mod:`anatomist.base`.
It is based on direct implementation (bindings of C++ Anatomist api) with adding thread-safe layer. 

This implementation can be used in multi-threaded application. To load it, you can do :

  >>> import anatomist
  >>> anatomist.setDefaultImplementation(anatomist.THREADED)
  >>> import anatomist.api as anatomist

or without changing default implementation : 

  >>> import anatomist.threaded.api as anatomist

This module redefines the Anatomist class from the direct implementation Anatomist class to make all methods execute in the main thread (qt thread). 
It uses methods of :py:mod:`anatomist.threadedimpl`.

Note that this thread-safe implementation is not actually multi-threaded: all calls to the Anatomist API are stacked for execution in the same thread, so it is actually a single-thread execution, but calls can be performed from various threads in a multi-threaded program, avoiding race conditions (provided the calling thread has not locked the main thread in any way).

All classes in the anatomist module are made thread-safe.

Objects returned by calls to the thread-safe API

Generally, objects created (or just returned) by calls to the Anatomist thread-safe API belong to the main thread. This means that they must be used, and importantly, destroyed, within the main thread.

Using objects

When returned objects are classes from the Anatomist API, they are subclasses of the thread-safe API, and are already made thread-safe when used.

When objects do not belong to the Anatomist API, like Qt widgets, then caution must be taken to use them from the main GUI thread only. You can use :soma:`soma.qt_gui.qtThread.QtThreadCall <api.html#soma.qt_gui.qtThread.QtThreadCall>` to do so.

Destroying objects

Destruction of objects in python is somewhat tricky: when a variable is deleted, a reference to it is decremented, and when the last reference is dropped, the object is actually destroyed, indeed from the thread removing this last reference. If several threads hold a reference to a given object, who will actually delete it ? If a sensible (non-thread-safe) object is deleted within the wrong thread, program crashes may occur.

To manage this problem we use wrapper objects which will delegate the destruction of objects they contain to the main thread: :soma:`soma.qt_gui.qtThread.MainThreadLife <api.html#soma.qt_gui.qtThread.MainThreadLife>`.

:py:class:`AItem <anatomist.base.Anatomist.AItem>` subclasses in the threaded implementation (including :py:class:`AObject <anatomist.base.Anatomist.AObject>`, :py:class:`AWindow <anatomist.base.Anatomist.AWindow>` etc) are already subclasses of :soma:`MainThreadLife <api.html#soma.qt_gui.qtThread.MainThreadLife>`.

from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
from anatomist import cpp
import anatomist.threadedimpl
import sys
from soma.qt_gui.qtThread import QtThreadCall
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtCore
import types
import six

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(anatomist.threadedimpl.ThreadSafeMetaclass) class Anatomist( pass