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Defined in file: brainvisa/types/

Used in the following processes

01 Create Freesurfer subject from T1 anatomical image
01. DICE calculation (Batch mode) : FFD vs median subsample of volume
02 Launch Freesurfer full pipeline recon-all
02. DICE calculation (Batch mode) : transformations evaluation
03. DICE calculation (batch mode) : DICE vs subsample of segmentation
04. DICE calculation (Batch mode) : FFD by different knot grids
05. DICE calculation (Batch mode) : FFD vs different combinations of color components on photo
06. DICE calculation (Batch mode) : FFD with different knot grid positions
1 - Mask from SPMt
2 - Primal Sketch from SPMt
2D Parcellation to 3D parcellation
2D to 3D
3D hierarchical analysis
[ANTs] Apply Transform
[Atlas] Convert Volume of Labels / ROI graph
[Atlas] Hierarchy Tools
[Binary Volume] Extract Bounding Box (BinaryBoundingBox)
[Binary Volume] Extract Bounding Box from Binary (BoundingBoxCalculation)
[Parcellation] Generate segmentation scores
[Proba Volume] Convert to colored atlas for visualization
[Reference Segmentation] Convert and merge
[Volume of Labels] Compute Clique Statistics
[Volume] - Split parallel
[Volume] Block Matching
[Volume] Connected Component
[Volume] Connected Components
[Volume] Convert
[Volume] Flip
[Volume] Flip
[Volume] Gray level to time series
[Volume] Inter Slice Normalize
[Volume] Linear Combination
[Volume] Linear Combination
[Volume] Mask
[Volume] Mask
[Volume] Morphological Closing
[Volume] Morphological Opening
[Volume] Replace Level
[Volume] Replace Level
[Volume] Resample
[Volume] Segment brain from photo (mac)
[Volume] Smoothing
[Volume] Smoothing
[Volume] SubSampling
[Volume] SubSampling
[Volume] SubVolume
[Volume] Threshold
[Volume] Threshold
AC/PC Or Normalization
Adaptive bandwidth generation
Adaptive gaussian filtering
Adaptive heatmap generation
Add Border To Image
Add gaussian noise in image background
Aims Converter
Align and Resample
Ana Brain Mask from T1 MRI
Ana Compute Hemi Grey White Classification
Ana Get Opened Hemi Surface
Ana Get Spherical Cortical Surface
Ana Split Brain from Brain Mask
Anat To FreeSurfer Meshes Transformation
Anatomist Fusion 3D/mesh
Anatomist Show 3D Activations
Anatomist Show 3D Fusion
Anatomist Show Bias Correction
Anatomist Show Brain Mask on T1 MRI
Anatomist show Commissure coordinates
Anatomist Show Elevation Map
anatomist Show fMRI-MRI Fusion
Anatomist Show Fold Graph
Anatomist Show Graph
Anatomist Show Grey White on T1 MRI
Anatomist Show GreyWhite Snake on T1 MRI
Anatomist Show Hemisphere With MRI
Anatomist Show Nucleus Graph
Anatomist Show Rainbow Volume
Anatomist Show Registration
Anatomist Show ROI
Anatomist Show Split Brain on T1 MRI
Anatomist Show Volume
Anatomist Show White Matter With MRI
Anatomist Show White Ridge on T1 MRI
Anatomist view reorder matrix from labeled texture
Anatomy Normalization (using AimsMIRegister)
Apply FFD on atlas label
Apply mask
Apply Transformation
Atlas label extraction
Atlas Registration: Affine (MI/Newton)
Atlas Registration: Application
Atlas Registration: Non Linear (MI/FFD)
Atlas Registration: Select Evaluation Points
Automatic bounding boxes detection
Average Subject Longitudinal Pipeline
Baladin Normalization to AIMS converter
Basic Mixture Fitting
Bayesian Segmentation
Bias correction from B1 map
Block matching transformation estimation
Border generation
Brain Detection
Brain Detection (Utrecht)
Brain Mask Segmentation
Brain Parcellation (EM)
Brain Volumes
BrainVISA Show Histo analysis
Bruker MRI : sequence preprocess
Calcul DICE's score on masks/labels volume
Change Template Referential
Cingular Pole Projection
Classifier MLP
Classifier SVM
Classifier tests
ClearMap formats conversion
ClearMap resampling
Cluster detection
Color combination generator
Color segmentation: class selection
Color segmentation: feature based classification
Color segmentation: model visualization
Compute and Split Brain Mask
Compute Brain Mask
Compute Cortex image
Compute Cortical Fold Graph Upgrade From Old
Compute pairwise distances for a given sulcus
Compute T statistics and p-values
Compute voxel-wise between-group difference
Compute voxel-wise descriptive statsitics
Connected component extraction
Conversion of meshes to aims referential
Conversion of native (unresampled) meshes to aims referential
Convert Freesurfer images to nifti format
Copy data between databases
Copy Referential
Correction Brain Mask from T1 MRI
Cortex Topological Correction
Cortical Fold Arg (3.0)
Cortical Fold Graph (3.1+)
Cortical Fold Graph (general)
Cortical Fold Graph (one hemisphere)
Cortical Fold Graph 2007-2011 (general)
Cortical Fold Graph Upgrade Structure
Cortical Folds Graph
Create an Average Volume from a 4D-Volume
Create an Average Volume from Different Volumes
Create Cortical Constraints Texture
Create DISCO deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create DISCO+DARTEL deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create FreeSurfer Meshes referential
Create histo analysis manually
Create Left Hemisphere Cortical Constraints Texture
Create Right Hemisphere Cortical Constraints Texture
Create Sulcus Label Volume
Create Surface-Based Functional Data (Projection of fMRI Data onto the Cortical Surface)
Crop volume
CSF Classif
DatScan resample SPECT natives
Delta permutation null-hypothesis
Delta permutation voxel-wise inference
DICE calculation : DICE on label vs subsample of segmentation
DICE calculation : FFD on label with different knot grid
DICE calculation : FFD on label with different knot grid positions
DICE calculation : FFD vs different combinations of color components on photo
DICE calculation : transformations evaluation
DICE calculation: FFD vs median subsample of volume
DICE index
Digital atlas prepare pipeline
Edit histo analysis
Elastix Registration
Elastix transformation estimation
Extract & Import T1 MRI ROI
Extract components using the morphological reconstruction
Extract connected components in order
FastMarching_AP_Segmentation 2D
FastMarching_AP_Segmentation 3D
Feature Extraction
Field of view processing
Fix normalized image referential
Folds graph over-segmentation
FOV enlarge
Free form deformation registration pipeline
Free form deformation transformation application
Free form deformation transformation estimation
FreeSurfer from MGZ Converter
Freesurfer NATIVE meshes To BrainVisa conversion pipeline
Freesurfer outputs To BrainVisa conversion pipeline
FreeSurfer to MGZ Converter
FSL Normalization to AIMS converter
FSL to AIMS transformation converter
Gaussian smoothing
Get FreeSurfer Cerebellum in split mask
Get Hemi Surface
Get Spherical Brain Hull
Get Spherical Hemi Surface
Gradient generation
Graph Structure (3.0)
Graph Structure (3.1)
Grey level replacement
Grey White Classification
Grey White Classification 2012
Grey white Interface
Grey White Surface 2012
Grid generation
Gyral Parcellation
Head Mesh
Heat map generation
Hemi Surfaces and Sulci Extraction
Hemisphere Cortical Folds Graph
Hemisphere Grey White Classification
Hemisphere Grey White Mesh
Hemisphere Grey White Topological Correction
Hemisphere Pial Mesh
Hemisphere Sulci Skeleton
Hemisphere Sulci Thickness and Volumes
Hemisphere Sulci Voronoi
Histogram Analysis
Histogram analysis
Histogram analysis
Histogram Analysis (for Morphologist)
Histological slices extraction
Histology: 3D reconstruction pipeline
Histology: multiple 3D reconstruction pipeline
Import Baby T2 MRI
Import Brain Mask
Import FreeSurfer grey/white segmentation to Morphologist
Import FSL Connectomes.
Import MNI CIVET Segmentation
Import PET mean
Import SPMt for structural analysis
Import T1 MRI
Import T1 MRI, longitudinal version
Individual Longitudinal Pipeline
Inner Surface Initialization
Inner Surface Initialization (Utrecht)
Insular Pole Projection
Interhemispheric plane correction
Label volume editor
Labeled volume: calculate the bounding box for each label
Leave-one-out RSS
Left Cingular Pole Projection
Linear Combination
Linear registration pipeline
Localize Talairach Coordinate
Manual Drawing of Cerebellum and Segmentation of Central Grey Nuclei from 2 Orthogonal Slices
Manual: Edit bounding box
Manual: Extract bounding boxes
Mask application
Mask generation
Mask processing
Median subsampling on volume
ml - Classify features image
ml - Features extraction using feature description file
ml - Parallel classification
ml - Parallel features extraction using feature description file
ml - PCA visualization
ml - Segmentation pipeline
Morphological operators application
Morphologist 2011
Morphologist 2012
Morphologist 2013
Morphologist 2015
Morphologist 2021
Morphomaths basic
MRI-PET registration
Multiple channel volume preprocessing
Mutual information transformation estimation
New Referential
Normalization pipeline
Normalize intensities of a T1 MRI
Nuclear Imaging quality check
Outline generation
Parallel permutations
Photography: 3D reconstruction pipeline
Pial Mesh
Pipeline Baby
Pipeline Baby (Utrecht)
Prepare For Morphologist
Prepare MRI
Prepare Subject for Anatomical Pipeline
Preprocessing and Atlas Registration
Projection using Convolution Kernels
Quantification: multiple 3D hierarchical analysis pipeline
Read and complete AC-PC files
Reference registration pipeline
Registration pipeline
Reorient Anatomy
Resample images into a Talairach-aligned grid
Resample ROI graph
Resample to Template Space
Resampling to image space
Resampling volume
Reset internal image transformation
Right Cingular Pole Projection
Right Insular Pole Projection
Rigid registration with mutual information
ROI drawing
Segmentation of Cerebellum, Central Grey Nuclei and Ventricules (Utrecht)
Segmentation of Corpus Callosum
Simple ROI Editor
Simplified Brain Detection (Utrecht)
Simplified Morphologist 2015
Single delta permutation
Single file to volume series
Single permutation
Skull-Strip MRI
Skull-stripped brain normalization
SPCN - 01 - Model estimation
SPCN - 02 - Model application
Split Brain Mask
Split Brain Mask
SPM - Brain Tissues Volumes
SPM : template generation pipeline
SPM : template registration pipeline
SPM quantification
SPM to AIMS transformation converter
Sulcal Lines Extraction
Sulcal Lines Extraction Left
Sulcal Lines Extraction Right
Sulcal Lines Extraction With Options
Sulci Distance to Lesion
Sulci recognition with Deep CNN
Sulci Skeleton
Sulci Thickness and Volumes
Sulci Voronoi
Sulci Voronoi
Sulcus Parameterization
Sulcus Parameterization 2015
Surface Deformation
Surface Deformation (Utrecht)
Surfaces and Sulci Extraction
Surfacic Sulci To Labels Volume
T1 Bias Correction
T1 Bias Correction
T1 mapping maps: build using VFA method
T1 Pipeline 2007
Talairach Transformation
Talairach transformation from manual AC/PC
Talairach Transformation From Normalization
Test Classifier
Test Classifier 3
Threshold and Normalize
Train classifier
Train MLP
Train SVM
Transform a commissures AC-PC coordinates
Transform fibre bundles between subjects
Transform fibre bundles into the common space
Transform graph between subjects
Transform graph into the common space
Transform mesh between subjects
Transform mesh into the common space
Transform volume between subjects
Transform volume into the common space
Validation Pipeline
Validation_0 Commissure Coordinates
Validation_1 Bias Correction from T1 MRI
Validation_2 Nobias Histo analysis
Validation_3 Brain Mask from T1 MRI
Validation_4 Split Brain from Brain Mask
Validity Indexes
Varian MRI : sequence preprocess
View Deformation Field as a displacement grid
View displacement arrows on a mesh
view images in a titled grid
View in hippocampic referential
View Jacobian Determinant of Deformation Field
Vip Bias Correction
VIP Bias Correction
Vip Get Brain
Vip Histogram analysis
Vip Split Brain
Volume To ROI Graph Converter
Volumic Deviation
Volumic Sulcus SPAM
White Matter Mesh
White Mesh Depth Map
White Mesh without decimation
Write a different measures in csv file
Write Volume with MNI transformation in header
{Importer} Histology scan
{Importer} MRI
{Viewer} Affine Registration
{Viewer} Atlas Raw Labels
{Viewer} Atlas Raw Lateralization
{Viewer} Atlas Raw Prior
{Viewer} Bias Corrected MRI
{Viewer} Brain Mask
{Viewer} Cortex Roots
{Viewer} Cortex Skeleton
{Viewer} Evaluation Points
{Viewer} FFD Registration
{Viewer} Grey White Mask
{Viewer} Mid Interface
{Viewer} Mixture
{Viewer} Parcellation
{Viewer} Probabilities
{Viewer} Registered Atlas Labels
{Viewer} Registered Atlas Lateralization
{Viewer} Registered Atlas Template
{Viewer} Skull Stripping Mask
{Viewer} Split Brain Mask
{Viewer} Sulci Voronoi
{Viewer} Topology

Associated types

2D Image
3D Volume
4D Volume
anatomical Template
Any Type
Baby White Ridges
Bounding Box Points
Brain Mask
Cerebellum ROI
Cingular Pole Template
Connectivity Matrix
Cortex Catchment Bassins
Cortex Skeleton
CSFluid Probability Map
Curves graph
Diffusion Mask
Elevation map
Error mask
FFD Displacement Field
fMRI activations
Freesurfer aseg
Freesurfer Brain Mask
Freesurfer Cortical Parcellation
Functional mask
Fus Det
GM Probability Map
Grey White Mask
Grey White Mid-Interface Volume
Hemispheres Template
Histology scan
Label volume
Left Cingular Pole Template Subject
Left CSF+GREY Mask
Left Grey White Mask
Lesion distance map
Lesion Mask
Morphologist Grey White Mask
Native space ROI
Non-specific activity ROI
Nu FreesurferAnat
P:Atlas Clique Matrix
P:Atlas Raw Labels
P:Atlas Raw Lateralization
P:Atlas Raw Prior
P:Atlas Raw Template
P:Atlas Registered Labels
P:Atlas Registered Lateralization
P:Atlas Registered Prior
P:Atlas Registered Skull Stripping Mask
P:Atlas Registered Template
P:EM Parcellation
P:EM Parcellation Proba
P:EM Prior Proba
P:Inverted MRI Mean Curvature
P:Morpho Skull Stripping Mask
P:MRI Bias Corrected
P:MRI Bias Field
P:MRI Mean Curvature
P:MRI VIP Bias Corrected
P:MRI VIP Bias Field
P:Reference Parcellation
P:Reference Parcellation Mask
P:Registration Target
P:Skull Stripping Mask
Phantom non-specific activity ROI
Probabilities Volume
Projection convolution kernels
Quantification ROI
Rainbow 3D volume
Raw T1 MRI
Ribbon Freesurfer
Right Cingular Pole Template Subject
Right CSF+GREY Mask
Right Grey White Mask
ROI mask
ROI mask coregistered in CT space
ROI mask coregistered in NM space
SPECT quantification reference ROI
SPECT quantification ROI
SPECT template non-specific activity ROI
Split Brain Mask
SPMt map
Sulci Voronoi
T1 Brain Mask
T1 FreesurferAnat
T1 MRI Bias Corrected
T1 MRI Edges
T1 MRI Filtered For Histo
T1 MRI Variance
T1 MRI White Matter Ridges
T2 Brain Mask
T2 White matter Mask
Topo Brain
Tracking regions
Tracking regions graph
Ventricule ROI
WM Probability Map